Joe Fan
10,000+ Posts
The Fergusons were populists, and pro-local control when it came to alcohol, instead of being prohibitionists. They had a reputation for corruption and accepting bribes--the main knock on them. After losing to him in 1930, Ma Ferguson unseated Governor Sterling for her 2nd term in office. It was Ma Ferguson (populist, small town, sort-of middle class, ok with alcohol) vs Ross Sterling (extremely rich, anti-alcohol, Houston guy; Sterling was not just any oilman, but one of the founders of Humble Oil--which later combined with Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey to become Exxon). After leaving office the 2nd time, she tried for a 3rd time to enter the Governor's mansion, and lost to none other than the country music star--pass the biscuits Pappy O'Daniel.
Miriam Ferguson | American politician
And if you think The University has internal squabbles now... check out Pa Ferguson's meddling. He did not like UT:
The above article also states that, in a newspaper he published, Pa Ferguson occasionally sank to that old favorite of so many demagogues worldwide--slur the Jews. Ferguson got so bad, that (according to the above article) even the KKK rebuked and ridiculed him for his over-the-top anti-Semitism.He published an article entitled The Cloven Foot of the Dallas Jew, in which he slammed Stanley Marcus (Neiman Marcus store), Alex Sanger (another department store owner), and other Jews. Ferguson was pissed that they wouldn't advertise in his newspaper (hmmmmm, I wonder why...
This is the sort of character we used to have for a Governor.
She also knocked off UT Dean George C. Butte in 1924, who was gunning to be the first Republican Gov since the days of the carpetbaggers. Almost all the honest Dem voters crossed over to vote for him, sick of the corruption of their own people. Weird how history repeats.
And speaking of corruption, it was not until Bill Clements that a Rep did finally win for Gov (1978)