Why the big pendulum will soon swing back against conservatives

IDK if it's already been said ... but in the 80s we had the Jerry Falwell "Moral Majority" seeking to influence behavior decisions via legislation.

That was wrong ... and this is too.
Look again at the picture in the OP. More comfortable in a womens or mens bathroom for the heterosexual bathroom users?

Over the past couple of days, I've shown that picture (using the name "Pat" to avoid gender labels) to about 20 women (mostly 40-somethings, plus my teenage daughter and her best friend) and asked if they would be comfortable if Pat walked into a women's bathroom. One of them said she didn't care, because she thinks all bathrooms should be gender-neutral regardless. All of the others said they would not be comfortable sharing a bathroom with Pat. I then asked if their opinion was different knowing that Pat was biologically XX and had female privates. One women changed her mind, but the others continued to say that Pat belongs in the men's room. The one who changed her opinion said she wasn't sure how she felt. Nobody I talked with said that Pat belongs in the women's room.

I respect the intellectual consistency that mb227 and others show by saying Pat belongs in the women's room. I just don't think her opinion is shared by the vast majority of Americans. I know my sample is both small and far from scientific, but I think is a pretty accurate representation of how people feel.
then how bout this ... just do it.

don't make a big fuss about it. If you're telling me I can't tell if a tranny uses the facility with my wife or daughter and they aren't able to discover ... then what's the hubub about?

It's happening now, I guarantee it.

If I can't tell the sheerah on Big T pills and hair grower but is just "one of those" who always uses the stall & not the urinal ... then why do I need to be concerned bout it?

Because, like Prodigal said ... it's a requirement I endorse the perversion.

Assuming that's some attempt at ridiculing a transgendered woman, is now a good time to point out the that North Carolina law is FORCING "sheerah on Big T pills and hair grower" to use the womens restroom?
And that's basically how it all sums up for me. Perfect world = unisex bathrooms for all. Imperfect world = allow transgendered people to use the bathroom they identify with.

Worse than the imperfect world (ours) = mock the people who have nothing to gain by using the bathroom they identify with. Using words like "perversion" and "danger" in this scenario is akin to the governor using the word "rampant" when he talks about voter fraud. Like Husker said, it's already happening and people don't know about it.
but see, keeping me ignorant of it is unacceptable.

I have to endorse the choice or I'm a hater.

There's a MO called "quiet professional" ... maybe it IS wrong to expect separate facilities ... but that's where we are.

yeah ... I was fouled-up on my example. too many things happening at one time.

But let's focus on that rather than what you've tried to say ... and also what you've omitted.

"it's happening"

but ... it's not good enough that it's happening. I have to endorse it.
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well, it does depend on the perspective.

again ... it's not good enough to just play "I gotta secret"

reference "bakery/pizza shutdown"

equal treatment isn't what's sought .... special treatment is the goal and a close second is the victory over the phobes.
well, it does depend on the perspective.

again ... it's not good enough to just play "I gotta secret"

reference "bakery/pizza shutdown"

equal treatment isn't what's sought .... special treatment is the goal and a close second is the victory over the phobes.

"Don't discriminate against me" = Special treatment?

^ What if she did not get a job, said "Don't discriminate against me!" and filed a lawsuit on racial discrimination grounds.

Look at her picture! Would you be comfortable giving a white person/her the right to sue if she looked black, felt black and believed she were black?

Feelings trump all.... and it helps to have a convincing picture I am told.
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don't offer to be discriminated against and your self-made problem never materializes.

It's pretty simple ... my eldest was relatively small and had a temper. He also had a mouth. I had to counsel him on several occasions his stature is what it is ... his temper and his mouth are ALL on him. Don't let on like it bothers you (the antagonizing) and it will not last. He finally understood and had a great second half of school.

you've already conceded the issues of the locker room. why would a bathroom be substantively different if the situation is made known?

For if one simply needs to "TCB," then there's probably no issue ... but, as has been reported by the Charlotte Observer, the prime lobbyist for this allotment ... a convicted sex offender and chair of the local (state?) LGBT.


So ... it's a political agenda, nothing more.
This was a lot happier world for me when all these people stayed in their closet. I knew they were out there, but I was not required to assent. I am old enough to remember when "Don't ask, don't tell" was an official policy of the US.
This was a lot happier world for me when all these people stayed in their closet. I knew they were out there, but I was not required to assent. I am old enough to remember when "Don't ask, don't tell" was an official policy of the US.

I remember when there was a bright line distinction between the transsexual (most of whom simply wanted to get on with their life) versus all of the other fetishists that the "T" dragged under a singular umbrella when they shoehorned their way into the GLB. That was not a move championed by the transsexual crowd and, on a regular basis, though few in number, some of them try to point out the differences in circumstance.

What the mainstream media ALSO does not tell the public is that the SUBSTANTIAL percentage of the men in dresses have ZERO interest in surgery. They continue to maintain fully functional male genitalia. Yet despite that, they want the courts to create a legal fiction to allow them to change not only drivers licenses but also birth certificates to show them as female.

I believe even the staunchest of conservatives would have been far more cognizant of the potential need for legal protections had the freak contingent not successfully assimilated every gender non-conforming label under the umbrella concept...and, quite frankly, with rare exception, I doubt the true transsexual even needs additional carve-out legal protections since most of them functioned in society without incident, without waving the 'look at me' flag and without trying to play professional victim...
, without waving the 'look at me' flag and without trying to play professional victim...

Great post mb227

and you speak to the primary ill of our society right here in your closing ... and it's not limited to the homosexual ... gender non-conforming label ... either.
What the mainstream media ALSO does not tell the public is that the SUBSTANTIAL percentage of the men in dresses have ZERO interest in surgery.

I had never heard this before, so I did a few minutes of digging. Unfortunately, I didn't find much and what I did find seems to come from the far left. Can you point me to something more credible?

Here is a link to what I did find, btw:

The Human Rights Campaign has launched a new series of online videos aptly titled "Debunking the Myths: Transgender Health & Well-Being"

The first video, "Myth #1: Surgery is a Top Priority for All Transgender People," addresses the false notion that gender-confirming surgeries are essential to every transgender person's identity. In reality, only 33 percent of transgender people have reported undergoing some form of gender-confirming surgery, with 14 percent of transgender women and 21 percent of transgender men not interested in ever having genital surgery.
If this is accurate, a large majority of MTFs (86%) are interested in genital surgery, but a much smaller fraction (33% of MTFs and FTMs combined) have actually had surgery.
I just want to pee in peace and sometimes a fart is not a fart and it is embarrassing enough in front of the boys......

Well, you know, if this would cause men's bathroom designers to pony up for a full floor to ceiling partition between the urinals, then perhaps some good can come of this for me. Some of us have "stage fright" issues and I don't know where these designers got the idea that we want to stand there and have a conversation with or even look at our neighbor next door. I imagine it's really about saving a buck more than anything but it is maddening to me. I am old enough now to admit I suffer from "stage fright". Perhaps my boldness in admitting it here will help others to come out of the shame closet and demand more privacy in the men's room.
Phil, Phil, Phil. It is all in the presentation.

You said "I am old enough now to admit I suffer from "stage fright". That's so weak. Nobody is going to sympathize with a wussy statement like that.

Try instead: I have had to live my life under the horrible cloud of fear. After hundreds of hours and untold thousands of dollars of therapy I finally realized I have been a victim (emphasize the word "victim", make yourself tear up and preferably choke back a sob as you say it) of the dominant white male architects who design bathrooms in this country. Stage fright is not something to joke about. I am finally old enough to acknowledge it is a real medical condition and admit I have it, and I am brave enough to stand here at this press conference and admit it, and I demand changes in the design of every public bathroom in the United States so the untold number of other victims (again, emphasize the word) of this horrible disease do not have to suffer the burden of fear and humiliation that has all but ruined my life.

See how it works? Embellish that as you see fit, but the principle is to let your inner drama queen rule and you might just be able to affect a meaningful change in society. Always remember, there are lots of other drama queens with lots of other agendas busy at work out there, so the competition is fierce. But I have faith in you! Now go get 'em!
Breathed has a Facebook page and posts fresh material on his own schedule.
Breathed was the Big Man on Campus when I was at UT. His Academia Waltz cartoon was hilarious and the Fall Fashion Guide caricaturing frat guys, sorority girls and the natural types from the Art Department, was inspired.

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