If someone claimed to be the queen of france, really truly believed it and insisted everyone call them "your highness", we would say that person was delusional.
If someone is born with male parts, has the genetic code of a man, and claims to be a woman, we say "nature got it wrong." I fail to see any sort of scientific or rational basis for considering someone believing to be the opposite sex to be anything other than delusional. Their beliefs do not match reality. Like other types of delusional people, when they start mutilating themselves, they are physically harming themselves. Yet, for some reason, many rational people consider sex part delusions to be different from other delusions. Why? I do not know. I see no rational basis to consider anyone who thinks they are a gender different from their genetics anything other than delusional. I see no logical basis to treat their delusions different than any other delusions.
I mean, this seems like basic scientific fact. I hear people on the left say "climate change deniers do not believe in science" (for the record, I do not agree with the right, I think it is quite clear pollution is bad and think we do need to work on the environement). The left also criticizes religion over science. Then the left accepts someone can be a gender other than their genetics because.... why? I guess if you beleive in reincarnation? I just do not see a rational basis.
Personally, I would say no government regulation either way and let everyone manage their own bathrooms. However THE LEFT (despite what crocket said) started this. Charlotte passed an "everyone compliment the emperor on his clothes" law. They required that businesses allow any gender into the restroom of their choice or face a lawsuit. It's a lot like the children's book "the emperor has no clothes." A city said "everyone pretend that gender delusional people's delusions are real OR ELSE." The state responded too far in the other way. The state required people to go in the bathroom that corresponds with their genetics (apparently scientific fact based law over irrational belief and feelings law is "redneck" now. What a time to be alive!).
The truth is, no one should have been passing any damn laws in the first place. If a business wants to let or not let transgendered use a particular bathroom, that should be up to them.
Instead the liberals demanded that everyone pretend the naked emperor was wearing great looking clothes so no feelings would get hurt. Requiring everyone to play along with a delusional person does not help them. All it gives us is a naked emperor, or in our case a man in a tutu in the stall next to your daughter, with less dignity than they started with and possibly physically harming themselves before it is all said and done. (Even crazier, some doctors assist delusional people on physically harming themselves... because gender delusionals are magical unlike other delusions?)
If someone can give me a reason to believe that a transgendered person with correct genetics (not those that were born with abnormal genetics and assigned a gender which are rare and not the topic of discussion) is not delusional and the reason is not "feelings" nonsense, I am listening. I have talked with biologists and other medical professionals and I can never get a reason that is not ultimately "feelings." "Feelings" is not a legitimate argument. Delusional people geniunely feel or believe their delusions.
Apparently its not a hormonal imbalance either. At the very least, everyone accepting of transgendered, please give me your reason for believing a transgendered is not delusional and why this is not the logical explanation. If you do not have a reason other than feelings, explain to me why people suffering from gender delusions should be treated differently than those suffering from other delusions.