Who are you voting for in the Texas primary?

Robert O'Rourke may be all hype and no substance, which means he's unlikely to actally improve anything, but if Greg Abbott doesn't at least pretend to start caring about the repeated power failures he may actually lose this one.
WHAT repeated power failures?

An issue at a local level that is generally storm-related is NOT an Abbott or State-level issue. It just isn't. That is a local operator issue.

AND...the news about other grids shows that the incessant whining about ERCOT and how allegedly horrid it might be is, in fact, crap. The national media has indirectly illustrated WHY Texas does not want to be on a national grid.

Never forget that Beta wants what every Demonrat seems to want...a citizenry beholden to the federal government.
Robert O'Rourke may be all hype and no substance, which means he's unlikely to actally improve anything, but if Greg Abbott doesn't at least pretend to start caring about the repeated power failures he may actually lose this one.

Greg Abbott not caring one bit >>>>> Francis O'Rourke caring a whole hell of a lot
WHAT repeated power failures?

An issue at a local level that is generally storm-related is NOT an Abbott or State-level issue. It just isn't. That is a local operator issue.

AND...the news about other grids shows that the incessant whining about ERCOT and how allegedly horrid it might be is, in fact, crap. The national media has indirectly illustrated WHY Texas does not want to be on a national grid.

Never forget that Beta wants what every Demonrat seems to want...a citizenry beholden to the federal government.

They haven't repeated since February 2021, correct. Also, correct that ERCOT isn't any worse than the other grids in the US.

However, Abbott, RINO, and Democrat priorities have lead to a worse grid than we had 10 years ago. Remember 2011? We had 90 straight days over 100 degrees and even more outside the streak. I don't remember any news saying that the grid was about to fail. You know why? Because it was based on deployable coal and natural gas and the percentage wind and solar was less.

In order to improve we actually need to go backwards to 1980s or 1990s technology where it concerns power generation.
Well Mona is right
But we also have to factor in this is the same equipment 11 years later. No new plants Huge increase in population and forced reliance on unreliable solar and wind
Mona is also right, nuclear plants could ease the burden
Obviously, I wasn't in Texas for the big freeze and the power failure. I'm sure it sucked, but I'm not sure why some people freaked out about it or think some major changes are needed. It was the worst winter conditions in about 120 years. I'm not saying no improvements should be made, but a little perspective is in order. California, which routinely has power outages, would kill to have a grid that only failed under conditions that bad.
By the way, I'm just gonna throw this out there. If you voted for Ken Paxton, you suck like OU. He'll win again in November because the Democratic nominee is a total freak show (They also had a chance to pick a relatively sane person but chose not to), but basically their idiocy is the only thing that's going to save our *** in November. The GOP voters basically thought, "since the Democrats are going to put a lunatic on the ballot, let's put a plate of **** on the ballot and find out if we can still win in November."
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Obviously, I wasn't in Texas for the big freeze and the power failure. I'm sure it sucked, but I'm not sure why some people freaked out about it or think some major changes are needed. It was the worst winter conditions in about 120 years. I'm not saying no improvements should be made, but a little perspective is in order. California, which routinely has power outages, would kill to have a grid that only failed under conditions that bad.
The masses keep ignoring, as does Beta and the MSM, that one of the issues with Icepocalypse was that the weatherization inspections were not hands-on, and were instead done virtually due to the alleged concerns over 'rona.

ERCOT has to own the blame for that failure by having allowed it and most of their Board resigned...I still wish criminal investigations would have ensued because I believe it was something on par with the issues from the early aughts that saw ERCOT execs doing TDCJ time. However, with proper inspections, there is nothing to suggest that the outages would have been anywhere close to the level that existed.

Sadly, too many ALSO failed to accept lessons related to personal accountability. Society has become so soft that they don't know how to cope and instead look to blame someone for their own inability to plan. The photos of people throwing out processed cheese and butter and eggs because the power went out were appalling...I guess they were too stupid to think about putting them in the garage or on the porch, given that it was refrigerator/freezer types of temps outside. Too many refused to use a fireplace when available- even decorative gas logs put out SOME heat. Too many refused to wear coats inside or get under the covers of the bed. Was it comfortable? No. It was definitely an inconvenience. And my home got into the 40's inside by the time everything was said and done...I took a picture of the thermostat (battery backup, so room temps were live) in the master bedroom and it was 45 degrees on the last day of the outage.

And, as to summer...plenty of Texans who have been in the State for more than a decade or two have gone through hurricanes that left us without power for up to a week at a time. That is often August or September...you know, the hot months. And, in many cases, there was work to be done cleaning up. But even those are not grid failures...that is a localized issue related to downed lines, and many companies have gotten good at getting power lines back up and running.

There is no question that the grid needs additional capacity, but it is not temperature related. It is a device-related need, especially as more and more insist on EV's and other huge resource sucks. But that increased capacity is NOT going to come by relying upon wind and solar. Even hydroelectric is not the solution. Those three things should be complements to coal, gas/oil, and nuclear.
I disagree with this. Its not worse, it the same grid we've had, but we haven't grown it to stay ahead of the population boom.

But the base load has grown to compensate for population growth. The problem is not that capacity didn't grow. The problem is that natural gas and coal was replaced with wind and solar and new growth bas wind and solar. That should show the bullseye on this problem.
The grid worked just fine in the summer when it was 100+ every day. It only failed when entire sections shut down do to literal freezing for a week straight.

I'm pretty sure that freezing issue has been "resolved" however now they're already telling us to raise the thermostat because we are at risk of crashing the system due to "high temps" when it's only 95 degrees outside. What happens when it's 105 and those pansies from the west start melting like the wicked witch? They'll have their thermostats set to 65 degrees. I agree with Mona that it's also about the unreliable energy being supplied.
I'm pretty sure that freezing issue has been "resolved" however now they're already telling us to raise the thermostat because we are at risk of crashing the system due to "high temps" when it's only 95 degrees outside. What happens when it's 105 and those pansies from the west start melting like the wicked witch? They'll have their thermostats set to 65 degrees. I agree with Mona that it's also about the unreliable energy being supplied.

In my 43 years of life the Texas grid has never had a problem in the summer. Was there talk in the summer of 2020 of the grid going out due to heat? I sure don't remember that.
In my 43 years of life the Texas grid has never had a problem in the summer. Was there talk in the summer of 2020 of the grid going out due to heat? I sure don't remember that.

You're 43? Why did I think you were older? You're a few years younger than my sorry ***.
I assumed my handle would give my age away but I guess not. :whiteflag:

Not necessarily. For example, I'm about to turn 46. I should have graduated in 1998 but left college temporarily to work at the Capitol and instead graduated in 1999. My sister should have graduated in 1992, but she got pregnant by some loser and had to drop out and didn't graduate until 1998. **** happens. Hell, since we now know men can get pregnant, how could I know that didn't happen to you? Lol.
Sadly, too many ALSO failed to accept lessons related to personal accountability. Society has become so soft that they don't know how to cope and instead look to blame someone for their own inability to plan.
truer words have never been spoken. I saw this interview on Spectrum a few days ago where some dude talking about his electricity use claimed it was his right to keep his AC at 65. Our grandparents, never mind the thousands of years before that, would be so ashamed of how weak and coddled we have all become. There is that sign on The Tavern proclaiming their AC. it was a luxury in many places as recently as the 1950's. How did we turn into such dependent little brats so quickly?
truer words have never been spoken. I saw this interview on Spectrum a few days ago where some dude talking about his electricity use claimed it was his right to keep his AC at 65. Our grandparents, never mind the thousands of years before that, would be so ashamed of how weak and coddled we have all become. There is that sign on The Tavern proclaiming their AC. it was a luxury in many places as recently as the 1950's. How did we turn into such dependent little brats so quickly?
I get cold when the A/C is under 78...at night, I am usually at 80 with a ceiling fan and I STILL have a down comforter on the bed...
I get cold when the A/C is under 78...at night, I am usually at 80 with a ceiling fan and I STILL have a down comforter on the bed...

Ok, that's insane. Where I live it's in the upper 40s at night. I still run my ghetto hose-out-the-window AC unit at night with a fan blowing on me. I sleep under a light duvet from Ikea.
By the way, I'm just gonna throw this out there. If you voted for Ken Paxton, you suck like OU. He'll win again in November because the Democratic nominee is a total freak show (They also had a chance to pick a relatively sane person but chose not to), but basically their idiocy is the only thing that's going to save our *** in November. The GOP voters basically thought, "since the Democrats are going to put a lunatic on the ballot, let's put a plate of **** on the ballot and find out if we can still win in November."

Yep. He's a slimy MoFo. And we chose him anyway even though we didn't have to.

Yep. He's a slimy MoFo. And we chose him anyway even though we didn't have to.
There wasn't any other viable choice. And slimy doesn't always mean ineffective.

I spent yesterday dealing with idiots on Twitter who don't understand what damage Dora the Explorer dud to Harris County courts by closing them for so long. Some even maintained the case was still in Collin County because they read a Texas Tribune article from two years ago.
Gohmert and Eva Guzman aren't viable choices?
Gohmert resembles a dead armadillo at the side of the road...and Guzman has too much unfavorable baggage in the current climate given her husband's employment in law enforcement. I liked her in general but felt it was tossing a vote away and giving the Dems a chance to get their immigration-friendly candidate elected. I knew others who felt similar...
Gohmert resembles a dead armadillo at the side of the road...and Guzman has too much unfavorable baggage in the current climate given her husband's employment in law enforcement. I liked her in general but felt it was tossing a vote away and giving the Dems a chance to get their immigration-friendly candidate elected. I knew others who felt similar...

Considering that Paxton is almost surely a felon, that's pretty weak. I understand the hesitancy to vote for George P, but to reject one candidate because of baldism and the other because of what her husband does seems pretty silly. If Paxton was a perfect candidate, then sure, but the guy is a total mess.

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