Who are you voting for in the Texas primary?

Bitcoin and the Cowboys Super Bowl champs again. The Man and the Moment have met!!

now if the Dems can come up with a candidate who favors a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing Women Who Used to be Men rights to federally funded abortions and mandatory acid trips for pre kinders the two parties will have achieved equilibrium
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Well. He is talking about the Cowboys to be funny I think. If you use that to criticize him, I think you miss the point.

now if the Dems can come up with a candidate who favors a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing Women Who Used to be Men rights to federally funded abortions and mandatory acid trips for pre kinders the two parties will have achieved equilibrium

That is like saying there is an equilibrium between sanity and insanity.
Huffy was at 4 percent in the last poll I looked - tied with the Rick Perry who was not the governor.

As before, Abbott isn't much, but he's serviceable and will sign any conservative measures put before him. Take the easy win with him against Beta-Male and focus on various State and House seats to put more R's in office.
There was a power outage last night in North Dallas.
Some are already blaming Abbott and the grid
Ignoring the huge power pole down and lying across the street.
I am not a fan of Oncor but they sent out a tweet that power would be restored by 6:30 am. They beat the time .
But some will still blame Abbott
There was a power outage last night in North Dallas.
Some are already blaming Abbott and the grid
Ignoring the huge power pole down and lying across the street.
I am not a fan of Oncor but they sent out a tweet that power would be restored by 6:30 am. They beat the time .
But some will still blame Abbott

Yeah, there are random "normal" outages across the state, but no widespread half the state type of thing. I have my generator all ready to crank up but haven't needed it yet.
There was a power outage last night in North Dallas.
Some are already blaming Abbott and the grid
Ignoring the huge power pole down and lying across the street.
I am not a fan of Oncor but they sent out a tweet that power would be restored by 6:30 am. They beat the time .
But some will still blame Abbott

Oncor is a private company too. See how private companies value your use of their product more than nationalized companies? The Texas Leg hasn't done much. ERCOT hasn't done much. Oncor sent out a text a couple of days ago saying they were preparing to respond to power outages. They had to move resources around and put employees on call or pay overtime to do so.

Our politicians basically sat on their @sses.
Yeah, there are random "normal" outages across the state, but no widespread half the state type of thing. I have my generator all ready to crank up but haven't needed it yet.

I read one reason is that wind turbines didn't take a huge $hit like they did last year. We are dependent on turbines turning in West Texas in order to avoid massive outages. Need more deployable coal, gas, and nuclear. Until the TexLeg takes subsidies away from wind and solar we will be an ice storm in Winters, TX away from outages in major cities.
There was a power outage last night in North Dallas.
Some are already blaming Abbott and the grid
Ignoring the huge power pole down and lying across the street.
I am not a fan of Oncor but they sent out a tweet that power would be restored by 6:30 am. They beat the time .
But some will still blame Abbott
Power outages from ice storms brining down lines and poles is a far different situation than there not being enough power for the system.

But since Beta-Male has staked his whole candidacy on there being another long and widespread power outage, the media is happy to repeat his talking points and fluff him up.
His biggest ticket is going to be expansion of healthcare for those who could be covered if the state allowed it. The uninsured are going to get buried with promptings to vote their interests.
I don’t expect to see a lot of direct mail on it but they will

one thing that has changed a lot in the thirty years since I worked campaigns is the targeting efficiency re chosen constituencies. Beto did that well four years ago and the Texas Dems are as good at it now as the Republicans. I still think Abbott wins but no cakewalk like before
I read one reason is that wind turbines didn't take a huge $hit like they did last year. We are dependent on turbines turning in West Texas in order to avoid massive outages. Need more deployable coal, gas, and nuclear. Until the TexLeg takes subsidies away from wind and solar we will be an ice storm in Winters, TX away from outages in major cities.

I was racing this storm coming home from Midland on Wednesday. The ice hit the turbines for sure but not nearly like snowpocalypse last year.
Whaaaaa? Bush saying he’ll finish the wall? I thought the Bush family hated Trump. Good ol politicians.
Setting aside that his office cannot influence that construction, it matters not whether the family hates Trump. They are smart enough to see where the masses are leaning...and right now, Texas voters generally want SOMETHING that lessens the sieve since the federal government won't step up to do the job...
So who's voting for this chick? Link.
Considering she had the SA News-Express endorsement over the others, I actually AM inclined to still vote for her since she at least HAS experience as an oil and gas attorney. Was the ad stupid? Sure. Does it impact her ability to do the job? No.

If anything, she DID highlight the issues with sexism in that industry.
Considering she had the SA News-Express endorsement over the others, I actually AM inclined to still vote for her since she at least HAS experience as an oil and gas attorney. Was the ad stupid? Sure. Does it impact her ability to do the job? No.

If anything, she DID highlight the issues with sexism in that industry.

Was the ad stupid? I'm not sure that it was. It attracted a lot of attention she wasn't getting before. She was just a name on a ballot. Now she's that chick who got naked in her ad.

And let's be honest. For a politician, she looks pretty good though my eye tells me she has had a boob job.
Harris county is the most populated in Texas, and one of the most important battlegrounds in the state. With Republicans running up huge vote differentials in smaller and rural counties, Democrats need to win and win big in counties like Harris, otherwise they're blown out at a statewide level.

The Harris County Commission was 4-1 Republican back in 2018, then lost two seats in that election from Beta Male's coattails, and top of the ballot straight line voting by party (no longer an option). The danger is that Harris County stays Democrat run, and they use their huge budget spending to steer money to Democrat groups, and build up the power base to the point that, like LA County, Cook County, etc. the entire area is no longer a battle ground, and so it's rural vs. city at a statewide level. As seen in CA or IL, this doesn't work out well for Republicans.

This year, there are 3 competitive seats - District 4, where Jack Cagle (R) is running for reelection, and various Democrats are in a primary to oppose him.

District 2, currently held by the slimy Adrian Garcia (D) had several Republicans running opposite him, including the guy who lost in 2018 by only 1500 votes - Jack Morman. I've donated to his campaign, and met him a couple of times, and he's a genuinely nice and pleasant guy. He did a good job at the County Commission while serving there 2011-2019, and is very electable. He's my pick.


County Judge is another big race, with 5-7 candidates running to oppose Lena Hidalgo, the "Dora the Explorer", or "El Commendate", as she's called here. She's was a throwaway pick for the Democrats in 2018 and no one expected a 28 ish year old with no prior experience doing anything except going to college to defeat Ed Emmit, but she was swept in from the Democrat sweep in Harris County, which includes judges who give low bond to murder suspects (150 murders from people out on bond so far).

None of the Republican candidates have much name recognition - lots of new faces and hopefully some young talent. After a recommendation, I looked up Alexandra Mealer, and decided to vote for her. She's a Army vet (though a West Pointy which is a horrid black mark!), and then went to law school and has an MBA, so some good mental firepower and ability to do hard work. She works in energy finance now, and would be a very tough opponent for El Commendate.

Alexandra Mealer For Harris County Judge

In State Senate seat 11, Larry Taylor isn't running, and lots of candidates are vying to fill that position. There's no Democrat even running, so whoever wins the Republican primary is the winner. I'm going with Mays Middleton. He's currently the state House rep for Chambers county area, and has a strong conservative voting record. I met him a few times too, and he seems like a good guy. His staff really likes him too, and I've always said to judge a leader by how they treat their staff (see the CONGRESSWOMAN!!! Shelia Jackson Lee as the opposite example, as she's usually voted the worst boss in DC).

Mayes Middleton for Texas Senate – Mayes Middleton is a conservative reupublican who values faith, family, and fiscal responsibility.

Who are your picks, and why?
Learned something today as I voted.
In the slot for Governor Rick Perry's name was first, Then all the others in no order I could figure out. Abbott was near the bottom.
I asked and was told the order was determined by a drawing done by the Secretary of State.
Ags must have loved that.
Learned something today as I voted.
In the slot for Governor Rick Perry's name was first, Then all the others in no order I could figure out. Abbott was near the bottom.
I asked and was told the order was determined by a drawing done by the Secretary of State.
Ags must have loved that.
We are going to find out in a few hours JUST how many ill-informed voters there are in this State...since, after all, it is NOT the former Governor.

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