Where is Eric Braverman?

Day 238 (Part 1) Uranium One Shipping Through Maersk and GulfTainer to Iran and Iraq, Dumping Spent Vessels in Bangladesh?

Day 238 (Part 2) Moving to the Judiciary Committees Now - Bob Goodlatte, Chuck Grassley for a Finding in Fact

Day 238 (Part 3) Four Containers Tested Positive For Excessive Radiation in Charleston, SC As Per Coast Guard

Day 238 (Part 4) Did DHS Drop the Ball on Nuclear Detection at Ports? McDonough and Lew Blocking Obama Again?

Day 238 (Part 5) Port of Vancouver Rad Detectors - Goal Post, Robot Arm, or None. WSJ 2015 Says They Scrapped Detectors in US

Day 238 (Part 6) Cynthia Martin, COS For John Conyers, Could Be an Awan By Salary and Credit Union Troubles, and Receiving Stolen Property

Day 239 (Part 1) McLatchey Reports Four Diplomatic Containers, Don't Know Who Sent Them From Pakistan or India, Don't Know If They Were Hot, Judiciary PowerPoint To Goodlatte and Grassley

Day 239 (Part 2) Do Journalists Remember Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why? Why Make Pronouncements Before You Know?

Day 239 (Part 3) Did the Maersk Memphis Make a Quick Run To Savannah To Drop the Four Diplomatic Containers For the Anna Maersk To Clear Two Days Later? , Cynthia Martin and the Haiti - Florida Organ Donor Registry?

Day 239 (Part 4) Diplomatic Pouch Loophole - Do the Awans Have Diplomatic Passports With A-1 Status To Send Diplomatic Containers? Qasim, Pakistan Does Radiation Testing For US Ports of Call?

Day 239 (Part 5) Establishing Modus Operandi Exposes Ratlines, Makes Everyone More Aware By End of Day

Day 240 (Part 1) $100M Defamation Lawsuit Versus Andrew McCabe. We Are All Plaintiffs

Day 240 (Part 2) Craig Murray Interview - He Watches American University Video, Ohio Opiate Lawsuit, Purdue Pharmaceuticals.

Day 240 (Part 3) Pakistan Depleted Uranium Ratline, Dupont Purdue Pharma, World Court For DU, My Lawsuit

Day 240 (Part 4) Two Hours With Cliiff Arnebeck, Bob Fitrakus Bonus, Kim Dotcom Apology

Day 240 (Part 5) Update - Pakistan Ordnance Factories - Your Trusted For Depleted Uranium Ammunition

Day 240 (Part 6) Return to Marc Turi, General Grange, an Small Northeast Arms Dealers - POF To Foxtrotting Yankees

Good stuff today. Ever wonder where weapons using depleted uranium comes from?

Day 241 (Part 1) Depleted Uranium, White Phosphorouso, and the Foxtrotting Yankees

Day 241 (Part 2) Looks Like the FBI Manages Sales of Highly Enriched Uranium and Depleted Uranium

Day 241 (Part 3) SGS Pakistan and Durraini Make Mangos Sail Through Ports

Day 242 (Part 1) Imran Finally Leaves Pakistan Customs Service, Hillary and Mueller Uranium Games, Not Aping Orwell, My Experiences Are Real As Well

Day 242 (Part 2) Savannah River Site, $12M Cost Overrun on Mox Plant, $200,000 Per Ton Disposal Fee, 20 Tons Per Container, No Wonder Imran Retired From Pakistani Customs House

Day 242 (Part 3) What Does NADRA Mean? Ratlines - Physical and Financial

Day 243 (Part 1) Red Pill Conference, Javed Illegal Cigarettes, and Serbia UN Lawsuit

Day 243 (Part 2) Is Uranium the FBI's Kryptonite? Nice Plutonium Footprints - Finally!

Day 243 (Part 3) Gladio, Gladio B, Situation Ethics, and the Moral Bankruptcy of Gladio C

Day 244 (Part 5) Bureau of Investigative Journnalists, National Union of Journalists, and Daughtry and Chambers

Day 244 (Part 7) All People Want Is Truth. CNN School Plays Found Wanting

Day 246 (Part 2) Jason Chaffetz on Awan Brothers, Jack Lew GulfTainer Deal, Clear and Present Danger Still Exists

Day 246 (Part 4) Finicum, Flying HEU Samples, Jack Lew Embargo = Ratlines, Purple Glow, Haze, and Rain

Day 247 (Part 1) LONG AND LATS For Three Murdered Florida Attorneys, Maltego, and Trello

Day 247 (Part 2) We Have All Three Addresses of Dead Lawyers, New Awan Brothers Petition, Imran Awan Hid Rent Checks, Never Showed For Work

Day 248 (Part 1) Summary Where Awan Brothers Investigation Stands.

Day 248 (Part 2) MAERSK Hacked, Kings and Princes of Qatar and €AE Rest East, Active Shooter For Whistleblowers Again

Day 250 Port of Newark Shuts Down After Maersk Anna Cleared of "Blind" Cargo, 2011 US Agreement For Uranium "Leasing", 2013 For EU

Day 251 (Part 1) Khanashin, Yemeni Girl, $28M King of Morocco Bribe, and Who Moved the NGP/VAN Files? Local, State, Congressional, and Presidential Sweep Up on July 7th, 2016 to the Clinton Foundation? Really?

Day 251 (Part 2) WND's Garth Kant Breaks the MSM Awan Logjam, Jen's Stoltenberg Invokes Chernobyl Over Maersk APM MECL Hack/NADRA Bank Hack, and Nate G Pearlman Backgrounder

Day 252 (Part 1) Ho and Blow to Hearts and Darts, the Story of the Clinton Foundation

Day 252 (Part 2) In Search of Braverman's Peoples Improv Theater

Day 253 (Part 1) Why Eric Braverman and Justin Cooper Are More Important Than Seth Rich

Day 253 (Part 2) Focusing in on the Golan Heights, Genie Energy, and Hospitals in Aleppo

Day 254 (Part 1) Teneo, Decisions Sciences, Podesta Group, David Grange and Port of Norfolk, and DC Dept of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

Day 254 (Part 3) From Blow to White Phosphorous - Bill's vs Hills at the Clinton Foundation

Day 255 (Part 1) Not a Conspiracy, They Are Called Cameras, Giddy Walk With GID Rollerbombs

Day 255 (Part 2) Keith Mestrich and SEIU Bank, Er I Mean Amalgamated Bank

Day 256 (Part 1) Wikileaks Releases 1,800 Attempts By CIA To Influence Screenplays

Day 256 (Part 2) Seth Rich's Server Phoning Home - To His Laptop at 1222 Euclid Ave

Day 256 (Part 3) Braverman Goes To Press Then FBI, Cooper, Becomes NY FBI Informant, Beth Jones' Victory Fund Payments From Andrew Tobias DNC State Fund Thefts Jared Beck Lawsuit, Seth Rich

Day 257 (Part 1) Dmitri Alperovitch and Crowdstrike, Awans, CozyDukes, CozyBears, and Other Hacking Teams

Day 257 (Part 2) Awans Tobias To Jones For DNC Cash, Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch Want To Replace Mueller

Day 258 (Part 1) Trump Tweet Everyone Talking About Why Podesta Gave Servers To Crowdstrike Instead of FBI

Day 258 (Part 2) Amalgamated Bank Account Numbers - Cars For Donald Trump Jr.

Day 259 (Part 1) Awan Brothers Just Unfortunate Intelligence Officers Shipping Depleted Uranium Weapons, Caught in the Renamed But Same Iran Contra Maelstrom? Omaha Offutt Air Force Base - Big

Day 259 (Part 2) RATLINES With Johnny, Where To Next?

Day 259 (Part 4) Our Summer of York, the Key to Everything

Day 260 (Part 1) Fusion GPS, Pee-Pee Dossiers, Setting Up Don Trump Jr, and Bending Shakespeare To Our Noble Purposes

Day 260 (Part 2) Mueller's Anti-Corruption Crusaders? A Clinton Foundation Fixtures - Andy Goldstein, Jeannie Rhee, Aaron Zebley, and Zainab Ahmad

Day 263 (Part 1) SILK WAY Airlines, 350 Diplomatic Arms Shipments From Bulgaria to Turkey, Dilyana Gaytandshieva About To Be a Household Name


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