Where is Eric Braverman?

Day 208 (Part 1) When Parents Don't Act Like Parents, Police Don't Act Like Police, You Might Have a "School Play"

Day 208 (Part 3) Joe Capone Thinks He Is Helping By Providing Zero Footprints for "Diplomats" at His Bar. Strip Club Close, Two Guatemalans Burn Up in Fairfax, VA the Next Day

Day 208 (Part 4) Find to find Bernie Democrats that Hillary stole from look for Democrats accused of mishandling funds

Day 208 (Part 5) Offutt Air Force Base is going to connect Seth Rich's parents to the old finders case in Omaha and to Mena Airport

Day 208 (Part 10) Lee Stranahan's Citizen's Journalism School

Day 209 (Part 1) My Interrogation and Near Arrest at NSA, Ctaig Murray's Thumbdrives Handouts in May and September

Day 209 (Part 3) How the fentanyl cab works with the propofol interview

Day 209 (Part 5) Seth Rich Really Lived at 1222 Euclid Be Because I Walked It. - You Can Too Right Now

Day 209 (Part 6) "Friends" in the Ambulance With Seth Rich at 4:20AM? Yellow Oval Room at White House.

Day 209 (Part 8) Where Did Craig Murray Get the Braverman Drop in September? May Drop From Seth Rich?

Day 210 (Part 1) Seth Rich Timeline Will Be Key, Keep Citations Coming With Most Significant Paragraphs

Day 210 (Part 2) Craig Murray Drop at American University September 22nd, 2016

Day 210 (Part 3) Paging Dr Eowyn and Dr. SAVA, or Is It Dr. Ateljevich?

Day 210 (Part 5) Shawn Luce Met Seth Rich at Columbia Heights Metro Before Getting Beers and Syncing

Day 210 (Part 9) Epilogue to the CIA FU Ratline

Day 211 (Part 1) Five IT Staffers Report Awan Server and "thin clients" - BlackBerry Sync Again?

Day 211 (Part 6) Frank Sowers Didn't Discover Data Pipe

Day 211 (Part 7) Did Eric Scott Braverman Try the First Drop in Chelsea the Night of the Chelsea Bombing Before Trying a Second Drop With Craig Murray on Sept 23rd

Day 212 (Part 2) Heather Podesta Connected To Seth Rich Doctor?

Day 212 (Part 6) Looking For the Lost $7.7T shout out to Cynthia McKinney and Catherine Austin Fitts

Day 212 (Part 8) Podesta Runs the Enforcement Network for Hillary Since Foster, FU Network Is Total Revenge, Even When Not an Enemy, SEIU Janitors Know How to Put a White Coat On For a Three

Day 212 (Part 9) Look Who Else Lives On 19th Street Off Dupont Circle

Day 212 (Part 10) Made contact with Liz Crokin, Told Her About 22 Visits to the White House by Dr Savas his wife and six for him

Day 213 (Part1) Cracking the Seth Rich Case Is Not Enough, We Need to Crack All the Hacks.

Day 213 (Part 3) Tres Gowdy Office Visit, DWS Threatens Capitol Police

Day 213 (Part 10) All You Need is an Intern With a Laptop and a Blackberry From Anthony's Trusted Staff

Day 213 (Part 11) Twenty Congressmen Lost Their Thin Clients and Blackberries the Same Day?

Day 213 (Part 12) Return to the Good Old Days of Quiet Ratlines?

Day 214 (Part 1) Eric Braverman's Last Steps Before the Run to the Russian Consulate?

Day 214 (Part 5) School Plays - Seth Rich, Kim Dotcom, and Guccifer 2

Day 214 (Part 7) Who is Eric Braverman?

Day 214 (Part 13) Jason and I Ask For Chief Verderosa, Get PIO

Day 215 (Part 1) Guccifer/McCabe Hacks Amy Pascal of Sony, Podesta-Nides Can't Get "Donation", Obama Jokes Go Public

Day 215 (Part 2) Anthony Weiner's Startup Provide H1Bs for Awans?

Day 215 (Part 3) Hina Alvi SUPRACOR Indicted 2010

Day 215 (Part 5) Drudge Releases FBI Report That Says FBI Illegally Shared Electronic Communications With Third Parties and Govt Contractors

Day 215 (Part 9) Was Seth Rich About to Testify in the Sean Lucas DNC Case? Pagliano?

Day 215 (Part 16) DNC Lawsuit Lawyer Jared Beck Chats With Us, Part 1


Day 215 (Part 17) Jared Beck Chats With Us Part 2


Day 215 (Part 18) John Solomon of Circa News tells us about FBI surveillance, we tell him about the Awan brothers


Day 215 (Part 19) McCabe Pee Pee Dossier Maybe Partially True

Day 216 (Part 4) Collecting Metadata For the Four Leaks - DCC, DNC, CF, and Podesta

Day 216 (Part 6) DAI, USAID, Alan Gross Conviction, Phillip Agee, ex-CIA, Says DAI Is Obvious CIA Front. DAI Ratlines in Pakistan

Day 216 (Part 8) We're not saying Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia Steven Wasserman is Debbie Wasserman Shultz's brother, but if he is, would it be a conflict of interest with regard to

Day 216 (Part 10) Donor Hospital at Bottom of Hill, Recipient Hospital on the Top With a Big Fence, Doctors Coming From VA, Add a Children's Hospital to Double the Harvest

Day 216 (Part 11) George layers independent Pakistani special forces onto yesterday's East West Lahore to Mons rat line breakdown. Pakistani 111?

Day 217 (Part 1) Was Bob Creamer in the White House July 7th, 2016? SEIU 722? What Did the VAN Voter System Move To CF and Boston on July 7th?

Day 217 (Part 4) Why FBI Seth Rich Memo is a Fake, MWW Op Signature

Day 217 (Part 13) Was Seth Rich Declared Brain Dead at Howard University Hospital?

Da6 217 (Part 14) Two Hush Meetings at Two Hospitals Mean Seth Rich Went to Both Hospitals

Day 217 (Part 16) Is Dr. Sava at the Top of the Hill at MedStar Dr Ateljevich at the Bottom of the Hill at Howard University Hospital?

Day 217 (Part 17) Why Guccifer 2.0 Was Created To Pre-empt WikiLeaks DNC Leaks AND Democratic Caucus Leaks.

Day 218 (Part 1) Mueller Declaring State Secrets Means State Secrets Are Involved in the Seth Rich Case

Day 218 (Part 4) Andrew McCabe may have already filed national security letters against MedStar and Howard University and Declared the Seth Rich estate Secrets case

Day 218 (Part 5) How how Winks and Tells are used in the intelligence community

Day 218 (Part 6) How tells help glue together a large covert network

Day 218 (Part 8) Did Seth Rich Walk the Green Mile From Lou's to MedStar? I Call It the Black Mile.

Day 218 (Part 9) Why Are Cameras Pulled From Lou's City Bar and Surrounding Businesses.


Day 218 (Part 10) Dr. Asim Hussain is going to be at the center of the visa and passport scheme for medical students coming into the US that killed US Attorney Bernie Whisanante.

Day 219 (Part 1) Seth Rich's Murderer is Alpha Jalloh

Day 219 (Part 2) More Evidence Piling On With Aguilar, Safe House Next to Hillary For America Being Thorn Down

Day 219 (Part 3) Comey and McCabe's Most Excellent New Zealand Adventure, Kim Dotcom Flip With Pompeo

Day 219 (Part 4) Michael Posillico - the Man Who Got the Awans Their Visas

Day 219 (Part 7) New York Film Academy "Scholarships"

Day 221 (Part 2) John Ashe and David Petraeus - the Final Two Pieces to the Wikileaks Puzzle. Little Kids Gets to Finish the Puzzle

Day 221 (Part 3) All the Agencies Couldn't Solve the Puzzle, It Too Just A FEW GOODMEN, and lots of Smart Women.

Day 221 (Part 4) Torch Passes to Two Good Men

Day 221 (Part 5) Best Day in My Life Save a Few Things

Day 222 (Part 1) Show Me the Metadata Jerry. Kim Dotcom dust up last night, and Bauman and Burkman School Plays

Day 222 (Part 2) Francis Cabrel, French Mossad, and the Gathering Storm of NATO Countries.

Day 222 (Part 3) My Apologies to SEIU Tonys Pam Flieshaker's 2nd Heart, Bob Ashton Getting Thrown Off the GW Bridge

Day 222 (Part 4) DNC Pulled the File. Early Metadata Looks Like July 7th, 2016, But We Are Having Experts Review

Day 222 (Part 6) Kim Dotcom Negotiating a Plea Deal

Day 222 (Part 7) Imran Awan at Inter-America, Congressman Wexler's Capitol Hill Reality Show on Sundance Channel 6 Called The Hill


Day 222 (Part 10) Who is Contracting to Rewrite the Dept of Treasury Public Dept Contracting Firm?


Day 222 (Part 11) Blackberries and Govt Contracting

Day 223 (Part 1) Seth Rich Tried Two Thumb Drive Drops - Memorial Day and Fourth of July - One Successful, One Unsuccessful

Day 223 (Part 2) The Deep State Plays It's Last Card - and It's a Duece

Day 223 (Part 3) P-Tech and the Redesign of US Treasury Backbone

Day 224 (Part 1) Pre-empting Crowdstrike, Kim Dotcom, Goose 1, Goose 2, and P-Tech

Day 224 (Part 2) CrowdStrike's 1000 Employees and $110 M Investment By Google

Day 224 (Part 4) Crowdstrike Timeline From April 29th to June 16th

Day 224 (Part 5) Did DCCC NGP-VAN Data Get Moved To DNC, Bogus Congressional Sites Moving BernieCRAT Money to HillaCRATs too?

Day 224 (Part 6) Sept 2015 to July 2016 Timeline

Day 225 (Part 1) Gone Phishing - Phishing Progressive Congressional Candidates to Pay Hillacrats, Crowdstrike on Site at DNC May 5th, 2015 With Long Phishing Pole

Day 225 (Part 2) Crowdstrike, Alperovitch, Dimitri and Mikhail

Day 226 (Part 1) What's So Special About the Bellwether VAN Files in the Nov 15th Lawsuit vs the DNC For Secret Meetings in the Boston Suburbs and Backdoor Entrances to the Whitehouse By Seth

Day 226 (Part 2) Dan V., Come Forward and Tell Your Story About the Thumbdrives You Prepared For Seth Rich

Day 226 (Part 3) Podesta In White House During Seth Rich Visit, Wikileaks Second DNC Drop and the Chelsea Explosion, Egyptian GID

Day 226 (Part 4) How a Thumbdrive Links Seth Rich, Panda Dan V, Podesta at the White House

Day 227 (Part 1) Dan V is Dan Donavan of Bellwether IT? David Volz of Baltimore? Thomas Paine in Philly, and Larry Klayman in DC.

Day 227 (Part 1.1) Andrew Therriault, Alpha Jollah, and Janine - Read For Comments Only, Real Upload Was Redirected. Real Version 2.0 Uploading Now

Day 227 (Part 2) Andrew Therriault, Brainy Blond, and Janine

Day 227 (Part 3) Chelsea Bombing - Coming Back to Braverman

Day 228 (Part 1) NGA Is being combined with NSA and DHS data for a 7×24, geo-spatial surveillance system. Pakistan ISI did it with NADRA for biometric tracking, but they needed the Awan Brothers to

Day 228 (Part 2) No Such Thing as Webb Files, Only Intelligence Product Matters.

Day 228 (Part 3) Awan Brothers Rolling NGA, NSA, and NASA Data to Middle Eastern Kingdoms.

Day 228 (Part 4) Awans Working on CJIS, WVU, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Morgantown and Clarksburg, WV

Day 228 (Part 5) Hina Alvi, SUPARCO, OPEC, and Ryan DuPain

Day 228 (Part 9) Our Visit to US Immigration and Customs

Day 229 (Part 1) Weighing Awan Brothers Risk Versus Error Correction

Day 229 (Part 2) Comey Can't Quite Say Crowdstrike, Alperovitch, and Umbrage, No Code From Julian, Just Plain Text

Day 229 (Part 11) We Actually Have No Metadata For the Murders of Seth Rich and Molly Macauley

Day 229 (Part 19) True Pundit Meeting.- Thomas Paine

Day 230 (Part 1) True Pundit Delaware Meeting, NGA Leakers, Whitehouse Press Pass, and SUPARCO Selig Satellite Secrets To OPEC Nations

Day 230 (Part 3) The Last Walk of Molly McCauley - End to End

Day 230 (Part 8) Molly McCauley Was on the Board of NOAA, Peter Omidyar's OGP

Day 231 (Part 1) Molly McCauley's Dad Was CIA? Not Sid? In Falls Church?

Day 231 (Part 2) Molly McCauley's Last Steps. Or Frejus?

Day 231 (Part 4) Satellite Data is Very Valuable Data. People Are Willing to Pay For It

Day 231 (Part 7) Coo Coo CA Choo Dr Robison, DC Loves You More Than You Will Know

Day 231 (Part 8) Judicial Watch of Hillary Email Fame, NASA Data Being Snuck Under Tressle?

Day 231 (Part 10) SEIU Beatles - Podeata, Stern, Soros, Creamer, Ickes, New Kids on the Block - Bauman, Sanchez, Alefantis, Cohen. Rich Agent is Stan Greenberg


Day 231 (Part 12) White House Roses and White House Press Passes, NGA, NOAA, NASA and Nullification

Day 234 (Part 1) Judicial Watch, Freedom watch and the chain of evidence from Capitol Hill to Lorton Virginia to the Capitol Police to the FBI vault in Clarksburg Virginia

Day 234 (Part 2) Yet Another Chain of Evidence Through Lorton, VA. AutoTrain

Day 234 (Part 11) SEIU Senate Offices - There Are a Ton of Them

Day 235 (Part 1) Rotating Awans Through Satellite and Medical Training

Day 235 (Part 5) Awan Brothers Hacked DCCC and DNC, Crowdstrike Cleaned Up the Tracks

Day 237 (Part 1) Helping the New York Times Get It Right - Our Viewers Called For a Specific, Meaured , Standard Response to a Credible, Imminent Threat with Standard Tools, Not a General Alarm at Port of Charlesto...

Day 237 (Part 2) Be Your Own Journalist - We Just Give You Tools.

Day 237 (Part 3) Getting To Know the Law.- NSPD-51, PDD-62, and Smith Mundt Modernization Act


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