What is the alt-right?

I don't believe that everyone that supported Trump or now ascribes to be part of the alt-right is a white supremacist. Obviously, I am concerned by Bannon as he's been a cheerleader for the alt-right. Whether he actually supports their message doesn't matter but he's used their energy and built a media company with an aversion to disowning the white supremacist movement. So, we may not know what he thinks but I don't trust him with my country based on what we do know.
I think that's a completely sensible and defensible position...might even be The correct factual perspective.

I don't like the Bannon pick either. I don't feel Trump owed him much given he came on in August (officially I guess). But here are my thoughts: Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, Sheriff Clarke, etc. aren't white supremacists. If anything, they are the exact opposite and they won't all of a sudden turn into white supremacists because Bannon has his sandwich in the Oval Office refrigerator.

And one thing liberals should caution themselves on, is thinking Bannon gives them license to attack every Trump policy as racist. That would be like Republicans saying Hillary is a terrorist because she supports open borders and immigration. Sometimes a "Wall" is really about enforcing our laws and sovereignty and immigration laws are about immigration.

One thing I notice about the Alt-Right is that nationalism definitely plays a much more important role for European Alt-Right vs Americans that seem to follow the Alt-Right. I think that's because American identity isn't based on race as much as it is in Europe. The immigrants in Europe aren't nearly as integrated into the Western cultures as they are in the US. For Americans (well at least in Texas), the immigration and border security issues really seem to be about taxes, homeland security, jobs, etc. Maybe that's different in places like Ohio which are historically less diverse, integrated, and cosmopolitan. And the Alt-Right appeal is about clever opposition to the liberal establishment. But for Europe, it is about protecting their national identity and culture. So while the Alt-Right may have roots in Europe, I would not say it's the same "movement" or whatever that it is here.
I don't believe that everyone that supported Trump or now ascribes to be part of the alt-right is a white supremacist. Obviously, I am concerned by Bannon as he's been a cheerleader for the alt-right. Whether he actually supports their message doesn't matter but he's used their energy and built a media company with an aversion to disowning the white supremacist movement. So, we may not know what he thinks but I don't trust him with my country based on what we do know.

Very well said.
I wasn't familiar with the term alt-right so I reviewed some of the links provided in the thread. It seems the term has yet to be precisely defined, but here's my understanding of alt-right based on about an hours worth of study.

The basic concept of alt-right is that races differ and would prefer to be segregated. Not that long ago, the Western Hemisphere was inhabited exclusively by Native Americans (Indians), Africa by blacks, Europe by Whites, the Middle East by Arabs, and the Far East by Asians. I don't know that anyone knows exactly why each "race" ended up where they did, but the fact that these populations were homogeneous strongly indicates a tribal preference.

Trade was conducted without interfering with the status quo, with the exceptions of conquest such as the African slave trade or Arab slave trades.

So the broad view of alt-right as I understand it simply.
1. Races are different
2. Most people prefer to live among their own race and culture

Within that broad view would be subgroups ranging from nazis that would advocate genocide on one extreme to libertarians that just want to be left alone and leave others alone at the other.

The extreme views of political correctness encourage people to mute any tendency they have to question differences. Often a person might feel ostracized around a group of another race when the group has nothing in common with the person, and there is no comfortable way, nor desire to interact. The subconscious tells him there are real cultural differences, but he has been programmed to pretend he doesn't think that. Black people for the most part admit this, but white people don't, even though they believe it to be the case.

Having said that, it's probably better for your mental health to accept the fact that people of one race and culture aren't going to mesh as well with people of another race and culture much of the time. But there isn't much that can be done about it. The question is whether it's better to pretend those differences don't exist and condemn those who say they do, or go ahead and admit there are differences. And if the latter, then what?
The question is whether it's better to pretend those differences don't exist and condemn those who say they do, or go ahead and admit there are differences. And if the latter, then what?

It's both. It has to be. Already millenials are growing up to be color and gender blind. They don't see race, gender or sexual preference as a big deal. It's us older generations that were raised with grandparents that called Mexican's "wetbacks". Yes, my grandfather called my girlfriend that name when I was in middle school. Surprisingly, her father was a good friend and co-worker of my grandfather.

I do think what's being shortchanged is the "celebrate diversity" movement. That's the evolution of where we need to go. Diversity in all ways (religious, ethnic and thought) can add to the pool to make us all stronger.

The problem is the extremes. When is an extreme thought or position really too extreme to be considered acceptable by society?
Define "cultural Marxism"?

Maybe it's where I live but celebrating Diversity, not ignoring it, is the SOP.
One aspect is multi-culturalism vs assimilation. I can celebrate diversity while preferring assimilation over the invitation of an invading culture into my country. Generally, the aim is to weaken traditional structures in society such as the traditional family, churches, civic institutions, and the like that is outside the control of government. It also imposes groupthink so that only the "right" candidate gets elected. Sound familiar? The goal is to consolidate power like in the old soviet systems (politburo) so that our betters can make decisions for the masses.
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One aspect is multi-culturalism vs assimilation. I can celebrate diversity while preferring assimilation over the invitation of an invading culture into my country. Generally, the aim is to weaken traditional structures in society such as the traditional family, churches, civic institutions, and the like that is outside the control of government. It also imposes groupthink so that only the "right" candidate gets elected. Sound familiar? The goal is to consolidate power like in the old soviet systems (politburo) so that our betters can make decisions for the masses.

I find the idea of "celebrating diversity' to be laughable. Exactly what "diversity" is being celebrated?
I find the idea of "celebrating diversity' to be laughable. Exactly what "diversity" is being celebrated?
In my experience, a lot people are attracted to cultures that are not burdened by the 10 commandments, if you know what I mean.
Great article on Bannon's thoughts by Bannon himself.


Transcript of a Skype presentation he gave at a Vatican conference. Talks about nationalist parties, Russia and Wall St. Seattle Husker you will be surprised what he says about Wall St.

Much of what Bannon says I'd agree with. Pushing it through a Judeo-Christian lens is where I think we go off the tracks. In his overview he pitches a worldview that is devoid of the fact that the Nazi's also had a Judeo-Christian foundation. Conveniently, he focuses only on the allies Judeo-Christian background and attempts to paint them in a fight against atheists. That's a rewriting of history.

BTW- I'd agree with him on Wall Street.

This response was particularly insightful.

We were the first group to get in and start reporting on things like UKIP and Front National and other center right. With all the baggage that those groups bring — and trust me, a lot of them bring a lot of baggage, both ethnically and racially — but we think that will all be worked through with time.

I'm wagering the "baggage" he's talking about are the racist undertones of the parties. It's the same "wink wink" Brietbart has given to those same groups in the US. He believes this will be "worked through with time". In other words, he's willing to look the other way because he can leverage their energy for now. That assumes he can eventually push them out or control it. It's not a safe assumption at all. In fact, the risk is that there are more of them than he realizes and they overrun the party which the signs are there that it is already happening. Bannon has emboldened them to say "it's OK to act out" under the guise that they are fighting political correctness.
In his overview he pitches a worldview that is devoid of the fact that the Nazi's also had a Judeo-Christian foundation

The Nazis were based the philosphy of Nietzsche (who was not religious) and a strong belief in their warped view of evolution.

The Nazis and Communists (Marx) both came from Judeo-Christian nations, but neither philosophy was religion based or remotely founded on judeo-christian values. The nazis were all about strength through will, natural selection and their warped belief in evolution. Hitler's ulitmate plan was to wipe out Christianity once such an undertaking was feasible.
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I'm wagering the "baggage" he's talking about are the racist undertones of the parties. It's the same "wink wink" Brietbart has given to those same groups in the US. He believes this will be "worked through with time". In other words, he's willing to look the other way because he can leverage their energy for now. That assumes he can eventually push them out or control it. It's not a safe assumption at all. In fact, the risk is that there are more of them than he realizes and they overrun the party which the signs are there that it is already happening. Bannon has emboldened them to say "it's OK to act out" under the guise that they are fighting political correctness.

This is exactly the point I've been making from day 1. No, we did not just put a racist in the White House. Trump is not a racist, and I don't think Bannon is either. But Bannon is willing to look the other way if it suits his political purposes, and he seems to have done a pretty good job of convincing Trump to do the same. Where does that lead in 5, 10, or 20 years? Nobody knows, but we might have let the camel get his nose under the tent.
Seems like she gets it. Nice, succint summary of what the alt.right means now

To defend Bannon, conservatives of various ethnicities have gone on TV to counter the attacks against him. Ann Coulter feels that's a waste of perfectly good air, and could be simplified to two words. "The only reaction to this nonsense – I don’t want anyone going on TV and somberly telling us that Steve Bannon is not an anti-Semite, he is not a racist," she added. "How about, ‘Screw you’?"

"We’ve just gone through 16 months with the media calling Trump ‘Hitler. I believe every single op-ed columnist at The New York Times at one point or another in past year has a brilliant think piece on the comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. It didn’t work, so now they’re trying it with is aide.

You know, I had never heard of, and I’m sure you haven’t, nobody had heard of this ‘alt-right until Donald Trump was running. But now having discovered these teenagers – they’re really leading the way in taunting the media and the liberals. And their position – I think they’re leading us the way out of this by just saying, ‘No, actually it is fun to be called a racist.’

Much of what Bannon says I'd agree with. Pushing it through a Judeo-Christian lens is where I think we go off the tracks.
The transcript of that Bannon talk was from a Vatican conference. Just like how all of a sudden Obama becomes a Bible quoting preacher when he's at the pulpit of a church espousing his politics, that is the context for this speech here.
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This is exactly the point I've been making from day 1. No, we did not just put a racist in the White House. Trump is not a racist, and I don't think Bannon is either. But Bannon is willing to look the other way if it suits his political purposes, and he seems to have done a pretty good job of convincing Trump to do the same. Where does that lead in 5, 10, or 20 years? Nobody knows, but we might have let the camel get his nose under the tent.

We should stop this nefarious action immediately. I move that we immediately make people of all colors stop being racists. I know this is going out on a limb, but we could even consider passing a law that forbids certain entities from discriminating based on race.

Just to make sure we nip this in the bud early, we could also make laws that cater to individuals that may be a descendant of a victim of racist actions. I'm thinking we could allow such descendants to attend universities that they otherwise would not be able to attend. Once we reach a nebulous "critical mass" of minorities in the university, we can revisit the subject. We could award the minorities public work under a quota system. We could also pass another law on top of an existing law...we'll call it a law about "hate crimes". We could also create this thing where we bus children all over God's green earth against the will of the child's parents so the children can integrate with kids of different colors. That will certainly make them equal. We could also start a little initiative that will "condition" the populace to think how cool it would be to mix ourselves in with people with different values than us. We'll call that one "celebrating diversity". Heck, we could even make the definition of "discrimination" only apply in favor of minorities. That way, racism can only be applied one way.

The key is that we must make sure we couch our argument in such a way that people are judged on their status as a "minority" and not on their behavior. I'm guessing that in a few years, everything will be hunky dory. I mean, can you imagine how well this is going to work? It will be mind blowing. Without these actions, in fifty years we could have blacks making up lies about racism after someone in their community is shot by police. Hell, they could even be blocking our roadways and a four year old girl could die because her ambulance could not get through the protestors. Some may even shoot and kill cops in Dallas during a protest. I wonder if we should consider giving descendants of victims some money. You know, reparations for something that never happened to them.

We can't let that camel get his nose under that tent!

Who's with me?
The transcript of that Bannon talk was from a Vatican conference. Just like how all of a sudden Obama becomes a Bible quoting preacher when he's at the pulpit of a church espousing his politics, that is the context for this speech here.

I get that. I guess in the context of the alt-right, I'd question whether that was an attempt to talk to the audience or a foundational belief system. Based on other evidence it appears to be the latter.
The alt-Right keeping it kkklassy. Link.

Sieg heil!

Here's a quote from Richard Spencer at the NPI convention. Spencer is credited with coining the term alternative right.
"America was, until this last generation, a white country, designed for ourselves and our posterity. It is our creation and our inheritance, and it belongs to us," Spencer said.

Just remember, Steve Bannon proudly proclaimed Brietbart was "the platform for the alt-right" earlier this year. I'll say it again, Bannon may not be a racist but he's given a voice to them so they believe they have a seat at the table now.

Some of their videos on their Youtube channel are scary: Red Ice Radio
Here's a quote from Richard Spencer at the NPI convention. Spencer is credited with coining the term alternative right.

Just remember, Steve Bannon proudly proclaimed Brietbart was "the platform for the alt-right" earlier this year. I'll say it again, Bannon may not be a racist but he's given a voice to them so they believe they have a seat at the table now.

Some of their videos on their Youtube channel are scary: Red Ice Radio

More on Spencer's speech. The guy is a freak show and exemplifies what's most wrong with the alt-right. To them, ethnicity is inseparable from Western culture. It isn't any nuttier than the garbage Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam peddle, but civilized people are supposed to reject that sort of ideology.

Also, the Nazi and Nazi-like rhetoric is disturbing. Why use the German term "Lügenpresse?" If you want to rip the media, that's fine, but why use the same term that the Nazis used to attack their media critics? Furthermore, he's speaking to an English-speaking audience. Why not simply cal them the "lying press?"

And "Hail Trump! Hail Our People! Hail Victory ("Sieg Heil" in English)"? Surely Spencer knows how this sounds.

And what's sad is that the GOP was starting to make inroads with Jewish voters prior to 2016. With the party now associating with the alt-Right, I doubt many Jews are going to be very receptive to their message.
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The more you delve into the Alt-Right, the more you see similarities with Democrats:

The mainstream media (MSM) are right. There is a political party today that has racism as a core value and is working incessantly to keep blacks down. It's the Democratic Party. Of course, since Democrat politicians never say what they really believe, most Democrat voters aren't aware they're supporting racism.

Like their predecessors who fought a war to keep slavery legal, who founded the KKK, who passed the Jim Crow laws, who fought for school segregation, and who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, modern Democrat politicians are constantly working to ensure that blacks be poor, ignorant, and totally dependent on the government.

Slave-owning Democrats believed that blacks were not really smart enough to run their own lives.

Modern Democrat talking heads constantly declare that in a country where Japanese Americans could go from Democrat-mandated prison camps to having one of the highest per household incomes in America, without Democrat help, blacks somehow can't manage to do anything. It's the same paternalistic attitude that earlier Democrats used to justify slavery.

Of course, the new slavery is different from the old: instead of picking cotton for hours in the blazing sun, modern blacks only have to vote Democrat, settle for unsafe neighborhoods, and be willing to live with the fact that their children will never get a decent education.

Charter schools and private schools have proven that they can educate black inner-city children. Black parents go to extreme lengths to get their kids in those schools because blacks love their kids, too. Yet Democrat politicians are constantly opposing those schools, and the idea of school choice, because they apparently care more about the millions the teacher unions pour into Democrat coffers than they do about black children getting a decent education.

What better recipe for securing the black vote than ensuring that blacks depend on government for life itself while using the compliant MSM to convince them that their problems are all due to Republicans – who, of course, have no power in the cities those blacks live in? This is another reason why it's necessary to make sure blacks can't get a decent education. Ignorant, uneducated people of any race are more likely to fall for propaganda, after all.

Democrat politicians have even figured out how to use taxpayer dollars to pay for keeping blacks around to vote. Their slave-owning predecessors had to at least pay to feed and house their slaves.

If you're saying, "No, this can't be so," then ponder a few "inconvenient truths."

In America, thousands of blacks are shot each year in Democrat-run cities, yet Democrats who run those cities with an iron fist do nothing that works to fix the problem. While one could believe that a non-racist might think for a few years that gun control actually protects law-abiding blacks, only someone who doesn't have black interests at heart could continue to believe so after decades of failure.

Note too that it's not thousands of whites who are getting shot in Chiraq (that is, Chicago), nor is it white neighborhoods where it's unsafe during the day. If you're black, you're 12 times more likely to be shot than if you're white in Chiraq, where Democrats have ruled since dinosaurs roamed the Illinois plains.

Democrats got far more riled up about a police officer shooting a black criminal in self-defense, according to Obama's DOJ, than they did about a nine-year-old black boy being the targeted victim of a gang hit. Why? Could it be that white liberals hate the cops and don't really care about blacks?

Democrats are also big fans of Planned Parenthood even though PP's founder was an avowed racist who viewed blacks as inferior. It's possible to be pro-choice but not a racist, of course. But it makes one wonder why Democrats aren't upset about the fact that the leading cause of death for black Americans is abortion. That Democrats continue to laud PP even though 79% of PP "clinics" are in or near minority neighborhoods is also strange if Democrats really care about blacks.The recent call by Democrats for taxpayer funding of abortions because that will "save money" is nothing less than saying that aborting the babies of people on welfare will save money. Note that when rich liberal Democrats talk about people on welfare, it's really unlikely that they're thinking about whites.

If Democrat politicians really aren't racists, it's odd that there are no Democrats saying abortion should be legal but that we should do something about the fact that a black woman is five times more likely to have an abortion than a white woman.

Then there's welfare. The entire supposed pivot of Democrats on racism is based on their support for welfare, which "rescued" blacks from poverty.

That hasn't worked too well, given that black poverty is still twice that of white poverty.

More importantly, welfare has contributed to the destruction of the black family and the resulting culture that makes it very hard for even very dedicated blacks to escape the ghetto. With 70% of blacks born to single mothers and with being in a single-parent family being the strongest correlation with drug use, criminality, teen pregnancy, and poverty, people who care about blacks, like the Republicans who pushed for welfare reform, would demand change.

If Democrats cared about blacks, they'd have noticed the problem by the 1970s and tried to fix it. Instead, they doubled down on the same failed approaches. But if their objective is to keep blacks dependent and scared, maybe those policies weren't failures after all.

Finally, one has only to look at how Democrats treat blacks who wander off the Democrats' thought plantation to see that love of blacks is not at the core of the Democratic Party. If any Republican had talked about Obama the way Democrats talk about Ben Carson, Justice Clarence Thomas, and any number of other black conservative intellectuals, he'd have been tarred and feathered by the MSM.

It's a crime that 52 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, blacks are still being oppressed by the same Democratic Party that fought so hard for slavery 153 years ago.

Stop letting Democrat politicians get away with claiming to care when their actions show that their only concern is about votes. They helicopter into the black community every election cycle, explain how it's all the Republicans' fault, and then helicopter back to their tony neighborhoods, where their kids go to great schools and it's safe to walk at night.

Don't let Democrats get away with pretending to care about blacks while they fight tooth and nail against any policy that would give blacks a chance to earn their share of the American Dream.

It's time that America threw off the Democrat legacy of preventing blacks from reaching their true potential. It's time to end the nearly 200-year-long Democrat war on blacks and bring down the last vestiges of racism in America.

Also, the Nazi and Nazi-like rhetoric is disturbing

We talk about what is wrong with the ultra pc crowd and why do they want to act like numbskulls. The same can be said of any alt-right idiots praising Hitler, except I think the pro hitler alt-righters are even dumber than the PC college students.
This is so critical to understand that I'm going to link the Atlantic's excerpted video of his speech here:

It should be mentioned that this is only 150 people. The influence of these leaders is far reaching though with Flynn, Bannon and yet Trump retweeting statements from some of these alt-right thought leaders. It's that show of support which has a direct impact to the excitement shown in that room.

To iatrogenic...yes, they have a "seat at the table" when they are influencing the elected and appointed leaders.

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