What if it was not the Russians?

Here's a post from Joe fan. Fairly accurate considering the age.

Among its many activities, GPS Fusion paid reporters to plant stories
Here is one of them -- GPSF planted the now discredited story about a “special email server existing between Trump Tower and Moscow’s Alfa bank” with Slate.
Then candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted out the story about as soon as it appeared. The whole thing was coordinated.

I feel pretty certain that this is how CNN gets caught so often making fake news
They are not a news organization any more but have evolved into a propaganda apparatus that publishes whatever they are told to publish. Facts and truth do not matter to them

Here we have Husker with his reply being a jerk and not knowing what he's talking about. Normally I don't bring stuff up from the past but he's being a prick.

Which site did you get this information from? It wouldn't be a right-wing propaganda site, would it?

[Edit: Nevermind...found it on 4Chan, as usual, without any attribution.]
Here's a post from Joe fan. Fairly accurate considering the age.

Here we have Husker with his reply being a jerk and not knowing what he's talking about. Normally I don't bring stuff up from the past but he's being a prick.

Please do tell me what is accurate about that post. GPSF was involved? I've seen this tied to Michael Sussman who was not with GPSF. In fact, has there been any evidence that GPSF paid reporters to plan the stories? If so, I'd love to read that.

This is coming out because Durham's court accusation is that Michael Sussman lied to the FBI and that he shared this info as a representative of the Clinton campaign. The meeting in question occurred 2 months after the FBI opened their Russia investigation on Trump. If Sussman lied then he deserves whatever repercussions he has coming to him, no different than Flint, Stone or other person who commits perjury.

The Alpha Bank story was investigated by the FBI and found to be unsubstantiated which was good.

If you want to point to JoeFan being right than an unbiased observer would also point to all the conspiracy theories he fanned the flames that went nowhere. Of course, you aren't interested in being unbiased, as a purveyor of conspiracy theories yourself and a founding member of the JoeFan cheer squad. Rather, you prefer to point at the blind squirrel that found a nut and claim squirrels have a precognitive ability to detect all nuts and sight doesn't actually matter, despite all evidence to the contrary.

One has to wonder if this is simply a distraction from the "stolen election" crap that is spectacularly blowing up in your face. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're looking for something...anything that I was remotely skeptical about thus can point to be being wrong. To do so you'll have to ignore the elephant behind you also known as your own posting history. You should also point out that I've never claimed to be 100% right on anything and am open to reassessing my opinions when new evidence becomes available. That's what adults do.
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Please do tell me what is accurate about that post. GPSF was involved? I've seen this tied to Michael Sussman who was not with GPSF. In fact, has there been any evidence that GPSF paid reporters to plan the stories? If so, I'd love to read that.

This is coming out because Durham's court accusation is that Michael Sussman lied to the FBI and that he shared this info as a representative of the Clinton campaign. The meeting in question occurred 2 months after the FBI opened their Russia investigation on Trump. If Sussman lied then he deserves whatever repercussions he has coming to him, no different than Flint, Stone or other person who commits perjury.

The Alpha Bank story was investigated by the FBI and found to be unsubstantiated which was good.

If you want to point to JoeFan being right than an unbiased observer would also point to all the conspiracy theories he fanned the flames that went nowhere. Of course, you aren't interested in being unbiased, as a purveyor of conspiracy theories yourself and a founding member of the JoeFan cheer squad. Rather, you prefer to point at the blind squirrel that found a nut and claim squirrels have a precognitive ability to detect all nuts and sight doesn't actually matter, despite all evidence to the contrary.

One has to wonder if this is simply a distraction from the "stolen election" crap that is spectacularly blowing up in your face.

He might have gotten the perpetrator wrong but he was right about it happening while you were dead wrong about it by calling it right wing propaganda. Your spin doesn't change that.

We have an active election fraud investigation going on in Georgia and Arizona. In fact, the Arizona AG has hired even more investigators so I'm not sure where you think this is blowing up in my face. Sorry, bud but your MSM sources are going to end up making you look like a fool once again.
He might have gotten the perpetrator wrong but he was right about it happening while you were dead wrong about it by calling it right wing propaganda. Your spin doesn't change that.

What did I call rightwing propaganda? That GPSF was paying media member to plant a story? That HRC was working with Slate to promote the story? TBH, I don't know but you've clearly honed it on an element that even JoeFan didn't emphasize in that post...the Alpha Bank tie. For the Russia investigation evidence I very publicly took a wait and see approach and said I'd wait for the Mueller investigation to finish. It's not likely that I'd pick the Alpha Bank tie to suddenly leap and say THAT IS TRUE before it was even investigated. The conspiracy being pushed WAS part of a 4Chan conspiracy at that time. You know...**** that would eventually turned into QAnon. I challenge you to go back and look at how much QAnon crap turned out to be BS.

We have an active election fraud investigation going on in Georgia and Arizona. In fact, the Arizona AG has hired even more investigators so I'm not sure where you think this is blowing up in my face. Sorry, bud but your MSM sources are going to end up making you look like a fool once again.

LOL! You're the Benghazi of "stolen elections". Just one more investigation and you'll be proved prophetic, right? Forget all the moments you gargled Guiliani's nads touting "more than 1000 affidavits" or talked about "data" that you clearly didn't understand. Holding out hope that the blind squirrel can find a nut and claim redemption despite the mountain of failed claims leading up to it? All the investigations have found so far is a handful of less then pristine election processes that certainly need to be cleaned up but don't remotely rise up to the claims.
Two prong attack:

LOL...same Byron York that offered up this analysis.

Replace "Biden" with "Trump" and tell me if this sounds familiar? One would typically call this projection. Make sure you reread the 2nd paragraph.

In the clear Trump victory scenario, Trump lost the popular vote (as he did in 2016) but won the Electoral College. Biden at first conceded but then withdrew his concession as Democratic anger grew over another election in which the popular vote winner did not win the White House. The Biden campaign pressured Democratic governors of states Trump won to reject Trump electors and send Biden electors to Washington. The Democratic House refused to recognize Trump’s victory. Biden made wild demands in exchange for conceding, like DC and Puerto Rico statehood and the creation of more senators from California. Inauguration day arrived and the standoff “remained unresolved.” The report noted: “It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.”

In only one of the scenarios did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Joe Biden — not Donald Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won’t-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Not sure his career was ever the same after he had this published in 2005:
LOL! You're the Benghazi of "stolen elections". Just one more investigation and you'll be proved prophetic, right? Forget all the moments you gargled Guiliani's nads touting "more than 1000 affidavits" or talked about "data" that you clearly didn't understand. Holding out hope that the blind squirrel can find a nut and claim redemption despite the mountain of failed claims leading up to it? All the investigations have found so far is a handful of less then pristine election processes that certainly need to be cleaned up but don't remotely rise up to the claims.

Data I didn't understand? LOL! What you don't understand is that most of these investigations involve not being able to look at anything under the hood and then claim there's no election fraud. That didn't happen in AZ. You've been spoon fed the MSM version of what happened in Arizona without seeing the full picture and you're not like going to like the grand finale. You have no idea the amount of fraudulent ballots, precincts over 100% voting, and all that is coming up in their kinematics report. The media didn't tell you about that report, did they?

What disturbs me about you the most is that you still haven't figured out that your resources have left you high and dry. You wouldn't have thought Rittenhouse was a menace to society if you'd had looked at the videos I saw. You wouldn't have bought into the Summer of Love if the media wasn't lying. It's on and on. I'm hoping you'll eventually have a Road to Damascus moment.
Data I didn't understand?

Yes, on multiple instances you and another poster cited either anonymous internet claims or affidavits from the Trump Campaign cabal that claimed statistical evidence of fraud. None of that was validated in Maricopa County or other ballot counts. Again, you carry around a mountain of failed claims in your bag hoping to find one that validates you. You cover for the failures by screaming "MSM" and other ambiguous claims meanwhile ignoring you've cited Gateway Pundit and other absurdly biased sites previously demonstrating only that you live in a state of projection that most assuredly covers for your own inadequate arguments. Let's chalk it up to a failure of the education system but then that absolves your accountability in your own education. If one is incapable of learning then is that the systems' fault?

What you don't understand is that most of these investigations involve not being able to look at anything under the hood and then claim there's no election fraud. That didn't happen in AZ.

Are you sure you aren't an aggie? That's a "we would have won if the time didn't run out" argument. Keep in mind, these investigations have had more access across more states than any election previously and still hasn't found demonstrable evidence of prosecutable systemic fraud yet, despite the claims.

You have no idea the amount of fraudulent ballots, precincts over 100% voting, and all this is coming up in their kinematics report.

I'll take the easy one first. Precincts over 100% voting has been debunked over and over and over and over. Again...incapable of learning comes to mind here but at this point I'm also leaning to cognitive dissonance. You're so deep in the conspiracy claims that reality is incoherent.

Fraudulent ballots? Letting the legal process play out for that one. The "kinematics report" is not a legal process and is simply another grift in a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG line of grifts. If there is anything there a prosecutor will have to make a case and a court will get to determine if there is any validity to the claims. Unlike you, I try to not leap towards the claims I want to believe.

What disturbs me about you the most is that you still haven't figured out that your resources have left you high and dry.

I guess I should read more Gateway Pundit? RU Serious? With all the claims of me following the "MSM" you've never actually pointed at who and what I cite? Hint, I cite FoxNews almost as much as TheHill.
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If one is incapable of learning then is that the systems' fault?
You should know. You haven't learned anything from your past failures. You've been wrong on nearly every topic since I've been here.
Are you sure you aren't an aggie? That's a "we would have won if the time didn't run out" argument. Keep in mind, these investigations have had more access across more states than any election previously and still hasn't found demonstrable evidence of prosecutable systemic fraud yet, despite the claims.
It's a legitimate argument. If no one looks at the ballots or machines no fraud will be found. It's like having a murder and not being allowed to examine the murder scene.

I'll take the easy one first. Precincts over 100% voting has been debunked over and over and over and over. Again...incapable of learning comes to mind here but at this point I'm also leaning to cognitive dissonance. You're so deep in the conspiracy claims that reality is incoherent.

Fraudulent ballots? Letting the legal process play out for that one. The "kinematics report" is not a legal process and is simply another grift in a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG line of grifts. If there is anything there a prosecutor will have to make a case and a court will get to determine if there is any validity to the claims. Unlike you, I try to not leap towards the claims I want to believe.

No, the precinct stuff hasn't been debunked. What happens is that nobody looks to see if they're right. It goes like this, "that's not correct, our numbers say it's 76%".
Nobody ever does a forensic audit to check. The precincts weren't done with modelling here like the previous times either. They matched all of the ballots with the corresponding districts.
The fraudulent ballots were done with the help of a certain ballot company. If the company says those aren't our ballots I tend to take their word for it. We'll see on that.

I guess I should read more Gateway Pundit? RU Serious? With all the claims of me following the "MSM" you've never actually pointed at who and what I cite? Hint, I cite FoxNews almost as much as TheHill.

The only time I have ever used the Gateway Pundit is that they were interviews or I can back up their article with another news article. Sorry, I don't think Fox News is the one leading you astray most of the time.
You should know. You haven't learned anything from your past failures. You've been wrong on nearly every topic since I've been here.

Still looking for the evidence to backup your claim, huh? Par for the course for you. Just more ambiguous claims that amount to drivel.

It's a legitimate argument. If no one looks at the ballots or machines no fraud will be found. It's like having a murder and not being allowed to examine the murder scene.

Where haven't the ballots been counted? In every place a recount has taken place the ballots have been looked at. What do you think they are counting? The machines have been inspected in Maricopa and Antrim County in Michigan.

No, the precinct stuff hasn't been debunked. What happens is that nobody looks to see if they're right. It goes like this, "that's not correct, our numbers say it's 76%".
Nobody ever does a forensic audit to check. The precincts weren't done with modelling here like the previous times either. They matched all of the ballots with the corresponding districts.
The fraudulent ballots were done with the help of a certain ballot company. If the company says those aren't our ballots I tend to take their word for it. We'll see on that.

Which precinct had an overvote? So far, wherever this has been claimed, MI/PA/WI most prominently, the facts didn't support the claims. How much "forensic audit" does it take to say "X number of registered voters = X number of ballots submitted". You're looking for a rocket scientist when an abacus will be sufficient.

Again, I've seen so many outstanding claims on fraudulent ballots that I'll simply let the courts work it out. If there are no convictions (let alone charges) then you better believe I'll point it out because that's how our legal systems works. Fantastical claims that don't stand up in court should get mocked, relentlessly.

The only time I have ever used the Gateway Pundit is with interviews or I can back up their article with another news article. Sorry, I don't think Fox News is the one leading you astray most of the time.

That's the difference between you and I. I'd never use Gateway Pundit nor their left equivalent the Daily Beast and their ilk. They are partisan sites offering biased opinion not even veiled as news. You can't rail on MSM then consume those sites. As biased as the MSM can be, yes, they are often biased, it's still nothing compared to these partisan sites. Major media orgs have editors and fact checkers that ensure accuracy of the facts. Yes, that includes FoxNews.
Still looking for the evidence to backup your claim, huh? Par for the course for you. Just more ambiguous claims that amount to drivel.

Where haven't the ballots been counted? In every place a recount has taken place the ballots have been looked at. What do you think they are counting? The machines have been inspected in Maricopa and Antrim County in Michigan.

Which precinct had an overvote? So far, wherever this has been claimed, MI/PA/WI most prominently, the facts didn't support the claims. How much "forensic audit" does it take to say "X number of registered voters = X number of ballots submitted". You're looking for a rocket scientist when an abacus will be sufficient.

Again, I've seen so many outstanding claims on fraudulent ballots that I'll simply let the courts work it out. If there are no convictions (let alone charges) then you better believe I'll point it out because that's how our legal systems works. Fantastical claims that don't stand up in court should get mocked, relentlessly.

That's the difference between you and I. I'd never use Gateway Pundit nor their left equivalent the Daily Beast and their ilk. They are partisan sites offering biased opinion not even veiled as news. You can't rail on MSM then consume those sites. As biased as the MSM can be, yes, they are often biased, it's still nothing compared to these partisan sites. Major media orgs have editors and fact checkers that ensure accuracy of the facts. Yes, that includes FoxNews.

We're talking about an examination of the ballots to check if they're authentic.

In case you haven't figured it out, the places that you think are authentic are no better than the Gateway Pundit. If you want we can create a list of the top events of the past 5 years and see between us who was on the right side and the wrong side of each story. You lag behind every conservative on here. If you don't realize that you had better start looking at yourself in the mirror. Like I said I truly do hope you find your Road to Damascus moment.
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We're talking about an examination of the ballots to check if they're authentic.

Fake ballots everywhere? LOL!

In case you haven't figured it out, the places that you think are authentic are no better than the Gateway Pundit.

Did you say that with a straight face? If so, I've overestimated your intelligence. What's laughable is that you don't even know what places I consider "authentic" but that claim sounds magnificent, huh?

If you want we can create a list of the top events of the past 5 years and see between us who was on the right side and the wrong side of each story. You lag behind every conservative on here.

Are we back to you asking me to backup your astounding claims with research? You talk out your *** then want me to grab the TP to clean it up? Again...you continually make these wild *** claims as if simply by saying them they are true. Chicken and egg question...is that why you like Trump, because he's like you in that he makes baseless claims without evidence and keeps saying them hoping they'll come true? Were you like this before Trump or become like Trump after supporting him?

I'm not even here claiming I'm always right and your always wrong. That's YOU. I will say that you've been wrong, egregiously wrong on most of the stolen election stuff. That's just because you make a habit of jumping without looking. Making declarations when people you want to believe make claims without thinking whether they are plausible or not. That leaves you hoping and praying for a hail mary, that something will help save your credibility. We've all been there before, just not as deep as you. I leaped too early against that kid from Kentucky on the school tip to D.C. Of course, that's was a short term leap. You're on a 1.5 years journey on the stolen election stuff so far with no hope of seeing any light.
A. @joefan is a big boy. He can fight his own battles. If he doesn't want to then he's the snowflake.


This is more for the media thread but I hate the Left/Right media attempts to criticize the opponent media companies. In the past handful of years you have a significant portion of their media resources covering other media entities. CNN/FoxNews are the worst. It's the "why won't they cover the news like WE cover the news" angle that's absurd.
Fake ballots everywhere? LOL!

Did you say that with a straight face? If so, I've overestimated your intelligence. What's laughable is that you don't even know what places I consider "authentic" but that claim sounds magnificent, huh?

Are we back to you asking me to backup your astounding claims with research? You talk out your *** then want me to grab the TP to clean it up? Again...you continually make these wild *** claims as if simply by saying them they are true. Chicken and egg question...is that why you like Trump, because he's like you in that he makes baseless claims without evidence and keeps saying them hoping they'll come true? Were you like this before Trump or become like Trump after supporting him?

I'm not even here claiming I'm always right and your always wrong. That's YOU. I will say that you've been wrong, egregiously wrong on most of the stolen election stuff. That's just because you make a habit of jumping without looking. Making declarations when people you want to believe make claims without thinking whether they are plausible or not. That leaves you hoping and praying for a hail mary, that something will help save your credibility. We've all been there before, just not as deep as you. I leaped too early against that kid from Kentucky on the school tip to D.C. Of course, that's was a short term leap. You're on a 1.5 years journey on the stolen election stuff so far with no hope of seeing any light.

I haven't been wrong on election fraud. Like I said all of these things that have supposedly proven me wrong were never properly investigated. Every time there is an allegation an election official will come out and say that never happened. The uninformed masses such as yourself say, "see, it's been debunked'. Meanwhile, nothing is ever really looked at. You're in for a shock in the future and the sad thing is you don't have enough brain cells to figure it out.

Same idiots that got push back FROM the AP the other day over uncorroborated crap that was allegedly based on declassified "I just told you" claims. Oh, yeah, and the same idiots who also were claiming all afternoon yesterday that Russia was about to cross the border. State Department and Pentagon has been caught with egg on their face multiple times in the past week as they seek to engage in a real life Wag The Dog, doing so at the same time as Trudeau took actions over a group that had bouncey castles but where the nation took no similar actions during real threats in Canada across the past several decades, including actual violence at Parliament Hill.
I've got a great old college friend who retweets their stuff often. I find it interesting that most of the tweets say "this tweet is unavailable". Telling. Same with the tweets of D'nesh D'Souza tweets. You know, the convicted felon.

Why isn't MSM covering those stories from those angles!!!! :P

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