What if it was not the Russians?

"For many individuals, the statute of limitations may have passed on any alleged crimes."

There might be a few token indictments but that will be it.

Dud-ham must need a few extra years on the government payroll to max out his retirement or such - it's the only way it makes sense to stretch out an investigation for so long that you no longer have any stroke to do anything about any crimes you uncover.

That plus the fact that there's not an active dis-information campaign about what a meanie he is, leaked to Democrat house organs like the Hill, Politico, the Bezos Post, etc. means nothing is going to come out of it.

He did get a conviction of an FBI agent who disgraced himself and his agency (which is quite the trick considering it's already a horrible one - the FBI was founded by a homosexual who dressed up in women's clothing and who blackmailed most of DC - and he was the least crooked Director they've had) by committing perjury on a FISA form - supposedly the most holy of holy judicial requests. Thankfully for him the sentencing was fixed, and he got zero jail time, as the judge felt sorry for him as people had said mean things about him online, so he was the true victim.
Because Mueller didn’t do anything about it.

Actually his team of 16 Clinton voters (Mueller himself was just the figurehead - remember how out of it he was during the testimony before Congress after the whole case fizzled out), covered up real crimes, in the hunt for fake ones.

The whole Trump / Russia bank fraud was a joke from the start, which didn't stop American's KGB, the FBI, from running with it, via a tip off from a Democrat lawyer / "concerned citizen".

He's now in hot water as he claimed he was providing the tip off from "civic duty" - while his billing records showed he was charging Clinton's campaign for him time spreading lies to the FBI. Now he's going to claim that he was lying the billing, and that he was just bilking Clinton for time.

Even if convicted by a DC jury, where a valid defense is "I'm a Democrat!", expect him to receive a harsh sentence of 3 hours of community service - signing illegal aliens and the dead up to vote - the judge in the case is an Obama judge.
Actually his team of 16 Clinton voters (Mueller himself was just the figurehead - remember how out of it he was during the testimony before Congress after the whole case fizzled out), covered up real crimes, in the hunt for fake ones.

The whole Trump / Russia bank fraud was a joke from the start, which didn't stop American's KGB, the FBI, from running with it, via a tip off from a Democrat lawyer / "concerned citizen".

He's now in hot water as he claimed he was providing the tip off from "civic duty" - while his billing records showed he was charging Clinton's campaign for him time spreading lies to the FBI. Now he's going to claim that he was lying the billing, and that he was just bilking Clinton for time.

Even if convicted by a DC jury, where a valid defense is "I'm a Democrat!", expect him to receive a harsh sentence of 3 hours of community service - signing illegal aliens and the dead up to vote - the judge in the case is an Obama judge.
Judge in case of anti-Trump mudslinger is married to attorney for ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page
"There is no indication in the indictment that Trump or his campaign aides were aware that the money originated with the Russian donor. The charges say that Benton and Wead “concealed” the arrangement from Trump, and that part of the scheme involved getting the political committees to “unwittingly” file reports indicating that Benton was actually the source of the funds."

Seems to be an important piece you left out despite it being in the very article you use to smear DJT.

The indictment of Washington attorney Michael Sussman — accused of lying to the FBI in order to smear Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign — reveals the ace up the sleeve of high-powered Democrats. It’s a card they played time and again to advance the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory: friends in high places.

They used friends in law enforcement to launch secret investigations; they used friends in the federal government to broaden those investigations; and they used friends in the media to spread the word about Trump and his organization being under investigation.

This is way the DC ruling class works - even if the heats on them, they control the process such that they can avoid any punishment.

Can you imagine the judge overseeing the Manford trial being married to say, Roger Stone's lawyer? But here, expect the judge to say he'll have no problems with the case, and everyone saying he's such a "straight shooter" - the term I heard first applied to the scum Comey, then the senile old man Mueller.

Wonder if the judge will just throw the case out saying more or less "it's a meanie prosecution of a wonderful man who only wanted to protect the public", or just sabotage the trial as it goes forward.

In any case, there's no risk of jail time - the FBI agent who framed Cater Page and lied on a FISA warrant got a few hours of community service, as the judge said that people had said mean things about the guy online, so he was the real victim. Yeah, people tend to dislike crooked cops, amazing thing.

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