What if it was not the Russians?

What a f\/cking liar!!! Burn in hell you bastard!

The FISA judge can drag the attorneys who got the warrant in front of him and make them explain--show cause why they should not be held in contempt or sanctioned. If he's satisfied with their explanations, then that's that. If not, he could hold them in contempt, sanction them, report them to their state bars, disbar them from practicing before his court, etc.
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The FISA judge can drag the attorneys who got the warrant in front of him and make them explain--show cause why they should not be held in contempt or sanctioned. If he's satisfied with their explanations, then that's that. If not, he could hold them in contempt, sanction them, report them to their state bars, disbar them from practicing before his court, etc.
I won't hold my breath.

Better chance of Herman making some splash OC and DC hires. Hi-yo!!

Oops, sorry. I'll take my football talk to On The Field. :ousucksnana:
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Who knows.

Even if the FISA court judge is generally sympathetic towards the idea of issuing that warrant, he won't like the fact that he was deliberately misled by these attorneys.
If you think the FBI didn't do anything wrong then you haven't been paying attention.

The FISA judge can drag the attorneys who got the warrant in front of him and make them explain--show cause why they should not be held in contempt or sanctioned. If he's satisfied with their explanations, then that's that. If not, he could hold them in contempt, sanction them, report them to their state bars, disbar them from practicing before his court, etc.

He can, but I doubt that he will.
I'm glad Judge Collyer isn't just letting it slide. However, she needs to take it further. Every lawyer who was involved in this should be referred to the Bar for disciplinary actions, and she needs to be handing down contempt orders. People need to be fined, thrown in the slammer, etc.
If justice doesn't come from inside the system, it will come from outside the system eventually. No one really wants it to come to that, because it will be very ugly.
Libs are so mad about interference in the election. How come I never hear them complain about Christopher Steele? He is the one known person to interfere in 2016.
So the FBI is purposefully lieing in order to jail political opponents?

That's ominous. We no longer live in a democracy. We live in what Jacob Hornberger describes as a national security state. If you defy the political will of those in power, the Deep State, they will manufacture misdeeds to jail you.

Makes me think even the Democrat server hacking wasn't the Russians.

I heard an interview with an ex-CIA officer who said the description of the server hack sounded like something the CIA would do as a false flag. They had just developed technology giving them the ability to hack a server system while leaving false evidence pointing at someone else. I know it sounds far fetched, but the more I learn about the FBI and CIA the more it makes sense that the DNC server hack was done by the CIA, so they could blame it on Russian in order to build a narrative that Trump was working with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary. I mean if the CIA and FBI wanted Hillary in office they had incentive to do all this in case Trump won since he talked about getting out of wars that the CIA wanted.

The more I learn about the CIA and FBI, the more I think they are legalized organized crime rings embedded in our government. I know they do some things that benefit citizens. But the bad actors seem to wield lots of influence or control over the organizations. I mean Gary Webb in the 80s discovered that the CIA was involved in trafficking crack into inner city America. They have been up to evil stuff for a long time now with no accountability.
The real problem identified in this is that I think only one FISA warrant has ever been denied. Seems like not a lot of due diligence is being done to protect US citizens regardless of party. That said, aren't you guys usually in favor of being "extra-judicial" until it impacts white collar crime?

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