If you all read the Trump, Jr. e-mails, it's pretty clear that he was at least trying to accept help from the Russian government in the campaign. That's damning. And yes, it could be criminal. We need more details to know for sure, but Dershowitz is losing his marbles if he doesn't see at least the potential for criminality.
If you want to try to focus on the positives for Trump, they do exist. First, there's nothing here that establishes or even suggests Trump's personal involvement or even knowledge of this possible coordination. Why does that matter? Because that's essential to impeachment seriously being on the table.
Second, there's no indication that links Trump, Jr. directly to the hacking of the DNC or Podesta.
Third, there's a possibility of DNC and HRC people taking help from Ukrainians, so if you want to play the "everybody does it" card, that's at least on the table.
Fourth, though he bullshat about it for awhile, Trump, Jr. did voluntarily release the e-mail chain. HRC would have kept the lie going for several years and forced federal investigators to piss away a few hundred million dollars hiring computer forensic experts and comb through a few million irrelevant e-mails before finding it.
Finally, despite fears that Trump would carry water for Putin (from analysts and from me), at least in the surface and up to this point, he hasn't. Some of his rhetoric has been less than ideal and sometimes embarrassing, but in action he has generally been supportive of NATO. He has pushed the other countries to spend more money but confirmed his commitment to Art. V. He has also reversed the Obama Administration's drawdown of US forces in Europe, which was the biggest way to support NATO and deter Putin. (To be fair, Obama started to reverse it as well, but Trump has accelerated it significantly.)