What if it was not the Russians?

Durham report not even at the bottom of CNN’s web page. Scary times and the American public has no idea. I saw a poll yesterday where 60% of 18-25 year olds would choose keeping tik tok over voting rights.

Would be easy (and maybe correct) to interpret this as a problem with how we've raised the next generation to be stupid drones just wanting easy brain-numbing lives. But could also interpret this as young people being fed up with having become adults into a political realm of extreme blind partisanship and mudslinging and are starting off already disillusioned rather than the "expected" path of starting out energetic and optimistic and only getting disillusioned later.
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I'm telling ya, same guy...


Apparently nothing about the Russian collusion hoax as based on reality:

I'm sure that Russian interference is a thing, but it's in the form of internet trolls (the web brigades) and the like. It's not stuff like physical servers.

And like I've asked before, why no concern about Chinese election interference? Does anyone think that isn't going on???
Holy cow!!! Nunes says 302’s exonerate Papadopoulos. Where is @Seattle Husker ?

House Republicans considering criminal referrals against Mueller prosecutors | Just The News

Nunes specifically reacted to a story in Just the News disclosing that FBI interview memos of key figure George Papadopoulos show he was helpful in trying to locate a witness named Joseph Mifsud but that Mueller's prosecutors portrayed Papdopoulos as trying to thwart or frustrate the investigation's efforts to question Mifsud.

The new FBI memos provide "our first evidence of the Mueller team lying to the court. It a lie. It's a total lie," the lawmaker said, referring to the Mueller team's claim that Papadopoulos tried to hinder efforts to locate and question Mifsud.
Where is that coward who was convinced that Papadopoulus was guilty? Useful idiot and a tool of the intelligence community.

CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say | ZeroHedge

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