What are you listening to?

This is one Texas girl I wouldn't think you want to cross. I have seen her use a gun and she is good with one, she seems like a really tough nut, that knows what she wants. She seems to have her head on straight.

She said that if she and Blake had a kid, he would have to take her over the border to Texas to give birth, so he or she would be a Texan. I have seen her wear UT shirts during concerts. I like her and her music. I think she knew how things were and didn't get all that upset. Don't think she will be lonely long.

She doesn't get mad, she just gets even.

The Reverend Al, who brought the funk in the 70's.


TWH - you inspired me to listen to some RS:

This clip is 1967. On the Ed Sullivan Show in 1966 Mick promised Ed he would sing "Let's some time together" but kept to the original lyrics. Considered very controversial at the time.

Paint it Black:

Get Off My Cloud:

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Tribute to the music of Lynyrd Skynyrd concert by many artists. If you let it keep playing, you get a version of "The Breeze," by Peter Frampton.

Geez, Walking apparently accessorizes with gif's and sig fotos.

I dedicate this video to Worster Man and all the "Comrades". It chronicles a night out on the town for them. NB, WM, bigKhan...

Walking, avert your gaze, there's nothing for you to see here.

Let's revisit this, now that The Walking Horn no longer has to avert her eyes. This needed a reply and now I counter with this by B 52's singer Fred Scheider.

This chronicles, well use your imagination.:smile1:

Listening to various Moody Blues clips tonight as I surf and post on my favorite website and home HF:

Where are you Pam?
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I warned you I have diverse musical tastes. Last evening I wanted to hear some classics from The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds, their high water mark and an album that influenced the Beatles and the production of the Sgt. Peppers album. True story.

FWIW, Good Vibrations was released as a single but should have been on the Pet Sounds album.

Here are 3 of my favorite clips:

We have this great site to discuss all things Longhorns on and other things. Football season is nearly upon us. Cooler weather is coming and other things too, I love the Fall.

So "Don't It Make You Want to Dance?"

Not sure how I stumbled on this tune again, but I did. That was a good album including "Cut the Kek". Pick Up the Pieces always reminds me of some good times I had in Austin in the spring of 1975.

Funny, but I listen to this song over and over and never grow tired of it. Others songs I am tired of them after I hear them 20 times....

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Something reminded me of this UK group a buddy turned me on to in the early 70's. I had this 8 track tape at one time but I have not heard this in years. Listen to several songs from this album before you pass judgment. They have an edge I liked.

Some good flutework on Jackdaw. House on the Hill & Your Not Smiling are good clips IMO. I think this group was a little ahead of the times - some early electronic influences. Snek you may have an ear for this:

see if it grows on you....

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