Was it louder

I think it's great that you stand and cheer. I wish more people were like you. I just think it's silly talking about people who boo, which I don't, and not about people who do nothing at all. I would much rather have people around me that boo when the opponent takes the field and gets loud for the Horns during the game. It's much better then people who don't boo and just don't yell anything all game. If you have had season tickets for that long then you are more then aware of how little noise is made at the stadium compared to other places.

Where is this booing 'rule book' you have access to? I have never seen it, so to me booing is always serious...never silly. Reread my post.

I don't boo. I cheer like hell for my team, but I don't boo.

In my experience, people who boo are also likely to boo their own team or coaches when they make plays or decisions that they do not agree with. I'm not saying that you boo'ers on here do that, but I'll stand by that as a general observation.

Booing is so NFL. College is a different game, and to me sportsmanship is one of the things that makes it different. Booing is not sportsmanlike.

Now, if our fanbase was loud throughout the game, I might be able to overlook the booing as "part of a hostile environment". That is not the case with DKR, and until it is I think that booing is out of place and out of keeping with the idea that we are classy fans, with a classy team, playing in a classy stadium.
Talk about a hijacked thread!!!!
Oh and booing when the team enters the field and during the alma mater is very classless!!!!

I really thought it was louder at the beginning. The sound seemed to echo in the stadium. It will be much louder against Arky.
Jesus, after all the stadium renovation posts over the summer a guy asks about the difference it made and this thread turns into a HornFans.com time warp to the fabled 'class wars' of 1999...
Ignatius is right. Post edited.

As I said earlier, definitely louder for the type of game. I bet Arkansas is deafening.
geez i was gonna go to my first home game next year....but this forum saying our fans are quiet and we can't cuss makes me seem heistant.

To me it is football...cussing from fans is to be expected, but just don't go overboard with it.

I personally like rowdy games, but it seems Texas home games aren't rowdy...maybe I am wrong?
You clowns in here preaching about class: Get a life. There is nothing wrong with booing the opposing team when they enter the field. It's part of football. It's part of sports.

Are you the same people who yelled at me for swimming in the pool last night after the "closing time" of 9:00 PM. I was swimming by myself, was not making noise, and the gate is always unlocked.
From section 107, the stadium did not seem noticably louder. I hope it will for bigger games. The one big difference was that the band was not nearly as loud, since it wasn't pointing directly at me. I hope the students can hear it better than they used to.

FWIW- One of the most impressive things I have ever seen in college football was the entire stadium in Lincoln chanting "Heisman" as Ricky left the field in 98, having just lead the Horns to a win which blasted the Huskers ~70 game (?) home win streak.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned. I believe in respect for my fellow man. If I'm going to boo you, you've got to earn it. Late hits, silly celebrations, and idiotic media statements earn boos. Just coming to play my team doesn't.
UT games were much rowdier when the team sucked. Now we have a large country club fanbase. The booing arguments have been discussed ad nauseum for years now.

I think the stadium will be much louder when the hogs roll into town. If it isn't, then we have really gotten lame around here.
It's just too distracting to spend time watching the game when you are up in the club getting your Perrier, canapes, and roast beef with horseradish mustard. Wouldn't want to spend too much time with the disorderly louts and plebian riff-raff in the cheaper seating areas.
Moving the band to south endzone reduced the noise in the closed end. And .... as usual ... fans in West LL were relatively quite. I felt like I was distrubing them by yelling "DEEEEEE FENSE".
We are beating a dead horse but that's because this is important. Why else would there be so many posts? I realize you don't get it, Dahobbs(and others) but let me ask you a question, how did you feel the 1st time you heard the story about Nebraska fans chanting, "Heisman" as Ricky ran off the field? I don't know about you but it gave me goose bumps. I've never gotten goose bumps from hearing our fans boo an opponent or their school song. We've invited them to come play at our stadium so we should applaud them for having the cojones to show up. You're right, it may be a generational thing to boo but that doesn't make it right. Wearing your pants so low your *** hangs out is a generational thing but I have to hope that someday even your generation will look back and regret that fashion statement.

As for the poster who feels not booing means being quiet-in over 30 years of attending games I've never once left the stadium without being completely hoarse. But I'm yelling FOR the Horns. Keep it positive and walk out of the stadium a bigger man.