Dear god, this is still going? In order to be rude or classless, an action must actually be offensive! Are you going to honestly tell me you think the other team, their fans, ANYONE, is actually offended by booing? Are you offended when teams boo Texas? The point is to make noise, to intimidate, to rattle nerves a bit. Classless is yelling at opposing fans, classless is rubbing it in after the game, classless is threatening players, booing is not in that category. Don't take everything so seriously, you'll live a lot longer. Being the minority on what's left of hornfans is hardly a serious indictment. I maintain that if you think booing is rude, you have not kept up with modern times.
I'll be the first to congratulate someone on a good game. I'm more than willing to show opposing fans around, to buy drinks, whatever. I'll make sure our horns are up for every injury. I consider myself a damn good and classy fan. I went to every game, home and away in 2004, 2005, and I stand by my assertion.