Was it louder

I'm usually a pretty rowdy fan at the games, but this year I got my season tickets late and ended up being assigned to the NEZ upper. One thing my friend and I noticed was there were a LOT of families with LITTLE kids. So the kids aren't doing a lot to create noise and every time I piped up I got "shhhhhh'd" by their parents. It was kind of depressing for me.

However, I will ignore them against the pigs.
Booing the opposing team as they enter the stadium is classless. Throwing **** bombs in a public setting is lower than classless. Grow up children!
Booing the opposing team is rude. The two on here that keep posting that it is not won't make it different. It is juvenile and classless. Move to Columbus if you want to act like you are in junior high.

I guarantee you Mack Brown would say booing is rude. End of discussion.
... the seizure-inducing

Greatness!!! Yeah, and it's the same at Erwin when they start the before-game-boogie. The A/V factor at Erwin is second in nausea only to organ music at a baseball game. Or the smell of popcorn at Target.

Basically, I wish UT would just cut out all the contemporary audio-visual ******** and let sports exist without what amounts to sensory overload of absolutely meaningless stuff. Just stop it, for Gosh Sakes. It makes sports less than the games they are. Much less. It adds nothing, it takes away so much.
I'm reading this and yet all I can hear in my head is what football means to every other fanbase but ours. I recall the Colorado coach yelling that this is big 12 football and not intramurals. I think of Oklahoma states coach yelling at reporters. I remember some Auburn coach yelling F-bombs on youtube. I remember countless OU fans flipping me off in Dallas and the aggies wrestling fans on their football field.

These are just a few. There are countless others. I did not make the Ohio State in Columbus and have never made a game in Arkansas. So go cry me a river if you think booing is classless. Some of you really make me laugh. It's football.
I think it is classless to boo the opposing team as they enter the stadium. My reasons are the same as posted by others.

I will say, I was happy to see that some of the fans in the NEZ/West Side applauded FAU as they left the field.
With this re-opening (for lack of a better term) of DKR-TMS, we now have an opportunity to give this stadium a reputation of being one of the toughest places for opposing teams to play. However, we need to walk a fine line between having a tough stadium and having a stadium with disrespectful fans. A few suggestions:

-Keep booing to a minimum (for example, don't boo the visiting alma mater and don't boo when the visiting team enters the field). The best response is no response at all; make them feel alone in this stadium.

-Keep the noise in the stadium to a minimum when on offense.

-Keep the noise in the stadium to a maximum when on defense.
For all of your "class", where will it get you? Soft fans are becoming of a soft team. Should we portray that image? I personally think the rest of America thinks we are soft enough and slapping that other team on the butt as they play us at home is silly. Should we show the teams of America that we are tough by cheering loudly for our own team and not being hostile toward them? We can't even cheer loud to begin with.

So we should cheer them for simply coming to play us? BS we paid them 900,000 to come here and get stomped, booed, and swept out of town. They did not come out of some profound loyalty to the sport. They came because we paid them.

Football is a sport and booing is part of that. It seems as though some would have you believe that since you boo a player in a game you would boo him on the street if you saw him. I’m sorry some don't have the ability to distinguish between a game and real life. I don’t hate the other players, I just don’t want them to win. I am 100% confidant the players understand this. I’m going to boo when I want, I want them to feel unwelcome, I want them to get hit, knocked down, tired, and beatup. Most of all I want them to lose. So BOOOOO!

“If ye love fellowship greater than victory, the tranquility of silence greater than the animating contest of a hostile football game, go home from us in peace. We seek not your golf clap, nor your silent disapproval. Crouch down and lick the feet that you never stomp the bleachers with; May your non burnt orange clothes set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were a Longhorn."

Hook em
i snuck into section 19 row 9(i had a section 105 ticket) with some of my friends and i didn't hear too much **** talking from the students around me. also every time a player went down many many horns went up and never heard any boos when there was an injury. there were large chants of "bull ****" when FAU appeared to fumble on the first drive but really didnt. also on the suppposed TD of ogbannaya that was prolly called correctly but i havent seen replays since the actual game.
True that. I've been to a number of Texas games in my childhood/teen years with my dad and sat within the 40 yard lines in the lower deck of both the east and west side. Saturday was my first game as a UT student, and the difference in attitude, volume, enjoyment, EVERYTHING was huge between the student section and the rest of the stadium. I was in the east corner, just below the new section. It was pretty damn loud there. I think I remember sitting down maybe 3 times through the entire 1st half. Once, after the 1st quarter ended, and the other 2 times because I felt I was going to hurl and had lost my balance. Comparing that to when I was "shhh"ed and told to sit down by some old folks, who refused to make any sound at all . . . well you see where the problem comes from. Outside the student sections, it's like a sin to vocally support your team. It was also pretty pathetic to see so many empty lower west deck seats and sitting down every 10 seconds.
Just by reading this thread you will find evidence of why Texas fans aren't considered that intimidating. When I was a kid back in the early '90s, people booed the opposing team when they entered the field, that aspect has not changed.
Dear god, this is still going? In order to be rude or classless, an action must actually be offensive! Are you going to honestly tell me you think the other team, their fans, ANYONE, is actually offended by booing? Are you offended when teams boo Texas? The point is to make noise, to intimidate, to rattle nerves a bit. Classless is yelling at opposing fans, classless is rubbing it in after the game, classless is threatening players, booing is not in that category. Don't take everything so seriously, you'll live a lot longer. Being the minority on what's left of hornfans is hardly a serious indictment. I maintain that if you think booing is rude, you have not kept up with modern times.

I'll be the first to congratulate someone on a good game. I'm more than willing to show opposing fans around, to buy drinks, whatever. I'll make sure our horns are up for every injury. I consider myself a damn good and classy fan. I went to every game, home and away in 2004, 2005, and I stand by my assertion.
Booing is bush league. Cheer like hell for your team, yell louder when your team is on D, but booing is weak. After all, what joy is there in booing an 18-20 yr old kid?
I don't boo when the other team arrives or after their fight songs. However, what I find more offensive are the people who show up to sit on their hands with their mouths taped shut. I would be willing to bet that most who complain about "booing" in this thread won't YELL Texas or Fight during a game. If those people really cared about the team and atmosphere at the stadium they should give their tickets away to people who will yell, scream and cheer the team and make it hard for the opposing team to hear. In case you haven't heard DKR isn't exactly the most intimidating stadium for visitors to play.
I think we should start the TEXAS-FIGHT cheer whenever an opponent enters the field. Agree that booing at that time is lame.

Booing is tongue in cheek? That is about the silliest remark I have ever heard. Booing should be reserved for things that deserve to be booed...unsportsmanlike hits, blown calls by the officials, opposing coaches acting like idiots, agg/okie, etc.

The other team coming onto the field and the playing of their school song are not reasons to boo. As a LONGHORN fan you should pride yourself in behaving better than fans from other schools like tosu, tt, owho, arkie and cu.

I get the idea that a few of you wouldn't even think about holding the door open for someone else, or thanking someone for holding the door for you.

