Walking Dead Season 4

Tyreese and Carol are definitely in the mix to save Rick and the gang. Not sure how they manage that while caring for Judith.

Could Beth already be at Terminus? It's a big complex. I think it's likely there are captives in other areas. Maybe Beth releases Rick and crew.
I definitely can see Ty and Carol busting Rick and Co. out. They are armed and Rick buried a cache of weapons in bag outside Terminus.

Beth is the obvious question mark. When Rick and Co. were finally cornered, it was by shooters on the roofs and a band of armed Termites outside the fence line, suggesting that the Termites roam/live/camp out in the surrounding area outside Terminus.

Was she abducted by a Termite and being held elsewhere? Is she somewhere else with an unknown character(s)? Was she brought to Terminus and is being held captive elsewhere in the compound?

What if she may have joined the Termites, forcibly or voluntarily, and become one of them? Their cultish aura is an attraction to some.

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