VY Arrested Again for DWI

And that is the key difference between alcoholism and disease. Kudos and respect to you, MD, for seeing the problem and taking steps that helped you to correct it. Not everyone so afflicted is successful this way. However the point I want to make is that you could do something (in your case, AA) that would make the problem stop. Not go away, but stop. I wish there were such meetings for my mom to attend that would have stopped her cancer from killing her.

Saying it's a disease just like cancer or heart disease I think lets the alcoholic off the hook and so they are not responsible. This is a bad incentive model, IMO. It can be stopped if you will take steps to make it so and then stick with it, as you did.

High blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
There are genetic "diseases" passed down that once discovered can be controlled yet not cured.
Most, even the medical world, now believe alcohol/drug addiction to be genetically passed along.
"In 1956 the American Medical Association decided that alcoholism is a disease,"
A Disease

Cancer may not be a good example.

And my sobriety came from what I can only call a spiritual, "burning bush", experience.
Or maybe call it a psychological upheaval.
But I had about as much choice in it as I did my drinking.
After this experience I did find my way into a program to help stay that way.
I was hours away from death beforehand.

And all recovering addicts I know accept full responsibility for their actions.
I don't feel I have been "let off the hook" in any form or fashion.
Body size, eye color, skin color, hair color, are all human traits that are passed on genetically.

Being passed on genetically doesn't define something as being a disease.
And all recovering addicts I know accept full responsibility for their actions.

The key word I put in bold. Accepting responsibility is part of the process of beating addiction. Those still in addiction - not so much. It's always somebody else's fault.
Body size, eye color, skin color, hair color, are all human traits that are passed on genetically.

Being passed on genetically doesn't define something as being a disease.

Thanks Captain Obvious. ;)

I merely stated some diseases are genetic.
Never said everything passed along is a disease.
Your grouping and ordering of these sentences, quoted without editing, suggest an "if A and if B, then C" construct:

There are genetic "diseases" passed down that once discovered can be controlled yet not cured.
Most, even the medical world, now believe alcohol/drug addiction to be genetically passed along.
"In 1956 the American Medical Association decided that alcoholism is a disease,"

A: There are genetic "diseases" passed down that once discovered can be controlled yet not cured.

B: Most, even the medical world, now believe alcohol/drug addiction to be genetically passed along.

C: "In 1956 the American Medical Association decided that alcoholism is a disease,"

That's the way I read it.

If there are genetic diseases, and if addiction is genetically passed on, then
addiction is a disease.
I commend Moondog and I don't exist and others for getting out from under Alcoholism. I have witnessed two brilliant UT alumns waste their lives and eventually both die due to this disease. I grew up with their sons. I have a close friend battling it right now. This disease will destory a man's life. I have seen it first hand! Sadly it affects the next generation too. So anyway, I hope VY can get whatever help he needs. It appears he has a problem, but I am far too removed to know. I hope he can stop drinking.
Believe me, the last thing those still in addiction are worried about is if they have a disease.
They've yet to even admit they have a problem.

It has been 36 years, 4 months and 23 days since my most recent drink. And I am still very much in my addiction. But through the grace of God and the fellowship of AA I have not had to get drunk today, or any day, since October 2, 1982. But I wake up every morning as an addict. And I go to bed every night as an addict. It is a disease with no known cure. Recovery is possiblle, on a daily basis.

I know people who come from families that have alcoholics in them and have basically decided to never drink since that would be their only saving action.
IMHO he needs to stop --- right now, shut his yap, stop listening to lawyers, and salvage his legend. He still can. But not being like JFF.
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Was surprised by the news but after some deliberation I support it and like the message it sends. No matter who you are, there will be accountability when you represent The University of Texas.
Just saw a headline that VY has been fired by UT for his DWI arrest.
The termination was not for the arrest but for a host of performance-related issues. Quite frankly, it sounds as though he was living on borrowed time even before the arrest (on a charge that STILL shows in Fort Bend records as 'unfiled').

Even with a disposition that does not result in any finding of guilt, I don't see reinstatement occurring under the State's administrative review processes related to employee discipline. There had been too many counsel and reprimand incidents and it appears that VY was already on a probationary status that dated back more than a year, some related to what sounds like a lack of accountability for his time both in and out of the office.
I'm very saddened to learn of this for VY... unfortunately he brought this on himself. I hope that some around him will work to get him some help. He can still turn this around if HE wants to and is willing to work to do it. I suspect he is broke and now with this firing there is no net.

Most, even the medical world, now believe alcohol/drug addiction to be genetically passed along.

Genetically the key word is "predisposition". They are passed along.

From what I have read humans do genetically inherit / gain / pass along predispositions to mental and physical conditons - including diseases.

If you have a family with a history of cancer, diabetes, alcoholism, etc. it's not a guarentee you will have it / experence it, but you will have a greater predisposition than someone else without that family history. I think there are probably varying degrees of predisposition to certain things.
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For those so interested...case still shows as set for tomorrow. The Complaint and Information were formally filed yesterday. Vince has a pending charge of Obstruction of a Public Roadway. No reference to alcohol appears in the charging instrument.
thanks for the info
I hope for the best for VY. I wish we could help him.

I have to admit to a sinking feeling when I saw the thread at the top and hoped it was not a new charge.
I hope he gets it together. His life is far from over and he can still make something (more) of himself. Pulling for him.
Former University of Texas star and Pro Bowl quarterback Vince Young's driving while intoxicated case was reduced Friday to a misdemeanor obstruction of a highway charge in Fort Bend County, according to court officials and his lawyer.

A July court date is pending on the Class B misdemeanor.

Young is being represented by Houston-based lawyer, Paul Doyle

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