Montalbano K's looking for the first out.
Marlow K's swinging for out two.
Hall hits a jam job to left that falls for a hit, good thing he had whatever bats are made out of now instead of wood.
Johnson hits a hanging breaking pitch to the wall in left for a double to put runners on second and third with two down.
Weis leaves them stranded with his second swinging K in two at bats.
Ground ball to second is out one.
Single to right puts a man on first.
Ground ball FC 5-4 for out two.
A little bleeder over first fall for a double to put runners on second and third.
Wipe the blood off that one is what we used to say to someone that did that.
Ground ball to first ends the thread.
Houston leads 3-0 after three now.
Payton lines a single to left center for a runner.
Sure could have used that last inning.
Hinojosas grounds into a 5-4-3 dp for two outs.
This is becoming like "Ground Hog Day" baseball version.
Moynihan dribbles one to the mound for the third out.
Ground ball to second by Carter for the first out.
Montalbano turns on a breaking ball on the inside half and drives it by third baseman down the line for a double.
Marlow watches a fastball cut the plate in half for a K for out two.
Hall K's to end the inning.
Boardman with a swinging K on strike four to end the inning even the Cougar High announcers had to admit there was some creative calls during that at bat.
Johnson on first on the error, he has been on every trip tonight now with two hits before the error.
He is the only bright spot lately with the bat and now he steals second.
Payton up, if we can't score now it may not happen.
Payton walks to put runners on first and second.
Hello Frank Anderson, how you been? I miss the day when before he came to Texas he used to go out to the mound chew serious *** on those Tech pitchers. That was hilarious back then. Of course the fact we would be beating them senseless then helped some.
HInojosa walks to load them them up without a hit.
See FW it's a Houston rally for us and four more walks or maybe some errors and were right back in this thing.
Wow a shallow fly ball and here comes Johnson who barely makes it on a serious rag arm throw. You might want to try sliding next time there Johnson. That was a dangerous move.
Breaks up the shut out and we score without a hit imagine that.
Houston now up 4-1.
I can't believe that the moron announcers said that was a good throw, goof balls.
Another walk loads them up again, I don't care that we can't hit this is funny stuff.
Hall lays down a bunt and the third baseman bare hands it and throws in one motion to get him for out one.
A fly to right is out #2.
Weis lines one to right and the right fielder looked like he was drunk trying to field that and it goes by him for a three base error. Houston trying to out inept us.
Boy this game has it all, Payton lays down a perfect bunt down the third base line and the third baseman fields and throws out Weis at home
Who knows what is going on in this game?
If your leading off third and with two outs and your momentum
going to the plate as soon as you see the ball come off the bat your going you should score.
These announcers are as confusing as this game, a pop now carrying out to the outfield caught by the second baseman.
A steal attempt and here we go again, as clueless umps have chaos going again. The batter hit Mantalbano's mitt with his shoulder as he was trying to throw to second which would should be interference on the hitter. Here comes Augie
and they call it a foul ball. Help me