UT TV Schedule Projections


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Sept 1 - NM St - Fox Sports Net National (already set)Sept. 8 - UNC - ABC (already set)Sept. 22 - @UH - ESPN2 (already set)Sept. 29 - TTech - ???Oct. 6 - OU - ABC (obviously)Oct. 13 - @OK St - ???Oct. 20 - Col - ???Oct. 27 - @ Mizzou - ???
Nov. 3 - @ Baylor
- ???
Nov. 10 - KU
- ???
Nov. 23 - @A&M
- ABC National (already set)

The way this works is that there is a picking process:

(1) ABC "Split National"?
- sometimes selects a game at 11am for "Split National Coverage" (will have another non-Big 12 game air at the same time).

(2) ABC 2:30pm Regional Slot
- ABC gets first dibs on a Big 12 game at 2:30pm.

(3) Fox Sports National Slot
- after ABC, Fox then chooses a game for their 6pm National Big 12 slot (aired on all regional Fox Sports affiliates).

(4) Fox Sports Big 12 Synd package
- 11am shown on some local TV stations and Fox Sports West 2.

Here are the weekends in question:

Sept. 29 - TTech
- Projection: Fox 6pm National. The other Big 12 Games that weekend are:
ND@A&M - No NBC b/c away game - probable split national
K St @ OU - Probable ABC 2:30pm slot
Baylor @ Iowa St
Fox has chosen the UT-TTech game for its 6pm Big 12 slot the last three years. If not chosen this year, its a sure bet for the 11am syndication game over BU@Iowa St.

Oct. 13 - @OK St
- Projection: 40% chance at Fox syndication at 11am. The other B12 games that weekend are:
K St@TTech - probable 2:30pm ABC
A&M@Col - probable Fox Sports 6pm (maybe ABC 2:30pm)
Iowa St@Mizzou
We have about as good a shot at landing the Big 12 Syndication slot as OU@KU, and NU@Baylor is an outside shot (the people that schedule these things are crazy).

Oct. 20 - Col
- Projection: Fox Sports Net 6pm. The other B12 games that weekend:
A&M@K St - ABC 2:30pm
Iowa St@OK St
Pretty safe bet we beat TTech heading to NU for this one, and that game will be the B12 Synd game at 11am (if not, we'll be). There is a slight chance that ABC could screw A&M@K St, and take CU@UT for the ratings.

Oct. 27 - @ Mizzou
- Projection: 45-25-20-10 shot at ABC 2:30pm, Fox Sports 6pm, Fox 11am or not televised, respectively. The other B12 Games that weekend:
OU@NU - ABC Split National 11am.
Iowa St@A&M - 45-25-20-10
Who in the hell knows? None of these games are that good.

Nov. 3 - @ Baylor
- Projection: No TV. Other Big 12 games that weekend:
NU@KU - ABC 2:30pm
A&M@TTech - 33% Fox Sports 6pm
K St @ Iowa St - 33% Fox Sports 6pm
Mizzou@CU - 33% Fox Sports 6pm
Theoretically, we have an outside shot at a Fox Sports Synd 11am slot. However, look for Baylor to call for a TV blackout of that game to lure UT fans to Waco to buy tickets, as they've done in the past.

Nov. 10 - KU
- Projection: 45-35-20 for Fox 6pm, Fox 11am and not televised, respectively. The other Big 12 Games that weekend:
NU@K St - ABC Split National 11am
A&M@OU - ABC 2:30pm
OK St@TTech -
CU@Iowa St -
BU@Mizzou -
Who knows? None of these games look great besides the two big ones.
I'm about to get a satelite everyone is saying direct w/ espn gameplan will catch all of this ,,,any idea?
No, ESPN Gameplan WILL NOT catch all of this.

Had the Big 12 Signed with ESPN instead of Fox Sports, ESPN Gameplan WOULD have picked up every otherwise non-televised game Big 12 game on Pay-Per-View, just as they pick up every Big 10 game right now on Pay-Per-View. But the Conference boneheads went with Fox Sports so, not only do we get a lot of Kellen Winslow instead of Kirk Herbstreit, but we have 2-3 Big 12 games not televised anywhere every week.

If you live outside of Big 12 territory, definitely get DirecTV over The Dish Network, as you can only watch Big 12 Syndication games on Fox Sports West 2, which The Dish Network doesn't have. I.e., you miss all of the 11am Big 12 action if you have The Dish Network. That is, unless TDN has added Fox Sports West 2.
I hope we can get TT for the night game. It'll still be hot, and NATIONAL exposure. It'll help if TT comes in undefeated, same for us.

3 night games (all national TV). That would be sweet.

My concern is the KSU/ou game. That'll be a big one as well. atm/nu will be abc (w/ nu that's pretty much a lock).
You're probably right on target but damn, the B12 TV contract sucks
While driving through Austin this evening, some ND bozo called KVET to explain ESPN would probably make the ND/ag game for a Sat. night broadcast. But I don't think ESPN is in the B12 mix.

I read of the CBS exclusive contract w/ the SEC, but it sounds like ESPN is still committed to SEC Sat. night -WTF?

Why do you have Kst projected into so many 2:30 games & UT maybe one?

As I understand the ABC logic, Texas/ou is better @ 11AM than 2:30 that sucks.

My guess is Texas gets screwed w/ no TV vs BU & KU but worthless games ie. Ist/a$m and KU/MU make television.
My totally worthless thinking is an undefeated or one loss Texas team in November will be on TV v. Kansas. No way Fox AND ABC pass on that. I agree that BU will probably blackout our game just as in the past, which is kinda chickenshit, but I'd prob do the same if I was in the same position as them. but I'm not complainin' -- I'll be up in Wacko for that one. Sucks for you outta staters, though.
Now this is the type of post I need!
Everybody wants "long range planning." The missus... the boss ... *This* is the raw material from which long range plans are drawn. Carry on Horn brethren!
For some reason, I'm thinking no TV for OK St or Baylor. The Big 12 TV package absolutely blows.

Does anyone know if the ABC or Fox packages require a certain number of appearances for each school?

Do you know the details behind the Big12 going with Fox instead of ESPN? Unless the Fox deal is much more lucrative it seems to me that it would be a no brainer. ESPN is just simply better than Fox, from pregame to announcers to game presentation. If the conference had a chance to hook up with ESPN it makes no sense for them not to have.
For all of you who have Dish Network, they are offering the ESPN Gameplan. It's $89 if you order before Aug 31 and $99 if you order later. If you order using Dish on demand on just one Saturday it's $11.95 for all day. This covers Saturday Sept. 1 thru Saturday Nov. 24.

This helps but it does not solve the Fox Sports West 2 problem. I urge all Dish Network users to call, write, e-mail, threaten, demonstrate or otherwise coerce TDN to add Fox Sports West 2 to their package of regional Fox Sports channels. I think this would give us access to all the games with the possible exception of Baylor. That's a whole 'nother story.
Heard a rumor that IF both Texas and ou are undefaeted going into their matchup that ABC would make it a night game, quite similar to their Florida State-Clemson matchup a few years back.

Can you say YIKES?

Does anyone know how long the Big 12's contract with Fox lasts? Hopefully not long, but usually the TV rights are signed for at least 5 years. I agree about the quality of commentators, pregame show, and postgame shows. Fox uses all it's talent for the NFL.

I remember watching Fox last year during the Tech game and couldn't stand Kellan Winslow and his goofy sidekick. They are so unatural. It's like they rehearse everything they are going to say. They are both just plain goofy.

AND...not to mention the picture on Fox Sports Net was absolutely horrible. Watching the Texas v. TTech game last year seemed like they were playing in a blizzard. Granite it was a damp evening, but their picture has always been very bad. Watching the Astros this year I've noticed they have improved the picture, but it's still the closest you can get to watching black and white TV than any other cable channel. I've tried to resolve this proplem and attend all the games in person, but the time and the money doesn't allow it for every game.
I agree with just all of it. The only thing is, ABC absolutely does not want (and I won't say will not, but it's real close) show the same team 2 weeks in a row at 2:30. I think Texas /CU will be the 2:30 game that week. I think the 2:30 games will come like this:
9/29 - ND/A&M (KSt/OU @ 11:30 am)
10/6- No Doubt
10/13- KSt/Tech
The rest I agree with you. Of course all of my insight, fwiw, if you added it to 25 cents you'd still only have a quarter
ABC doesn't have a problem with showing the same team two weeks in a row. In fact,, in '99, they showed Texas-K State, Texas-OU and Texas-NU for three consecutive weeks.

I think that Fox might be obligated to show every Big 12 team at least one on the Big 12 Syndication package, or something silly like that. But I can't remember.
If Fox has to show each team once, wouldn't it be cool, if they gave Baylor thier chance to be on TV, the week of the UT game?

I don' t know about the contractual arrangments between the Big 12, ABC and Fox.

I do know that there are some seemingly very stupid decisions made re programming. E.g., last year, the UT@CU game WAS NOT picked up as the Big 12 Synd game -- even though UT was coming of its famous 63-14 collapse against OU, CU had just won @Kyle (I think something stupid, like KU against someone crappy was picked) and this game had LOADS of national attention surrounding it that week. On the other hand, Baylor @ UT was picked up as the Big 12 Synd game (?????). UT @ KU -- with a possible KU bowl bid on the line and the first post-Applewhite game -- was also not televised.

I used to think that there must be complex behind-the-scenes reasons behind the decisions but, after talking to a fair number of relevantly knowledgeable people, I think its more caused by general stupidity/ignorance at the programming level.
Part of our current piss poor TV deal is that each school has to be televised a certain minimum number of times....thus a Baylor vs Whogivesashit could be televised over a CU-UT affair. It is part of being a "Conference" is what they will tell you. I say Baylor needs to get good enough to be televised first....then they will say without the exposure how can they recruit....then I will say "who wants to go to a place that loses by 50 point per week and have everyone in their hometown see it... etc. etc. etc.

Bottom line is that with 12 teams, we made a big booboo as a conference when we did not go with ESPN instead of FOX. I'm in SEC country and they get a game on ESPN as well as ESPN2 then regional or national on CBS then Jefferson Pilot (remember them?) carries the others regionally. I don't think any game between two SEC schools goes untelevised. In the same breath, the audiences out here can be small in comparison due to smaller population. Half the citizenry can just hitch the truck to their house and move next to the stadiums on gameday anyway....much similar to Norman I would assume.

The two best options I saw were those two:

(1) The Big 10's Deal - cut it with ABC & ESPN, to get a game on ESPN and a game on ESPN2 (after ABC takes their game, of course). Then, the rest of the games are on pay-per-view on ESPN gameplan. So, everyone is televised.

(2) The SEC Deal - Cut their deal with CBS, with permitted regional broadcasts. CBS gets the right to one game a week. Their other games are free for ESPN and -- and this is the kicker -- they are permitted to have regional broadasts (e.g., Jefferson Pilot or the Sunshine Network) do each teams games that aren't otherwise televised. I know all of the very popular teams' games are atleast televised locally (Florida and Tenn, etc. .. ), and I'm not sure about the others (Vandy, etc . . . ).

We cut some lame *** deal where ABC gets the first shot, Fox gets the next two shots, and no individually televised regional coverage is allowed because it would overlap with the other coverage (which goes from 11am to 9pm). In taking this lame f-ing deal, I'm guessing that the conference overall got a better TV money, but it fu(ked the schools that people really want to watch play, who could have easily cut side deals for regional broadcast coverage (like the SEC). Because Fox doesn't have a pay-per-view package -- like ESPN does with ESPN Gameplan -- we also don't have the option of plunking down a little $$$ to watch the game, either. its the worst of all worlds.

Even the PAC-10 -- THE F-ING PAC-10 -- seems to have cut a better deal with Fox Sports. They cut the same ABC/Fox Sports deal we did, except that I know that some schools -- many FAR less popular than UT -- get their games televised locally. For example, if USC or UCLA aren't on ESPN or Fox Sports Net, they get their games carried locally on Fox Sports West 2 or KCAL Channel 9.

To me, this should be the #1 concern of UT, Nebraska, OU, A&M and K State when they go to negotiate the new deal. Don't do something idiotic!!!
Pongett-You're right about the Pac-10... At ASU, at the very least, we get to see a taped version of ASU's game on the Sunday after on Fox Sports Arizona...

The Big 12 does have the weekly games that are syndicated... But, they don't necessarily promote to the local region, as a KU vs. Missou matchup or something crappy like that is often televised...
I don't know how the deals work out amongst the various networks and conferences but if we beat OU in Dallas then we will jump to the head of the lsit of MNC contenders and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, will take a chance on not showing every game in the season Texas returned to the top.

we beat the land thieves . . . and we've won all of the previous games:

Every other game we play will be on tv.
Is it possible to blame DeLoss Dodds for any of this. We know that he has [censored] up the radio package to the point you can only pick up a game on radio (God forbid one is forced into that situation, but sometimes it occurs) if you happen to be in a three square mile area approximately 124 miles east southeast of Alpine. I think the only reason it can be picked up there is because of the unforeseen and unexplained influence of UFO's. It is probable that our esteemed AD reached an agreement with agents of the UFO's to broadcast our games on the GBS (Galactical Broadcasting System) which serves all nearby solar systems, but only if they guaranteed they would broadcast all of the games and also the coach's show.

I don't know for sure how much influence he had in forging the TV deal, but is sounds to me as if he had a hand in it.
No way A&M@KSU gets the ABC nod over TEXAS/CU.


1) TEXAS/CU is the better TV draw. If we're undefeated it doesn't matter what KSU and A&M do. A road trip for a NC title contender will be too tough to pass up.

2) Most likely, KSU losses to OU and A&M losses to CU the week before (Oct. 13). On top of that, the Aggies possibly have another loss (Notre Dame?). I will say that CU probably losses @ KSU and will have a blemish on their record. Hopefuly, not 2 (Colorado St., A&M?).

Also, I believe as long as we're undefeated, we'll be on TV this year (Fox SYN, Fox SW, or ABC). Take a look at how many times the Huskers have been overlooked since the formation of the Big 12. I bet every week the Huskers were undefeated they played on TV.
It is highly frustrating that the Big 12 continues to work with Fox. Could it be that ESPN simply doesn't want the Big 12, that they're content with the Big 10/SEC? ESPN broadcasts make Fox look rinky dink, and this has got to affect recruiting for the conference, tho it doesn't seem to have affected Mack too much(fortunately). Whatever. Fox-BAD, ESPN-GOOD.
We have a terrible deal. What is the logic behind denying me the chance to pay money to watch every game? I will never understand that. If you make we watch Tech v. Baylor, I find something else to do. Stupid.

I dont understand why the conference doesnt just break the deal and write a check [paid for by the new rights broadcaster]. Honor among thieves or what?

Contracts are broken all the time [although I dont remember a TV deal being broken], and it just comes down to a number.

I am sure there is a reason, just dont know what it is.

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