I really have trouble believing some of the things you guys write.
Let's make up a mock Ohio State BOR of posters, go behind closed doors and consider our options to problems they face:
1) We produced over $100 million in gross revenue and still wound up in the red a couple of years in a row. Got it fixed, guys, can't go back there because I'm tired of writing checks to pay people to make things go away.
2) Does anyone in this room really give a **** about that woman? She's already costing us money. Pay her off and shut hear up. Who wants to deal with that? Chicago, you & Catholic do that.
3) Look at Urban's years in Gainesville. We got off light compared to what Florida had to deal with. As far as we know, nobody died here, YET. Recruits raping coeds & beating them up? Play this woman's deal to the hilt so we can cover up any future major problems Urban brings us. Dion, you and Viper are in charge of paying her off.
4) Who hasn't had trouble with the **** Apple produces? Texts were Apple's fault. There one minute, gone the next. Yellow Dawg, you and Bill are in charge of finding the person that deleted those and paying them off.
5) Sangre, you go to Dallas and make sure we have adequate suites in various names not related to Ohio. We can hide Urban in one of those with a headset for the TCU game. Worster, you get a private elevator so no one can discover where an is sitting.
6) Who volunteers to get Urban to shut the **** up? Sorry, guys, Jesus is the only answer to that, and I'm not sure He is on our side.
Whose got the hunting lodge in Anahuac leased to take McMurphy on his alligator hunt?
Now, put on your most remorseful faces and let's go out and make this **** believable. Remember, if this house of cards falls in, every one of us is having to write yet another seven figure check to cover the losses.