^this^ is about all that needs to be said, but....I can't get away from the 2009 incident.
Zach was arrested and charged with felony assault.
This tells me that officers on the scene saw/found enough evidence to arrest and charge him of assaulting his pregnant wife, regardless of what said wife had to say.
Now, Courtney, as many battered women do, refuses to follow through and press charges.
So charges are dropped.
Meyer should have dumped him then and certainly should not have taken the risk of hiring him again.
I'll add a couple more things....
1. The whole Ohio State smokescreen/rebuttal/excuse etc is that Courtney Smith is looney and her mom even says so, BUT...texts from her mom to her and to Zach were found to include innuendos themselves to abuse with phrases like "don't you hurt her" or but "don't touch her anymore" and while Courtney's mom vividly remembers a myriad of other useful details she conveniently cannot recall placing these texts or why that would be in them
2. Both of Zach's drinking and driving incidents were reduced and swept away by a prominent tosu "foundation"/some kind of board member and booster who is a judge.
3. The school has been notified and is now currently under investigation for issues related to sexual misconduct involving the wrestling team
4.This Snook guy towing the line for tosu is an obvious tool of epic proportion
5. Zack Smith
6. Seems like everyone from judges to other coaches to the Herman's to friends to family to police to Mrs. Meyer and insiders and reporters from Ohio to Florida knew of the issues with Zack.....but Urban was in the dark?
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