unnamed tOSU coach

Multiple sources with direct knowledge have confirmed to Lettermen Row

Let me know when there is something more credible. For whatever the reason, Ohio State fans idiotically blame the whole Zach Smith mess on Herman and seem to be out to get him.
Multiple sources with direct knowledge have confirmed to Htown77 of Hornfans that a good number of tOSU reporters eat lead paint chips.
Dion, you need to add a few new Forums on the home page....this belongs under GARBAGE or FAKE NEWS!!
I hope y'all are right ...

basically I'm getting ... "I have no idea, but I'm reacting with my burnt orange rah rah" or "because I frequent these places, what's the problem?"
A colleague of mine, who has heard of tOSU, told me that a reliable friend of his recently mentioned that they knew someone who was a childhood friend of Tom Herman’s. As the story goes — from reliable sources, mind you — apparently once at age 13 or 14 (which, by the way, is ambiguous) — Herman once looked at a Playboy Magazine for between 15 and 45 minutes.

Frankly, this is very disturbing to me.
I hope y'all are right ...

basically I'm getting ... "I have no idea, but I'm reacting with my burnt orange rah rah" or "because I frequent these places, what's the problem?"
Now that's some great deduction. I'm 63 and been to a strip joint maybe a dozen times the last being about 30 years ago. But as the saying goes "assumptions are the mother of all fuckups".
Now that's some great deduction

thanks for validating the point.

Are you in the former or latter category? "idk" or "don't judge me man" That's rhetorical, btw ... I don't really want to know.

The point is ... if Herman took a HS coach to a strip club during official business ... that's pretty poor judgement. It's not great judgement to be there regardless of the reason.
What about my post validates the point? Am l in the former or latter? What about my statement I went to strip clubs a few times as a much younger man confuses you? You strike me as someone born after their time. You'd have fit right in with those highly tolerant puritans. You know the ones who executed people for being possessed by demons when it was far more likely they suffered from epilepsy or schoizfrenia.
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You go a business trip and meet with clients.
Afterwards everybody meets up at a strip club.
Who cares.
This is happening every day, all across the country.
I don't go to strip clubs.
I know people who do.
Who gives a ****?
You strike me as someone born after their time.

You got that part right ... would much rather be working with my grandfather when he was young than wondering which bathroom is acceptable to use or whether I'm using the appropriate pronoun when addressing someone else.

you're kinda full of presumption yerself, mister.

Afterwards everybody meets up at a strip club.

Not everyone is seeking to represent a University which has a code of conduct ... plenty of student athletes have been dismissed for the same thing ... and this wasn't afterward, evidently, btw. Still official business.

I didn't pose the question to gauge the impropriety of the allegation ... it IS bad.
The question is whether or not Tom Herman really was the guy with tOSU's Smith. @Htown77 is the only poster responding with something relevant: "prob just tOSU trying to stick it to Herman." Which means ... no, Herman wasn't the guy. Thanks.

Y'all trying to mitigate the action tells me you either do it yourself, or you know it was Herman but don't want to acknowledge it ... or both ...
You got that part right ... would much rather be working with my grandfather when he was young than wondering which bathroom is acceptable to use or whether I'm using the appropriate pronoun when addressing someone else.

you're kinda full of presumption yerself, mister.

Not everyone is seeking to represent a University which has a code of conduct ... plenty of student athletes have been dismissed for the same thing ... and this wasn't afterward, evidently, btw. Still official business.

I didn't pose the question to gauge the impropriety of the allegation ... it IS bad.
The question is whether or not Tom Herman really was the guy with tOSU's Smith. @Htown77 is the only poster responding with something relevant: "prob just tOSU trying to stick it to Herman." Which means ... no, Herman wasn't the guy. Thanks.

Y'all trying to mitigate the action tells me you either do it yourself, or you know it was Herman but don't want to acknowledge it ... or both ...
I've never once in my life been confused on which bathroom to use. Haven't been confused on which pronoun is correct since pre-k. Name one student athlete dismissed for going to a strip club. That should be easy seeing as there's plenty of rhem.
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While I don't think this is such a big deal, Herman is supposed to be a role model for the student-athletes he coaches. It doesn't put him or his school in a good light. He isn't supposed to be a saint but it isn't a good look.

Does this kind of thing happen in business ... all the time.

Would you be proud if you did it and it was made public ... probably not.

Let's leave it at that. I don't think we need to have a moral slap-fight over it.
Herman is supposed to be a role model for the student-athletes he coaches.

Thx P-Town ... do you know if the tOSU source is legit? Do you know if it's true? It'll be used against us, that's for sure ... it already has in a one-one discussion w/ my aggy buddy.

... seeking a cross reference to validate/refute.
so you're literal when it supports your strawman.

give it a rest ... thanks for your contribution to the thread.
Strawman? I'm an incredibly difficult man to confuse so congratulations on that aspect. By the way, how's tbat search for one student athlete dismissed for going to a strip club coming along?
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When it says "multiple sources with direct knowledge," and they use Smith's tweet from 4 years ago, I have several reasons to believe it was Herman with him there that evening. I don't have any evidence to show that Herman was not with him. So unless Herman comes forward to confirm or deny, I don't think that Austin Ward, in his version of "journalism," is necessarily wrong. He's just grinding his big old axe against Herman for the mess tOSU is in now.

1. If true, Herman needs to come forward and say it's true now. That he didn't spend any university funds and was just out with guys after a long day of recruiting and glad-handing.

2. If untrue, Herman needs to provide evidence that it's untrue. I don't think a non-apology tweet will count for this.

3. For those who think this isn't a deal because it happens all the time or because you went to a strip club 30 years ago, things have changed in the past couple years with regard to men's sports programs. It's definitely a deal.
Please explain how TH acting under the direction of Meyer will impact him at Texas. I just don't see it as a Texas problem even if it is true.
I think I'm not going to worry about it until everything comes down, right now this is Ohio media trying to drag down Herman with Meyer.

I have no delusions that Tom Herman is an Angel, frankly, I got sick of Mack getting the raw end of the whip because he didn't get down and dirty with guys like Stoops. As long as Herman doesn't go Barry Switzer, I don't care if he plays in the gray areas of the coaching/recruiting business. This isn't BYU, Texas isn't in the saving souls business, they are in the college football business. Near as I can tell I think the age limit for a strip club is 18 isn't it?

When it comes to porn or strip clubs, I highly doubt a college coach is going to have much of an impact on what a student athlete does.
I didn't pose the question to gauge the impropriety of the allegation ... it IS bad.

First, my comment shouldn't be taken as criticism or sarcastic.

You saying it is bad is your opinion and not a fact. Some will view it as bad and some won't. I for one am not shocked or disappointed. I read or watched a video where TH basically said that winners go home with the hot chicks. So, learning that he went to a strip club doesn't surprise me in the least.
You saying it is bad is your opinion and not a fact.

Thanks MilitaryHorn ...
Actually ... according to the conditions of hire for staff I've seen (not specifically TH, but why would it be different for him?) ... representing the university and patroning these sorts of places is prohibited by the agreement they sign. I presume TH signed a contract, yes?

Secondly ... I'm seeking confirmation of this event involving Tom Herman ... or validation of the statement in the article being UNTRUE.
He's just grinding his big old axe against Herman for the mess tOSU is in now.

THanks Horn11 ... this and @Htown77's response is helpful ... I wondered about this but had no basis for considering it a significant possibility. Y'all are helping.

I was hoping there'd be verification it definitely WASN'T Herman .. so I could use this in response to my giddy aggy friend ... and that this wouldn't become an issue in the coming season.

Not quite there ...
I'm confused....a colleague who played for SOE? Please 'splain to me the name of the college.....

As for strip clubs, yes, they exist, apparently legal, and people frequent them. I'm with some others that it's been a while, but have been to a few in my life (but I didn't inhale, better?). Similar to Title IX violations (had to throw that in somewhere) and giving a recruit a beer or two, I'm not ready to throw Herman or anyone else out on their butt for doing so. Boys will be boys/males will be males, blah blah blah, yakkety smakkety....what's next? "I heard that Tom Herman dislikes canine babies".....Sounds eerily similar to a confusing post I read every 1st or 2nd week in October (you old schooler hornsfans dudes can explain why Bob Stoops hated puppies or still does)......wait, is THAT WHY he left OU so unexpectedly? The puppy hating? NOW I can sleep at night.....
Thanks MilitaryHorn ...
Actually ... according to the conditions of hire for staff I've seen (not specifically TH, but why would it be different for him?) ... representing the university and patroning these sorts of places is prohibited by the agreement they sign. I presume TH signed a contract, yes?
Do you think the contract stated that Herman could not have previously gone to a strip club with coaches? Do you think the contract stated that Herman could not have masterbated as a teen? Do you think?