United Airlines Flight

Right because this is the same issue as the now infamous Dao story.

It basically is. Stupid system error that defies common sense, no creative thinking used to fix it, UA employees don't give a crap about them, person forced to accept a poo poo platter offer revolving around vouchers.
It basically is. Stupid system error that defies common sense, no creative thinking used to fix it, UA employees don't give a crap about them, person forced to accept a poo poo platter offer revolving around vouchers.
Basically ... as I said ... airline ... seat ... passenger.

After that the two situations are completely different.

The former: non vol removal

Latter: seat assignment duplication.

If that's too complicated ... well....

What IS fair is to note UA had another seat assignment problem.

I guarantee you that wasn't the only one that day and wasn't the only carrier.

Your summary reveals a lack of understanding and willingness to simply disregard facts.
Oh boy ... can't wait to see what comes from THIS! sigh.
Were they a delayed connection or is this a case of sitting around too long in the lounge and then playing the DYKWIA card?

Either way, their 'performance' cost them any sympathy I might otherwise have had for them.
Were they a delayed connection or is this a case of sitting around too long in the lounge and then playing the DYKWIA card?

Either way, their 'performance' cost them any sympathy I might otherwise have had for them.
Sounded like they were claiming an airline shuttle bus was delayed or something. That caused them to miss the window where they begin accommodating stand-by passengers. Agreed, maybe approaching it in a more diplomatic, pleading their case way might have brought a different result.
Sounded like they were claiming an airline shuttle bus was delayed or something. That caused them to miss the window where they begin accommodating stand-by passengers. Agreed, maybe approaching it in a more diplomatic, pleading their case way might have brought a different result.
Except if an official airline shuttle bus was delayed somewhere, they would have radioed to the appropriate gates to let them know pax were on their way...or at least that is what has happened when I had a short connection made worse by inter-terminal transport...
Except if an official airline shuttle bus was delayed somewhere, they would have radioed to the appropriate gates to let them know pax were on their way...or at least that is what has happened when I had a short connection made worse by inter-terminal transport...
Oh don't misunderstand that I believed the rantings of that lunatic. Just saying what it sounded like his argument was on why they "deserved" to be on that flight while demanding they remove other people.
or at least that is what has happened when I had a short connection made worse by inter-terminal transport...

Same thing happened to me at MSP last year - I was walking very briskly and a guy in an AA golf cart asked if I needed a ride to make my flight. I said yes, thanks, and got on. He asked my name and called ahead on the radio to let them know I was on my way.
Oh boy ... can't wait to see what comes from THIS! sigh.
The slumping to the floor and crying like a child is a nice dramatic touch in an attempt to foster sympathy. Unfortunately, her partner effectively negates her valiant attempt with his anger and righteous demands.
Were they a delayed connection or is this a case of sitting around too long in the lounge and then playing the DYKWIA card?

Either way, their 'performance' cost them any sympathy I might otherwise have had for them.

My understanding is that they connected via the little regional outfit and the airport bus wasn't fast enough ...
probably a true situation.
The slumping to the floor and crying like a child is a nice dramatic touch in an attempt to foster sympathy. Unfortunately, her partner effectively negates her valiant attempt with his anger and righteous demands.
... and why is it another heart surgeon???
what's with those people?
This is the grossest air line story I've ever heard. A passenger on British Airways was forced to sit in a urine-soaked seat for 11 HOURS on a flight from London to Cape Town, S.A. The crew wouldn't let him move even though there were empty seats in Business Class (his ticket was for coach). Oh, and it was someone else's urine (whoever had the seat on the previous flight), not his.

Apparently air line employees all over the world are so wrapped up in following standard operation procedures, they can't make a common sense decision.

Hmm ... this is beyond the standard deviation brackets. I'm not going to defend this action, but it's curious there's little more reported. Step one is "can we move the passenger?" (can, not MAY)
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The response in the article was a prime example of how not to respond to something like this.

"The cleanliness of our aircraft is of the utmost importance to us and our planes are cleaned thoroughly after every flight. We also perform frequent spot checks to make sure our cleaners are maintaining our high standards."

Ummm... apparently not? Maybe you should articulate that "in this case, those standards were not met, and we are working to address the issue." This sounds more like a "we're sorry this person is upset, but we're pretty sure we didn't really do anything wrong here."
PH ... I can agree with this. The response is beyond the scope, too ... and they have time to formulate their response, unlike the crew ... but I digress.

BA is a good outfit. I wish mine didn't outsource so much of its business to its "partner," but good chaps there nevertheless. This is certainly a regrettable incident.
This is the grossest air line story I've ever heard. A passenger on British Airways was forced to sit in a urine-soaked seat for 11 HOURS on a flight from London to Cape Town, S.A. The crew wouldn't let him move even though there were empty seats in Business Class (his ticket was for coach). Oh, and it was someone else's urine (whoever had the seat on the previous flight), not his.

Apparently air line employees all over the world are so wrapped up in following standard operation procedures, they can't make a common sense decision.


He should have been put in business or first class immediately. In fact, they should have done that even if there was another seat in economy available just to foster some good will with the guy after something that should have humiliated the airline. It would have cost the airline very little and likely would have satisfied the guy.

If there truly wasn't an open seat anywhere on the plane, then they better try to come up with something to make things tolerable - put plastic down or something to shield him from the urine. A blanket isn't going to help much. Either way, they need to be prepared to compensate him - free flights, cash, something.

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