
Battery swap is not happening at scale. The innovation will be in faster charging battery tech.

That would be a huge investment even more so than charging station investment. It would take automated equipment using even more electricity whereas a charging station is a fairly simple device that hooks directly in to distribution cables.

Charging faster means higher voltage. The fast chargers take 45 minutes to fully charge today. Overcharging batteries is a serious safety issue. Higher voltage or current would lead to more thermal runaway events. Improved control software can mitigate, but just makes it all more expensive and longer to implement.

More, of course. It’s early in the development lifetime of the technology.

This is the big hurdle and why I strongly oppose green mandates and attempts to force the transition by law.

The reason to buy an EV today is for the cachet of owning one or the added performance in acceleration and handling.
This is their biggest selling point: no oil changes, no transmission, no coolant, no water pump, no belts, etc. Less moving parts in general.

Yes, the basic maintenance goes away. Shafts and bearings still wear, so major repairs will still be needed at times. Maybe replacing electrical connectors or repairing failed soldering connections.

The issues are around safety, range, charging speed, purchase price, and lifetime. Li+ batteries don't do well in hot environments. I can't remember the exact timing but I think in 5-8 years the battery capacity reduces to 80% when exposed to "average" conditions. Texas ain't average. Once the battery pack goes bad (80% isn't bad) the car is worthless.
I don’t know but anecdotally I have seen reports of 300,000+ miles, and there is going to be some degradation over time. I’ve seen one report that the battery will retain over 80% of its capacity after 200k miles, which is pretty good if true.

Aside: I feel like I’m the “EV Guy” here now among a mostly anti-EV set. :whiteflag:

For what it’s worth, I don’t think of myself as an environmentalist so that’s not a factor for me. I drove my brother in law’s Tesla Model 3 a few years ago and liked it a lot and have wanted one ever since. My wife and I really enjoy the Model Y and it is just a car, not a statement.

200K-300K miles from the battery is pretty good. I'm not anti-EV per se. I have reluctance, but I could probably be talked into it at some point.
I am not an early adopter. Let other people pay the highest prices to be the bug discoverers. This isn't just an EV thing for me, it is a lifelong choice.

Same here. I didn't get my first cell phone until 2003. Prior to that, I had a landline with a corded phone and a separate answering machine with a tape. (My greeting was just "Giddy up.") Got my first DVD player in 2004, my first smart phone in 2013. I'll let others rush out and pay a bunch of money for stuff that still has all its kinks.
Mr D
Do you mean your first smart phone?
Surely you had a "mobile" phone before 2003?

Nope. Before 2003, I only had a landline with an answering machine. My first smart phone was in 2013. I still don't buy expensive smart phones. I have a Moto g60s that I bought in December '21 for £179 (about $220), and that replaced my Moto G5+ that I bought way back in July 2017. I but late and cheap, and I keep the cheap stuff around for a long time.
Nope. Before 2003, I only had a landline with an answering machine. My first smart phone was in 2013. I still don't buy expensive smart phones. I have a Moto g60s that I bought in December '21 for £179 (about $220), and that replaced my Moto G5+ that I bought way back in July 2017. I but late and cheap, and I keep the cheap stuff around for a long time.

You have a low time preference like myself and Sangre. Very left-brained of you.
The main value for a EV to me (if I had one) would be to give less money to the Arabs.

The main value to me is to save me money. I would be willing to possibly sacrifice a little convenience if the savings outweighed the inconvenience. When I say savings, I mean not only fuel costs, but also saving more than the increased price difference of the vehicle vs gas vehicles then some. If it costs me anything more per year to own and operate I won't buy one. The "cool factor" of owning a Tesla means nothing to me either.
You have a low time preference like myself and Sangre. Very left-brained of you.

I just don't see the point. I view all of these items as luxuries. I lived just fine before smartphones and before mobile phones in general, so whatever I spend on them is somewhat frivolous. (Frankly, I kinda liked not being so easy to reach.) If I spend too much on them, I'll start thinking of what else I could have done with that money. I could save it for retirement. I could travel with it or visit friends with it. Hell, I could buy more beer or better tequila with it.

I also don't see the upside. I know many people with iPhones and the fancier Samsungs, and none of them can tell me anything meaningful their phone does that mine doesn't or that isn't redundant with other technology I already own (and so do they). I typically hear 3 things.

(1) They're faster, and that may be true, but I notice no lag time in my phone.

(2) They play video in 1080p or 4K, while mine plays in 780p. Again, probably true, but when the screen is only a few inches in size, does anyone really think this makes a difference? Besides, I watch short videos on my phone, not movies or tv shows. I have a full-size 4K TV for that.

(3) Their cameras are better. On the specs, that may be true, but like with the screen resolution and speed, it's overkill. Their pictures don't actually look any better. And if I really want a world class picture, I'll bring my digital SLR, which will outdo any cell phone camera.
Elon put the Twitter deal on hold. He offered $54 and change Twitter stock price is currently around $40 and change.
That Tesla dip is taking a bite out of crime. It's down almost 37% for the year. Also, is the dip of crypto impacting this as well? I looked at my position on crypto and it is down 54% since I purchased it. I'm sure if AC were here he could give us some context. Too bad he ran off because of all of the groomers and deep state flunkies here. I think he's working on some gallows outside of gitmo.

Elon defrauds investors to make a little money - 0.143 billion. He now has a $1 billion buyout that he almost must do to save his Tesla market equity. Tesla has lost 46% this year.

The Truth Social SPAC is mirroring Musk's twitter moves.

Elon defrauds investors to make a little money - 0.143 billion. He now has a $1 billion buyout that he almost must do to save his Tesla market equity. Tesla has lost 46% this year.

The Truth Social SPAC is mirroring Musk's twitter moves.

Seems rather odd for a land thief to scream about defrauding people...

I fully expect to see the SEC involved if there have been $TWTR shenanigans. It won't be the first time Twitter lied in a filing, but this shines a much brighter light on their failings. And you may reasonably presume that Jack has been whispering little nuggets of information related to where the bodies are buried. Parag does not want to see the house of cards fall on his watch.

Oh, and unless you have records showing Elon Musk has SOLD any of his holdings or even had shorted the stock when it was back around $50, then he has not made a dime...but then again, you are a typical Demonrat that believes paper profit is real money.
Seems rather odd for a land thief to scream about defrauding people...

I fully expect to see the SEC involved if there have been $TWTR shenanigans. It won't be the first time Twitter lied in a filing, but this shines a much brighter light on their failings. And you may reasonably presume that Jack has been whispering little nuggets of information related to where the bodies are buried. Parag does not want to see the house of cards fall on his watch.

Oh, and unless you have records showing Elon Musk has SOLD any of his holdings or even had shorted the stock when it was back around $50, then he has not made a dime...but then again, you are a typical Demonrat that believes paper profit is real money.
You should totally represent him in the SEC investigation.

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