
New article from American Greatness

Establishment Disinformation Is Killing Western Democracy
Establishment disinformation and censorship are causing more offline harm than any other force.

" .... Establishment disinformation becomes tyrannical when false establishment narratives are combined with the active suppression of authentic dissenting discourse, which has been made highly efficient by the consolidation of discourse on social media platforms. Instead of state persecution and social credit scores, citizens of Western democracies face deplatforming, job losses, and character assassination by power-crazed, petty hall-monitor journalists and Soros-funded NGO researchers. Today’s Hester Prynne is the person who says all lives matter or gender is real. Woke narratives are our Xi Jinping Thought.

There are constructive ways we could address establishment disinformation, but you are unlikely to hear the disinformation community talk about it as an issue. That’s because much of the disinformation community consists of partisans who operate as arms of the DNC and left-wing foundations. While the Right has stupidly ignored these issues, the Left has weaponized “countering disinformation” as a DNC strategy backed by millions of dollars. The term has become so abused that a friend now jokes that “disinfo researcher” in someone’s Twitter bio is code for “DNC hack.” As you can imagine, the partisan weaponization of disinformation has done untold damage to the civic unity needed to address these issues in good faith.

There’s still a segment of disinformation researchers who are earnest, fair, and professional. But these folks almost all lean Left and exist in institutional environments that prevent pushing back on establishment narratives. This is why we haven’t seen reports on the Steele dossier or WMDs as disinformation case studies. And this is why we never hear BLM discussed in the same way QAnon is, even though any neutral definition would label them both conspiracy movements—with BLM causing dramatically more offline harm. Meanwhile, challenging the First Amendment has become part of the zeitgeist for many of these people...."

Establishment Disinformation Is Killing Western Democracy - American Greatness
The Hunter Biden story has managed to dominate social media despite the corporate crackdown from the leftist crackpots who control Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook and Twitter's frantic attempts to stop the spread of the New York Post's Hunter Biden story didn't prevent the article from becoming the top story about the election on those platforms last week, according to data from NewsWhip.

Why it matters: The data shows that even swift, aggressive content suppression may not be swift or aggressive enough to keep down a story with as much White House backing and partisan fuel as this one.

By the numbers: The Post's story generated 2.59m interactions (likes, comments, shares) on Facebook and Twitter last week — more than double the next biggest story about Trump or Biden.

5 of the 10 biggest stories were about the Hunter Biden story, the fallout, or how Facebook and Twitter reacted.

It was the 6th-most engaged article this month, trailing pieces like Trump testing positive for COVID-19 and Eddie Van Halen's death.

83% of the interactions happened on Facebook, with the other 17% on Twitter.

New York Post's Hunter Biden story goes massive on social media despite crackdowns
Facebook and Twitter have censored President Trump and his campaign accounts at least 65 times in the last two years, while Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden and his camp have never been dinged, according to a report released Monday.

Facebook, Twitter censored Trump, campaign 65 times, Biden zero: Study
Normally I would say the gubment needs to stay out of the markets, but these social platforms have drawn a big, fat target right between their own eyes and are begging for a kill shot.
Now Twitter is suppressing garden variety op eds just for questioning Biden's bona fides on foreign policy

Ultimately, they are going to be locking us all up in camps, like the Chinese do with the Uighurs now

Meanwhile Google is now putting up twin censorship roadblocks to Breitbart articles

This heavily censored article is about the country of Greece building a wall. Google is deciding that it is harmful for Americans to read about it and know of this.

Is this still a democracy? Free speech? Do we have a free press?


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It's all going to have to go back to email subscriptions tied to websites.

News curators whether papers, TV, or social media have all done the bidding of those in power. More laws against social media just means they have to obey the government more closely. This won't end well for transparency.
By the way, Twitter is STILL banning the NY Post from the use of its account

Today is Day 9 of that censorship

I predict the muting will end Nov 4
Interesting because the comments on twitter is shifting heavy to Trump now (for example after a poll tweet or a Nate Silver tweet). The split is about 50:50 now whereas before it was mostly libs.

I think the polls tighten naturally as Election Day approaches just because the Trump voters stop being shy and get caught up in the excitement.
Further to the above, folks are saying that the recent positive Trump polls (AZ, FL, etc) are sampling more GOP. Maybe they are not hiding anymore?
Interesting because the comments on twitter is shifting heavy to Trump now (for example after a poll tweet or a Nate Silver tweet). The split is about 50:50 now whereas before it was mostly libs.
I think the polls tighten naturally as Election Day approaches just because the Trump voters stop being shy and get caught up in the excitement.

In my subdivision, there are more Biden signs that Trump signs. But there is not a huge amount of either. I just shared a theory of mine with a neighbor while walking the dog, he agreed with me, and so now I will float it in here to see what you say.

The US flag has become a way of silently showing your support for Trump, in lieu of a yard sign.

People who put up Trump signs have them have them stolen or knocked down or thrown in the street. The guy I just spoke to had to retrieve one of his 3 (lol) Trump signs out of the street just this morning. Or, maybe a Trump sign gets your car egged. Maybe worse. But Old Glory has no one's name on it. Angry leftists are less likely to risk trespass to trash your flag (but its' not completely out of the question depending on where exactly you hang your hat). In fact, angry lefties are probably confused when they see US flags flying - they dont understand what that is about. They dont know how they are supposed to react. They are waiting for specific instructions so they will know what to do.

To this, you add the flag kneeling controversies, and Trump's strong opposition to all of that.

And then you add in that (at least in my hood) none of the people who stick Biden signs in their yards also have US flags. None.

So there is my theory. What say ye? It makes sense, yes?
In my subdivision, there are more Biden signs that Trump signs. But there is not a huge amount of either. I just shared a theory of mine with a neighbor while walking the dog, he agreed with me, and so now I will float it in here to see what you say.

The US flag has become a way of silently showing your support for Trump, in lieu of a yard sign.

People who put up Trump signs have them have them stolen or knocked down or thrown in the street. The guy I just spoke to had to retrieve one of his 3 (lol) Trump signs out of the street just this morning. Or, maybe a Trump sign gets your car egged. Maybe worse. But Old Glory has no one's name on it. Angry leftists are less likely to risk trespass to trash your flag (but its' not completely out of the question depending on where exactly you hang your hat). In fact, angry lefties are probably confused when they see US flags flying - they dont understand what that is about. They dont know how they are supposed to react. They are waiting for specific instructions so they will know what to do.

To this, you add the flag kneeling controversies, and Trump's strong opposition to all of that.

And then you add in that (at least in my hood) none of the people who stick Biden signs in their yards also have US flags. None.

So there is my theory. What say ye? It makes sense, yes?
Yes, I read that somewhere too. Same holds for the Woodlands proper. However, in the county areas, 95% Trump signs.
I've had this same theory. I'll even take it one step further, the homes/yards that have no sign or flag, also much more likely to be Trump supporters.
Mostly Trump signs in my Katy burb. Few Biden, one which says Republicans for Biden which really does baffle me.
Someone stole the flag I had in Tenn though. Wish I’d had it where the camera could pick them up.
Btw, have to take back my comments a few weeks back about the tent people decreasing in Austin. There appear to be more this week. Sorry to see this, really looks bad. So much for Abbott’s earlier threats to do something.
Of ALL the stories posted of signs stolen and caught on camera not one has been of a Biden sign stolen.
One report today was of a home owner who chased down a sign stealer. Police found multiple Trump signs in the car
The US flag has become a way of silently showing your support for Trump, in lieu of a yard sign.

American flags, Republican Senator, Republic Congressman, or local Republican signs are much more prevalent.
Twitter question for the group:

If a person’s profile picture on Twitter shows them in a Wuhan flu face diaper, does than mean with 100% certainty that the person is a virtue signaling douche? Discuss.