
Do you have to go through the play store to download the App? Can you get it straight from a browser?
I believe it directs to the app store for the mobile platform. You can create a desktop log-in, at least with Windows. I do not know how Apple does that stuff since I am not in the cult...
Me either. I really dislike Tim Cook's ideology. Wasn't an Apple guy before never will be. The more I see from South Korea, the more I like. Samsung for me right now.
The libertarian viewpoint
The movement died with the retirement of Ron Paul

The Libertarian Party has gone a bit crazy these days. A substantial part of the party has been trying to get Leftists on board. It is pretty sick. As a libertarian myself I don't identify with the party so much.
Yea like Mike Novagratz! Bitcoiner libertarian and a total leftist! Wants to melt down all guns. Hopefully he never runs for anything.
Didn't they have a gun grabber as their VP pick last time - Bill Weld from Mass? How can you be a Libertarian who wants to ban firearms?

The party has always been a joke, and 100% subsidized by the left for years, to siphon votes from Republicans.
Didn't they have a gun grabber as their VP pick last time - Bill Weld from Mass? How can you be a Libertarian who wants to ban firearms?

The party has always been a joke, and 100% subsidized by the left for years, to siphon votes from Republicans.
The GOP and DEMS are a joke. There is a right and left of the party just like the 2 major parties.

I'd rather get a drug free root canal and colonoscopy then vote for either one of the parties
The Rs and Ds are both responsible for the problems we face today. They have meddled in the economy and stripped away freedoms and rights from citizens. The COVID response has been a true travesty, when Sweden has a more freedom approach than Texas, you know Republicans have a lot to be blamed for.

To stand solidly by either of the major parties is a lack of perspective and has more to do with personality inertia than anything either party has done in the last 30 years. Trump has been good on a few things. For those things I am thankful for. I also defend him against the insane, batshit bonkers criticism he receives from the medial and political establishment, but he has missed many opportunities to roll back the Swamp and hasn't done it.
The Libertarian Party has gone a bit crazy these days. ....

More like regressed to the mean

I will concede that if we started over from scratch, completely, and also got to pick who was going to live in our new country, then libertarianism would be a great social experiment. I would probably jump on board. But that is not how it works. It's not how any of it works. Libertarianism suffers from the same fatal flaw as Marxism, a misunderstanding of human nature. Neither the planet nor our little country can be said to be filled with rational actors. Is that what you see now when you look out at the US? -- "My, my, look at everyone behaving rationally?" What that leaves is an interesting theory or a thought experiment. But that's it. Nothing serious, real or pragmatic.
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You don't understand Libertarian theory then. It merely deals with the importance of private property rights and personal freedom. Acting rationally has nothing to do with it. Natural law, natural rights, and holding back a monopoly on violence which takes those things away is what libertarianism is about.

Libertarianism used to be called liberalism. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Mason, Madison, Franklin, Henry, Green were all liberals then and would be libertarians now. They all hated standing armies, taxes, money manipulation, totalitarian Presidents, etc. All the things that both parties perpetrate on the American people today. They would be in full revolt at this point.
Swamp includes most of the Rs, IMO, the RINOs. I doubt everything Trump has had thrown at him has been only from the Ds. The Swamp is just that. Murky, nasty, and hard to see through to know who and what he is dealing with.

All just my opinion.
The sad thing is it will take many Presidential terms to clean up the Swamp. Not sure elections will allow for that. If Trump wins 2020. Who would be a good heir in 2024? Donald Jr? If he wants to be President, I think he has a good sense of what is needed, but I don't know that he wants to be in politics.
Twitter has now made the editorial decision to censor links to information posted by Congressional Republicans

When combined with their censorship of some White House accounts, Twitter is now censoring 2/3 of the 3 branches of the federal Govt

The good news, if there is a way to spin this as "good," is that they would not be doing this if they thought they were winning

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We have crossed into surreal territory
Twitter has shut down the NYPost twitter feed going on 3 days
They are attempting to extort them

The NYPost dug into the accounts of Twitter executives for their views on Trump. They were pretty bad. These are all from senior Twitter folks.

“GET HIM OUT ..... What a f–king baboon”

“Happy 2018! Donald Trump is dead!”

Trump is “a f–king idiot” and the voters who elected him — “hysterically f–king stupid people.”

“Trump must be defeated... Every night my dog takes a crap on the lawn of the one house on our street with a Trump sign”

Melania's “possible stint as a sex worker”

The White House is Nazis and Trump is a “racist tangerine.”

None of these comments have ever been flagged by Twitter or been subject to any other form of official sanction, even as the social-media giant dishes out discipline to others for sharing legitimate news stories that might hurt Biden. The company finally ordered the vicious tweet to be deleted on May 29 — years after being posted.