Joe Fan
10,000+ Posts
I dont know if this is worth another new thread since no one is talking about this. But in case you were wondering why all the sudden interest of Turkey in Libya, it has to do with energy resources. They want to block the East Med pipeline. Once you know this, their troop troop deployments begin to make sense. This is sort of a Natural Gas War.
You probably already know natty gas was found in the Eastern Med (for first time). I think its called the Leviathan Field, Ive posted about it a couple times before. It's off Israel which made Israel, for the first time in history, an energy player. So they got the idea of building a pipeline to unused refineries in Egypt. Then to Cyprus and then Greece, with Greece being the gateway to Europe.
The Turks opposed this plan because they already had a plan for their own pipeline to Europe. So they, of course, began a process to stop that plan.
Now get this -- can you guess the name of the analyst who gave Israel this idea? Seriously, try and guess (you already know the name)
Cant make this up. Turkey stood to make a lot more money with Hillary as President. Think about what that means - who was spying on him and why.
But now with Trump and the East Med deal, Turkey is busy trying to figure a workaround. It has cost the Turks a lot in terms of money + troop movements + political capital. It explains their recent movement into Northern Syria - it is in big part a pipeline blocking move (as opposed to "democracy" or what else they may claim).
Now Turkey has signed a new accord with one of two governments in Libya. There is a more or less a Tripoli Govt and there is another holding the rest of the country (backed by the Libyan Natl Army). Erdogan signed his deal with the Tripoli faction. Tripoli is backed by Turkey and Qatar (see maps below). Turkey has an oil contract with them but they also made plans with Tripoli to create a "sea border." A what? They are going to try and block the East Med pipeline. And so whatever grand talk you hear from these people about supporting "democracy in Libya" is complete baloney. And there are also reports of Egyptian special forces in Libya right now in support of the other side, the Libyan Army side (unconfirmed).
Here is the real deal > the European energy consumption market is massive, supposedly THE largest market. Who gets to supply this market is going to make a lot of money. You may recall all the Nordstream stuff I posted earlier (if not, go look at it). We, of course, are pushing LNG from the US too. It is all related -- it is all energy politics. The troops movements are secondary. And this is why Turkey have picked a side in Libya.
Who will prevail?
You probably already know natty gas was found in the Eastern Med (for first time). I think its called the Leviathan Field, Ive posted about it a couple times before. It's off Israel which made Israel, for the first time in history, an energy player. So they got the idea of building a pipeline to unused refineries in Egypt. Then to Cyprus and then Greece, with Greece being the gateway to Europe.
The Turks opposed this plan because they already had a plan for their own pipeline to Europe. So they, of course, began a process to stop that plan.
Now get this -- can you guess the name of the analyst who gave Israel this idea? Seriously, try and guess (you already know the name)
George Papadopoulos
But now with Trump and the East Med deal, Turkey is busy trying to figure a workaround. It has cost the Turks a lot in terms of money + troop movements + political capital. It explains their recent movement into Northern Syria - it is in big part a pipeline blocking move (as opposed to "democracy" or what else they may claim).
Now Turkey has signed a new accord with one of two governments in Libya. There is a more or less a Tripoli Govt and there is another holding the rest of the country (backed by the Libyan Natl Army). Erdogan signed his deal with the Tripoli faction. Tripoli is backed by Turkey and Qatar (see maps below). Turkey has an oil contract with them but they also made plans with Tripoli to create a "sea border." A what? They are going to try and block the East Med pipeline. And so whatever grand talk you hear from these people about supporting "democracy in Libya" is complete baloney. And there are also reports of Egyptian special forces in Libya right now in support of the other side, the Libyan Army side (unconfirmed).
Here is the real deal > the European energy consumption market is massive, supposedly THE largest market. Who gets to supply this market is going to make a lot of money. You may recall all the Nordstream stuff I posted earlier (if not, go look at it). We, of course, are pushing LNG from the US too. It is all related -- it is all energy politics. The troops movements are secondary. And this is why Turkey have picked a side in Libya.
Who will prevail?

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