Trump's Team

3 million illegals voted
Inauguration crowds (LOL)

I typed these two and then, thanks to Al Gore's internet and George Soros' deep state liberal funds, I found this more expansive list.

My first thought when reading that was that he was asking you to justify that water is wet. Of course, then the PPP poll came out this week that showed that 46% of Republicans don't believe that Russian meddled in our elections and 27% of them still think the Russians preferred HRC to win the election. Some live in Bizarro World where up is down and right is left. The power of alternative fact cocoons is amazing. I'd say that for the extremes on both side of the political spectrum.
Spicer wasn't a good press secretary, but let's be honest. Being Trump's press secretary might be the hardest job in the history of civilization.
Yes with the Tweets, the misdirection, unsignaled changed of direction from the boss and the smart alec, smirking hostility from the MSM, being Trump's Press Secretary is like being the one-armed paper hanger.
According to the TheHill, Scaramucci is aggressively deleting any tweets for anything that could be harmful to his current role. Note to Scaramucci, delete them before the job interview and definitely before the press conference.

Any bets on how long Scaramucci lasts?
I thought your side thought Trump's selection of Spicer was a mistake. Now that he corrected it, where's the praise?
Spicy was a mistake. The problem is he was in a no win situation. Look at his manner dealing with people. He's gotten better. This new guy is smooth. Ben affleck from Boiler Room smooth.

Trump has some good ones but some bad ones as well.
The irony in this story is a shame but still funny...

Mooch: Snitch, Get Out The Way

So 'The Mooch' takes over WH comms vowing to fire everybody if the leaks don't stop.

At the first staff meeting he even offered amnesty to anyone who comes clean and agrees to fly straight from that point forward.

So Mooch singles out a well known leaker who quit the Trump campaign after the Access Hollywood tape, but was still hired to WH staff by Priebus.

He plans to fire the guy, but before he gets around to doing it, guess what happens? It was leaked to the press. :smh: Mooch was none too happy.
He needs to fire the guy (or gal) in front of everybody and make a big deal of embarrassing them over it. You gotta hang a few coyotes on the fence to get results.
The irony in this story is a shame but still funny...

Mooch: Snitch, Get Out The Way

So 'The Mooch' takes over WH comms vowing to fire everybody if the leaks don't stop.

At the first staff meeting he even offered amnesty to anyone who comes clean and agrees to fly straight from that point forward.

So Mooch singles out a well known leaker who quit the Trump campaign after the Access Hollywood tape, but was still hired to WH staff by Priebus.

He plans to fire the guy, but before he gets around to doing it, guess what happens? It was leaked to the press. :smh: Mooch was none too happy.

The irony is that the leaks have largely been borne out to be true. The WH needs to get them under control to further their agenda. Still, "fake news" has become a euphemism for leaks that are dis-favorable to the WH. So, when you hear Trump tweet Fake News translate that to " did this get out!"
He did. I guess he told the staff first which is why it leaked. He might have even done so on purpose to see if it would get out and know there are more.

The guy said he resigned but he was canned. Pretty d*ck move for Preibus hiring this guy at the WH. He worked closely with Mooch and Rience during the campaign.

Then when the p*ssy grab audio came out they said he left his computer open and on and never returned.

From then on he wasn't part of the campaign, and naturally didn't want Trump to win. Then Preibus hires the guy to the WH press staff.

Suuposedly it was widely known in the office he was a repeat leaker. Mooch knew of his past bailing on Trump, heard what he'd been doing, so he was an easy example to make.
I don't understand why people are having problems with all the firings. Trump promised he'd drain the swamp and he's draining it! :D
For all the talk of Congress ceding power to the Executive branch I learned that the Senate has for years put procedures in place to block the POTUS from making recess appointments. Dems have blocked D POTUS and R's have blocked R POTUS so it seems to be a bi-partisan consensus. In turn, they Senate approved Pro-forma sessions (100-0) to block Trump from making any recess appointments.
Am I the only one who had no idea who the hell Paul Manafort was before he went to work for the Trump campaign?

Then I saw him on TV and could damn near smell the thuggishness.
Am I the only one who had no idea who the hell Paul Manafort was before he went to work for the Trump campaign?

Then I saw him on TV and could damn near smell the thuggishness.
Funny you said that as the National Enquirer has a story of him cheating on his wife. That part is not the story (and not relevant to Russia collusion, etc). What was interesting is that he supposedly took his mistress to the same restaurants and vacation spots that he took his wife (according to his daughters). That's pretty smug.
What was interesting is that he supposedly took his mistress to the same restaurants and vacation spots that he took his wife (according to his daughters). That's pretty smug.

He either had balls too big to fit through most doors, or he wanted to get caught.
Success comes to those who know how to fire the right people vs hiring the right people (as the latter is unpredictable).
It's true that you have to have the courage to fire people who undermine you or your staff. Firing a significant fraction of the staff you hired less than 8 months ago is a sign of a broken screening process and poor management overall.
It's true that you have to have the courage to fire people who undermine you or your staff. Firing a significant fraction of the staff you hired less than 8 months ago is a sign of a broken screening process and poor management overall.

I guess extreme vetting didnt apply for the staff.
Spicer wasn't a good press secretary, but let's be honest. Being Trump's press secretary might be the hardest job in the history of civilization.

You're probably right. But only because the Obama Press secretary was giving a pass and only a very few challenged him on anything. Let's face it, Trumps press Secretary gets drilled for something Trump said vs the Press should have drilled Obama's Press Secretary for things Obama did as in policies or lack of. Loud mouth Trump's words vs Loud mouth Obama's horrible policies.

Really I voted for Trump because I knew his policies would work and would indeed make America great again. So I can deal with his words. But when $1496 come out of my acct each month because of Obamacare and paying so much in high taxes now then that affects me much more than just words.

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