Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
I heard today that the original plaintiff is not even part of the case anymore. Is this true? Does it matter from a legal standpoint? I know summary judgments are rarely granted, but something does seem wrong about a case proceeding without the plaintiff.
Aren't they certified as class action now? Not sure the plaintiff is as important for a class action.
Side story, I managed a reporting team for a very large retail provider early in my career. We were consistently getting slapped with class action and copy cat cases by other lawyers. My legal team asked us to gather information on the lead plaintiffs of each case. One case filed in Massachusetts had a plaintiff that was a "no show" as the lead plaintiff. Essentially, that person was hired and never showed for their first day. Not so coincidentally, that plaintiff had the same last name as the lead attorney the filed the case. The case was arguing that a barista had to share their tips with a "shift supervisor" that really was misnamed because they had no direct management over the barista. They were more a "lead" but the name "supervisor" implied management. It was during this job I realized how many ambulance chasers there were in search of deep pocket defendants.