Trump Revealed Classified Information ....

Oh that's right...everything is a lie. At least everything that doesn't support what you want to believe. Carry on. Fake news...charade...bias while ignoring each and every time the Trump administration has lied to you.

I admit Trump lies on occasion. However, the mainstream media can't be trusted when it comes to Trump. They are not trying to provide news. They are trying to ruin this man and will do anything in order to do it.
I admit Trump lies on occasion. However, the mainstream media can't be trusted when it comes to Trump. They are not trying to provide news. They are trying to ruin this man and will do anything in order to do it.

Do they like Trump? Of course not. Would you like someone that continually bashes you, threatens you and libels your profession to drum up political support from his base? He's had multiple instance where he's accused the media of lying which ended up just the opposite.
Do they like Trump? Of course not. Would you like someone that continually bashes you, threatens you and libels your profession to drum up political support from his base? He's had multiple instance where he's accused the media of lying which ended up just the opposite.

He bashes them because of the garbage that they pull. They are not fair to him and they are not fair to republicans in general.
Do they like Trump? Of course not. Would you like someone that continually bashes you, threatens you and libels your profession to drum up political support from his base? He's had multiple instance where he's accused the media of lying which ended up just the opposite.

List the instances they have been proven right.

You are essentially claiming the MSM is justified in being dishonest about Trump because Trump calls them dishonest.

There was a time when a job in the media was an honorable profession. They still claim that they are the bastion of honesty and above reproach, but the industry is a hollow shell of what it once was. Ratings driven, partisan crap for the most part. WAPO and The NY Times are the worst. It was the NY Times that broke the story on Trump being wiretapped, and then they actually went back to try and change their website when they realized the Dems were going to suffer for their story. Collusion with the DNC was rampant during the election. How many reporters did WAPO assign to dig up/make up lies about Trump during the election? Twenty something?

All we get now is "unnamed sources", "white house officials" and "national security officials", or some other shadowy figure has stated that Trump is (fill in the blank). Everyday is a new falsehood. It is a sad day for media in general, which is too bad because they could actually be reporting facts and helpful details.

James Comey Ups His Game With Another Non-News Leak
May 17, 2017

This is a short follow up on yesterday's false news stories topped with a Comey leak.

1. The New York Times tries to add to the story of the WannaCry ransom virus (which is based on NSA exploits), hyping the unfounded claim that North Korea is behind it: Focus Turns to North Korea Sleeper Cells as Possible Culprits in Cyberattack. The story curiously does not even menotion the nonsensical claim of a Google staffer that points to common code snippets in reused software stacks. Instead we get a long elaboration on how North Korea sends students abroad to be trained in IT and programming. In paragraph 4 the story asserts:

As evidence mounts that North Korean hackers may have links to the ransom assaults ...

But no evidence, none at all, is cited in the piece. The "mounting evidence" is a molehill without the hill. Eleven paragraphs later we learn that:

It also is possible that North Korea had no role in the attacks,
Duh. Six NYT reporters collaborated in writing that twenty paragraph story which contains no reasonable news or information. What a waste.

2. The State Department claim that Syria built a crematorium inside a prison to burn executed prisoners saw no follow up. But it had consequences. The presented "evidence" was too thin to make it believable. Even the staunchly anti-Syrian SPIEGEL doubted it: USA bleiben Beweise für Assads Leichenöfen schuldig. Translated: "U.S. fails to give evidence for Assad crematorium claims."

The State Department claim was presented in a special news conference by Stuart Jones, the acting assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs. A day later Jones announced that he would retire:

Jones, 57, told colleagues the decision was his own and that he had not been pushed out or asked to leave the department.
Ahem. Sure. Maybe. Or Secretary of State Rex Tillerson disliked the lame propaganda shows Jones presented under the official State Department seal.

3. Yesterday's "Trump revealed critical intelligence to Russia" nonsense is already dying down. Even regular NYT readers criticize their paper's reporting of it:

It’s quite strange that the media is giving such prominence to and broadcasting so much detail about supposedly highly secret information and its source in order to show how irresponsible President Trump is.
It seem that of the two, the media and the President, the media is by far the most at fault for leaking state secrets. Strange indeed: it seems the goal of bringing down Trump overrides all other considerations.”
To recap - in March the U.S. and the UK had issued a ban on laptops for fights from certain Middle Eastern airports:

The U.S. officials said intelligence "indicates terrorist groups continue to target commercial aviation" by "smuggling explosive devices in various consumer items."
It was known from other reports that the threat was from ISIS. Trump repeated this to the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and added that the origin of the treat is the ISIS capital Raqqa. Anyone would have guessed that. It was no secret. But "current and former officials" phoned up reporter after reporter to claim that Trump revealed critical intelligence because the Russians might now guess which country the information was coming from. A few hours later the Washington Post and the New York Times, not Trump, revealed that the original information came from Israel. It will be difficult to blame Trump for "leaking to the Russians" less information than "current and a former American official" leak to mainstream paper.

But as that smear against Trump and Russia has failed a new one is needed.

A week ago Trump unceremoniously fired FBI boss James Comey:

After six months of investigation the FBI had no evidence for any of the rumors about Russian interference [in the U.S.] that were thrown around. It should have closed the case with a clear recommendation not to prosecute the issue. That Comey kept the case open was political interference from his side. Hearings and public rumors about the case blocked the political calendar. Instead of following the facts, and deciding based upon them, he was himself running a political campaign.
Comey had hoped that he would not be fired as long as the investigation was running. Since Trump kicked him out Comey tried to get a public hearing in Congress to spill the beans and get some revenge. The Republican majority leaders smelled the trap and did not invite him. Today he upped his game: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.
“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

Comey leaked the memo to raise new allegations against Trump and to finally get his day in Congress. But Trump's “I hope you can let this go” is not a clear interference in a judicial investigation. Trump just wished that the FBI would use its resources to look into other issues, like the extensive leaking of secret intelligence that occurred during recent months. Nothing nefarious can be constructed from that reasonable explanation. The investigation into Flynn, for violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act with relation to Turkey(!), continues. Trump has had no influence on it. The Comey claim is another non-issue and non-story. The Republican congress leaders will not jump on Comey's bandwagon (- or will they?) If this was the worst Comey can present he has lost the fight.

The deep-state, which opposes any collaboration with Russia and wants Trump impeached (RealNews vid), will now have to find a new angle for its attack.
Israel doesn't seem to mind that he shared this information - whatever it may be. Seems like another manufactured story.
Do they like Trump? Of course not. Would you like someone that continually bashes you, threatens you and libels your profession to drum up political support from his base? He's had multiple instance where he's accused the media of lying which ended up just the opposite.
I can understand not liking Trump. He is very unlikeable. However, I expect journalists to be professionals and hold both sides accountable. The MSM sleepwalked through Obamas administration and they are hysterical about Trump. WaPo, NYT, CNN, and the big 3 networks have completely erased their credibility. It's really not good for the country because the media plays an important role in keeping the government honest.
He's had multiple instance where he's accused the media of lying which ended up just the opposite.

SH, this is why it's hard to take you serious. It's not even a question anymore about the path the MSM has taken. So for you to try to defend this is a complete joke. One day it's my hope that you along with the MSM will put our country first before your party. You don't save the village by trying to burn it down.
One day it's my hope that you along with the MSM will put our country first before your party. You don't save the village by trying to burn it down.

Wait...Trump's campaign was a burn it down campaign. At this point, it's clear that Trump ejecting Trump from the White House is putting the country first.
Most of what I read goes like this. The actual news reports that something happened based on what they're told. The White House categorically denies it. Something takes place to indicate that the leaked information is accurate. This could be an interview or a tweet. The White House responds in a few unique ways.

1. Reverse engineer a story (see the 3,000,000 illegal votes that we're still dealing with or the "Obama 'tapped' my phones" story).
2. Says "yeah, fake news."
3. Admits to parts of the story but then crawdads to the point of "the story is mostly false, only certain parts are true" (see the sharing of classified information this week)

Sadly, the President asked Comey about jailing journalists. This should get interesting.
Putin says they have a transcript of the meeting with Trump and he would release it with the permission of the U.S. government. Not that anybody cares. The MSM has dropped this "scandal" in favor of a more promising "scandal", the Comey Memo.

Who here think's Putin is simply trying to help? Could fomenting the "Trump-Russia collusion" angle be his goal here to create more chaos in American politics?
Who here think's Putin is simply trying to help? Could fomenting the "Trump-Russia collusion" angle be his goal here to create more chaos in American politics?
In the past 2 years his "worst case scenario" has been to create chaos. They got lucky that Hillary was a horrible candidate to run and that little Marco and Slimy Ted were the best two options on the right. They caught lightening in a bottle. Much like Barry, the explosion of the wishbone and his eagerness to recruit athletes of all ethnicities. :)
Could fomenting the "Trump-Russia collusion" angle be his goal here to create more chaos in American politics?

Releasing a transcript of a meeting that they attended is fomenting chaos?

I imagine we have analysts that could compare our notes against their notes and determine if any shenanigans were going on. Of course, our analyst would probably leak the results to the MSM.
Releasing a transcript of a meeting that they attended is fomenting chaos?

I imagine we have analysts that could compare our notes against their notes and determine if any shenanigans were going on. Of course, our analyst would probably leak the results to the MSM.

If the optics are that Putin is assisting Trump, yes it feeds the narrative of a Trump campaign - Russia collusion. Even if there was no collusion during the campaign, we know Russia interfered in the election. The continual cozying up to Russia by Trump is a naive misstep, at best.
The whole purpose of sending Lavrov to meet with Trump was to create chaos knowing Trump would divulge top secrets. Putin is a damn genius.

Yeah, I'm sure they didn't want that Photo Op, in the Oval Office no less. The laughing was quite the juxtaposition from Merkel's trip. Putin must have been laughing at that. Trump boasting about his intelligence was simply gravy.
Putin has it correct:

Putin said he had "no other explanation" for the allegations other than "political schizophrenia."

"Either they don't understand the damage they're doing to their own country, in which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt," he added.
Putin has it correct:

Putin said he had "no other explanation" for the allegations other than "political schizophrenia."

"Either they don't understand the damage they're doing to their own country, in which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt," he added.

Putin of course is still denying interference in the US election and other Western elections which our and other intelligence agencies have confirmed. So, please understand when I do this :lmao: at propaganda coming from the Kremlin. It all has ulterior motives.
Putin of course is still denying interference in the US election and other Western elections which our and other intelligence agencies have confirmed. So, please understand when I do this :lmao: at propaganda coming from the Kremlin. It all has ulterior motives.
The intelligence agencies have confirmed (provided evidence) absolutely ZERO. I can say I found a million dollars in my back yard and I can say it 100 times. Until it can be shown, I haven't confirmed a damn thing.

If you want to debate intervention in foreign countries' elections, the CIA would be the place to start that conversation.
The intelligence agencies have confirmed (provided evidence) absolutely ZERO. I can say I found a million dollars in my back yard and I can say it 100 times. Until it can be shown, I haven't confirmed a damn thing.

If you want to debate intervention in foreign countries' elections, the CIA would be the place to start that conversation.

Nobody is expecting the Kremlin to confirm it or the CIA and other intelligence services to expose their evidence. Neither will ever happen. So, if it comes between believing a man who said this or the Western intelligence agencies I'll take a leap of faith on the latter.
Nobody is expecting the Kremlin to confirm it or the CIA and other intelligence services to expose their evidence. Neither will ever happen. So, if it comes between believing a man who said this or the Western intelligence agencies I'll take a leap of faith on the latter.
Comey is not high character.

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