Trouble in Paradise?

A few of us grey beards can remember the year that the official aggy sports website listed the moron-white spring game as a 'W' for them. Just more evidence of how self-promoting and delusional that fanbase can be.
Spring game trophies? Does aggy stay up 24/7 writing their own jokes. This one nearly takes the cake.
It’s right up there with the 2 Aggies on that camel, and Jimbo’s aggy national championship trophy.
Spring game trophies? Does aggy stay up 24/7 writing their own jokes. This one nearly takes the cake.
It’s right up there with the 2 Aggies on that camel, and Jimbo’s aggy national championship trophy.
It couldn't take the cake because the baker refused to bake it. Even in aggy-land, there can be levels to which some will not drop to...
When you win the Heisman both the school and the player get a trophy. Does this mean aggy gave themselves trophies to fit in that large, but almost empty trophy case?
The funny thing is it used to be aggie was pretty immune to our ribbing but now the SEC and the entire sporting world look to College Station for absurd humor.
aggy move to the secsecsec blew the lid off the Pandora's Box that is aTm. Now the buffoonery is available for the whole world to see.