I have braced myself.
To be a Democrat today...
You have to believe that Russia manipulated the 2016 election so that Trump could win, even though a massive and almost three year investigation run by individuals not favorable to him failed to identify any connection.
You have to believe that the Obama administration did not spy on Trump, and that the falsification of FISA documents was just an innocent mistake made by well-intended patriots.
You have to believe that most policemen are bad, and out to get minorities.
You have to believe that by eliminating the police or radically cutting budgets we will be safer, and better off.
You have to believe that the rioting, looting, burning and devastation that occurred this summer was isolated and insignificant.
You have to believe that the positions Hunter Biden was given by foreign companies, with no experience, and the money he received is much ado about nothing.
You have to believe that it’s OK to destroy 33,000 government emails and smash devices so that no one can examine them.
You have to believe that the outstanding economy Trump built was really built by Obama.
You have to ignore the fact that for the first time in decades real wages and purchasing power for average Americans has risen over the past four years.
You have to believe that energy independence is no big deal, and that relying on foreign sources is not a cause for concern.
You have to believe that making NATO members pay their fair share is a bad thing.
You have to believe that a dialog with the leader of North Korea is not a good thing.
You have to believe that sending an airplane filled with billions of cash bills to Iran is normal and not a payoff.
You have to believe that giving Iran a path to the bomb is fine, and that there is no reason not to trust them.
You have to believe that anyone who wants to enter our country should be able to do so, and that those who enter — legally or otherwise — should be given unencumbered access to our healthcare system, and voting rights, the same as legal citizens.
You have to believe that Trump is a racist and an anti-Semite, even though he has Jewish grandchildren and is loved by many black Americans.
You have to believe that Make America Great Again is code for a call for White Supremacy.
You have to believe that Trump intentionally mismanaged the Covid response because he doesn’t care, and that every death is his fault.
You have to believe that the economic dip due to Covid was Trump’s fault, even though he “followed the science” and shut the country down as Fauci advised, and then extended the shutdown, per his recommendation.
You have to believe that we should be listening to the WHO, even though, as of mid-January they were claiming that human-to-human transmission was not possible.
You have to believe that all Republicans are bad, and racist.
You have to believe that nothing Trump does and nothing that Republicans do is good, and that virtually everything he and they do is evil.
You have to believe that the policies of the Democrats over the past 50 years has lifted up black communities and has improved their way of life, and also improved the safety and security of our inner cities.
You have to believe that BLM is a noble organization, and that Antifa is simply a group with ideas and methods that are good for this country.
You have to believe that partial birth abortions are just fine, and that killing a living entity just prior to birth is acceptable because “it’s the mother’s choice.”
You have to believe that burdening employers with massive rules and regulations is a good idea for the economy, for businesses, and for workers.
You have to believe that if Trump is successful in reducing drug prices, it is no longer a good thing.
You have to believe that Obamacare is a good program, even though premiums spiked, coverage dropped, plan choices disappeared, deductibles rose and you really couldn’t “keep your doctor or your plan.”
You have to believe that helping black colleges is not a good thing because Trump did it.
You have to believe that offering school choice is a bad thing, even though the schools — especially in the inner cities - are terrible.
You have to believe that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, promised by Bush, Clinton and Obama, is now a bad idea because Trump made it happen.
You have to believe that it’s OK to destroy a good man’s reputation (Kavanaugh) using any means necessary, including witnesses whose own claims could not be verified by their friends and associates.
You have to believe that it is acceptable to threaten, spit on, and physically attack Republicans in restaurants and in their homes, to dox them, and also to encourage such behavior.
You have to accept that many among you, and not just the fringe elements, actually wish for the death of those on the other side.
You have to believe that America is an inherently racist and flawed country that has to be dramatically reformed.
You have to believe that our founding fathers were so flawed and racist that any reminder of them, be it statues or cities named for them, must be eliminated.
You have to believe that the First Amendment only applies if the content is consistent with your belief system. If not, opposing viewpoints should be censored