This 'change' mantra has jumped the shark


500+ Posts
Rosemary Lehmburg(sp?), candidate for Travis County District Attorney, just ran an add where she says she will "continue to fight for change." The featured figure in her ad? The current Travis County DA, Ronnie Earle.
Does Rosemary also give us "Hope"?

If so, then she's got my vote.
The "change" mantra is nothing new in politics. It's Obama's delivery and the mood of the country that has made it so effective for him.
Basically Change is code word for "anybody but Bush." That's the mantra for both the GOP and DEM candidates.

Change from what we have had is what the whole country is clamoring for.
The pic with Obama is a 'greet'. The pic with Bush is a 'nuzzle'.

In fact, nuzzling is an understatement. Considering the false personal attacks Bush and Rove made on McCain's family in 2000, I'd call the pic of McCain's state of Bush reverie a full blown image of Stockholm syndrome.

This reminds me of "O' Brother, Where Art Thou?" when they are talking about "REFORM".

Homer Stokes was the "Reform Candidate" and Junior O'Daniel mentions to Pappy that they've gotta get themselves some of that reform.

Now I'm not saying that we're going to find out that Obama is secretly a member of the Klan.... but everything else sounds the same.

PTSD is very real but I have no idea if McCain suffers from it as a result of being subjected to prolonged captivity and severe physical torture. One of the most common manifestations of PTSD is rage attacks and problems regulating anger. John McCain has a very real reputation as being hot headed and being an angry loose cannon. Is that related to PTSD from being a Viet Nam POW? I have no idea.

Is McCain's nuzzling of Bush cozy behavior in support of Bush's highly unpopular decisions an irrational function of the effects of PTSD? I don't know.

But the fact remains, Bush/Rove **** on John McCain and his family, thumbed their noses at him regarding the use of torture, etc., and yet John McCain remains a loyal pup through this, and remains all too receptive to their shallow support.

McCain has even recently expressed an eagerness to take campaign advice from Karl Rove. It may have nothing to do whatsoever with McCain having been a POW, but that kind judgement and willingness tells me that he has adopted a path of weakness.

triplehorn, I think that's just McCain being pragmatic and taking any allies he can get. You don't get Stockholm Syndrome without being held captive for a long time, and by captive I mean actually dependent on them for food, water, shelter, and your life. If he survived five years as a POW in North Vietnam without succumbing to it, I doubt seven years of the Bush presidency is going to make him a candidate for it.
HITH - I made the stockholm syndrome reference because of McCain's attachment to Bush's failed policies. It wasn't a claim to be taken literally on my part, but I guess that needs to be clarified. And fwiw, my understanding is that stockholm syndrome is not a form of PTSD.

Sure McCain can enlist the services of karl Rove. Knock yourself out, John !

It does suggest that McCain himself is willing to identify with the man and his ways who caused him his own humiliation and pain. It must excite John to think that now he's the apprentice that gets to try on the sorcerer's hat. yeah, baby! Let the sparks fly ! Sadly, John will end up with short end once again.

ralph - what do you think of the fact McCain believes Bush/Rove were behind a painful and humiliating attack on his family and him only to now express a willingness to enlist the srevices of those same perpetrators on his behalf?

I could care less as I can't stand John McCain, but I have to say I'm unimpressed with your ability to defend your own comments.
there's nothing to defend, ralph. You're taking my reference used to describe McCain's political flip-flopping and erringly drawing in his history of being a POW. My original comment had nothing to do with him being a POW. So I have nothing to defend. You basically made it up out of thin air.
In reply to:

Has anyone but me noticed how morally outraged the people who rip Hillary Clinton on a daily basic for every imagined offense and rumor get when one of their cherished candidates gets the smallest amount of hyperbolic ridicule?
Just in case you were referring to me, accurate:
1) I would love to see you quote anything negative I have ever said about Hillary
2) McCain is not only not my cherished candidate, but a politician I have a high degree of dislike for (save his service to our country).

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