PTSD is very real but I have no idea if McCain suffers from it as a result of being subjected to prolonged captivity and severe physical torture. One of the most common manifestations of PTSD is rage attacks and problems regulating anger. John McCain has a very real reputation as being hot headed and being an angry loose cannon. Is that related to PTSD from being a Viet Nam POW? I have no idea.
Is McCain's nuzzling of Bush cozy behavior in support of Bush's highly unpopular decisions an irrational function of the effects of PTSD? I don't know.
But the fact remains, Bush/Rove **** on John McCain and his family, thumbed their noses at him regarding the use of torture, etc., and yet John McCain remains a loyal pup through this, and remains all too receptive to their shallow support.
McCain has even recently expressed an eagerness to take campaign advice from Karl Rove. It may have nothing to do whatsoever with McCain having been a POW, but that kind judgement and willingness tells me that he has adopted a path of weakness.