I have 2 Labs, Daisy and Beau. Daisy is as smart as a whip and Beau is dumber than all hell.
My livingroom is covered in dog toys, but they both always want the same one...and it can be any of them. If Beau is chewing on a ball, Daisy will make one or 2 attempts to take it. When that fails, she will go get another toy and wait for him to come take it (Huh, that one must be better!). As soon as he attemts to take it, she leaves it for him and goes and takes his now-abandoned ball. He doesn't even know what hit him.
Also, she always knows when there's an opportunity for a car ride and I can't figure out the signals. I can be home, all alone sitting on the sofa. I get up, could be to go to the bathroom or it could be to run to the store. If it's to go to the store, she's jumping around like mad before I get my balance. Beau has no idea what's going on, but follows her lead.
She does all the thinking for the both of them, it's quite funny. The only thing he knows is that he might get a cookie if he comes inside when I call.
I know chickens that are smarter than that dog. On the other hand, he's as sweet as can be. He's on the left.