people who grab scriptures out of context to try and prove that homosexuality is not a sin fail to read the original passages in the Old Testament in context. Read Leviticus 18 (and 20 if you want). You will notice that just about everything in that passage you agree with. I would venture to guess that even our most ardently liberal (closet conservatives obviously) posters agree with 90% of the passage. The two commandments that people would get hung up on are the following:
1. Vs.19 prohibits sex with your wife during her menstrual cycle
2. vs 22 says "you shall not lie with a man as with a woman"
we could have a long conversation about vs. 19 and how it is covered under the overturning of kosher laws in Acts 10, but regardless, this isn't a bunch of crazy stuff going on here. The remaining laws are entirely reasonable unless you think adultery, incest, sex with your father or mother or any other of a number of listed sins are actually morally ok.
So that leaves us with homosexuality. People who don't know the Bible get almost giddy when they jump a chapter or two backwards and find prohibitions against touching dead animals (leather) etc. But this shows a complete lack of understanding of hermeneutics and an embarrassingly juvenile approach to reading the Bible. Regardless, the rules against homosexuality are clearly reiterated in the New Testament regardless of whether or not Jesus reiterates them. For the record, Jesus also fails to reiterate the commands against incest, child sacrifice, sex with parents (a form of incest obviously) and a host of other commands. Given the cultural context, it is far more reasonable to assume that Jesus assumed his audience was on board with these basic moral teachings. But even if we don't want to assume that, gays and lesbians could rightfully be offended that he failed to overturn rules against homosexuality since he was clearly ok with it right?
Bottom line is that the Bible is very clear in its statement about homosexuality. Is suppose we could demand more of it, but it is an unreasonable request in light of how clearly and uniformly it describes homosexuality as well as how clearly and uniformly it describes marriage. To take from that the opposite position is bizarre beyond words and does violence to the text in ways that are laughable. I still find it amazing every time someone tells me that I just don't understand the context or something. This is not the case.
I also agree with the notion that the angry conservative evangelical is silly. i have been an evangelical my entire life and am 40 years of age. I have been a pastor since 1997 and have only preached a handful of sermons on homosexuality (I think 2) and they were very strong in addressing the need to love gays and lesbians well before condemning their lifestyle. I have been in countless churches and have heard precious few sermons on homosexuality. But somewhere out there is some church where every week the pastor talks about the evils of homosexuality. Trouble is, no one knows where it is. Rather, we all know where it is…it is Westborough Baptist right? ; )