Point taken, Prodigal (though I think you're being generous to the lunatic fringe of the Republican party to see those distinctions).
That said, the broader point stands -- that theocracies, by definition, want to impose their own version of God's will on their citizens... liberty and freedom be damned.
These quotes from the Santorums aren't decades-old and out-of-context. It's **** they're spewing on a daily basis -- they know "God's will," they want "to create a culture that's pleasing to God," and from Rick, the separation of church and state "makes me want to throw up." That last quote isn't out of context. Feel free to google it to see how/when he offered that gem of Dark-Ages thinking.
If anyone is fine with living in a theocracy, then by all means, vote for Santorum. Those of us who don't want to live under the American version of the taliban have legitimate cause for alarm.
It's one of those debates that I'm surprised we're having in this country. Should we torture prisoners? Should we let the government imprison citizens without due process simply by declaring them an enemy of the state? Should we elect leaders who boast about being offended by the separation of church and state?
p.s. (to those who don't seem capable of commenting on the topic of a thread) Yes, Obama does suck.