The Reid Plan

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Holy **** that man and now BO, because he endorsed it, just prove what complete partisan idiots they really are.

Ask any person with an inkling of intelligence what the biggest cost factors are that must be reigned in and overhauled and they are SS, Medicare, Medicade. The entitlement programs.

Reid's grand plan includes exactly ZERO cuts to these programs and exactly ZERO reforms to these plans.

Is it really any wonder why no deal has been made? Lots of finger pointing the last few weeks on both sides. Lots of people touting BO for saying he agreed with all these supposed cuts. Is it any wonder they never put anything in writing? It is collosally stupid.

I know this is Reid's plan, but because BO endorsed it immediately, he has to face the consequences. It is ******* EXACTLY like a number of us on here feared and warned it would be. he had no intention of any real cutting or reform.

It is digraceful.
Obama has moved into desperate mode
Our President wanted a "Clean Bill" raising the debt limit with no budget cuts whatsoever FWIW. Reducing government does not compute for Barry.
what I am shaking my head at is is the entire lack of a budget process. What in the world is congress thinking that we essentially are operating with no budget.
I mean I am the pastor of a medium sized church and we would never think of such a thing. I also wouldn't run my household without a budget at all. Insanity!
The Dems (and president) know that agreeing to real cuts is political suicide so they are hanging on for dear life...the country be damned.
Yo, I don't like the name calling either. I will say that Obama is doing a poor job of leading us through this issue though. Passing the buck isn't going to work this time.
It sucks for Obama that he has to spend his four or eight years dealing with this crap. I get that. But he campaigned as the guy that could be trusted with the highest job in the land. The majority believed that he could lead us out of this mess. Many others like myself didn't vote for him, but hoped he would lead us out of this insanity. This, even more than killing Osama, is the chance Obama has to leave a legacy that americans of all political stripes can be proud of. It would certainly be a change from the politics of the past and a reason to hope for the future.
Where the GOP is screwing up is in not clearly articulating that the problem, the reason the US is going bankrupt,is too much spending and too much government. The US federal government disburses 88,000,000 checks per month [Yes, the USA is a welfare state].

Gallup: President Barack Obama averaged a 43% job approval rating for the week of July 18-24, tied for the lowest weekly average of his administration.

10 Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind
„h Only 58 percent of Americans have a job right now
„h The median yearly wage in the United States is $26,261
„h The average American household is carrying $75,600 in debt
„h Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975
„h American families are approximately 7.7 trillion dollars poorer than they were back in early 200
I apologise if my A&M humour and talking about whining was lost on you. And yes, being the pastor of a church means that I have seen my fair share of bitchin' about people not getting their ways. If you find the term offensive, I apologise, but my vocabulary is too limited to know another term for it. It is what it is.

That being said the GOP didn't 'manufacture' this crisis. BOTH parties created this crisis by their spend, spend, spend, attitude. Boehner is SURELY responsible for his many votes to raise spending through bills. No doubt about that, but praise God he is actually trying now to be fiscally responsible.
On the other hand you have Obama who voted as a Senator against raising the debt ceiling, then turning around saying it is irresponsible to raise it IF it doesn't come with revenue increases as well. Are we supposed to really take him seriously?
HURRICANE's stats are interesting but not startling to me. Let me add two more from a book called Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations about the state of spending in the US.

40% of American households spend 110% of their annual income ANNUALLY!

When a poll was done of people making 10k-500k, and they were asked how much more they needed to make to feel financially comfortable, they all answered the same!!! 20% more. So those that made 10k said they would be comfortable if only they made 12k. Those making 500k would be comfortable if they made 600k.
That shows that income is NOT the issue. Spending more and wanting more than we can afford is.

Again, I apologise if my A&M joke missed the target. I would have hoped that it would have been seen for the tongue in cheek comment it was...
So why didn't Obama sign off on the bi-partisan deal?
The Link

Obama is the one holding the economy hostage over concerns about his re-election campaign. Yo, you complain that the GOP "manufactured" this crisis, but who was it who threatened seniors (in a bald-faced lie) that they wouldn't get their checks if we didn't raise the debt ceiling? Who was it who sent a budget to congress so unrealistic that even his own party didn't agree to it? Who is it that refused to address the budget until about a month before the deadline and then said "we have to fix this NOW, OR ELSE!!"

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