The Prevailing Windbags of Lubbock

[Rodney King] Can't we all just get along [Rodney King]

Overall I like Tech fans - they have some pricks like all fan bases and they whine sometimes, but they are far better than the great unwashed living over the Red River and the brain dead in Collie Station. If for no other reason, they do deserve our respect because they have some hot women there...

Now, about being a Minion... where do I sign up?

What are the benefits... how much vacation time do I get?

Is 12StudStan a good person to be a Minion for?
Tooooooorrrrrbbbuuuussshhh! I actually have to give you props for that and the TTU dean for his liberal definition of "student". Is he a drinking buddy or something?
I am a Tech fan and do not understand the bashing of the Red Raiders. How soon we forget:

1) We beat aggy every year
2) We beat aggy like a tied up goat every other year in the Jones
3) We kicked Cal in the nuts a few years ago and shut them up after crying about UT and the BCS
4) We beat OU last year and will kick their arse in Norman this year...

Anyway, I think most Tech fans like UT and will root them on for a national title repeat this year. I am disappointed that Tech lost but everybody knows that the better team won. I am happy that Harrel is finally playing better and his growing pains are for the most part over.

Anyway, most Tech fans I know admire the UT football program and hope to get to that level someday. I am also a season ticket holder and have never seen visiting fans mistreated... even obnoxious sooner fans.

Anyway congrats on the win, Mack has the better program and deserved the rough road win. The officiating goes both ways and sometimes it is in your favor (OU last year) and sometimes it does not (UT this year) but for the most part the better team wins.
I was about to point out that classless or not, the goalpost incident was the most hilarious event in the history of the conference. Then I read the agenda for Local 39, and the goalposts were replaced.
Oh man, I saw the thread was still going, so I open the thread in hope of another post from 12thStudStan... Behold, the GREATEST.POST.EVER.
I love it, keep it going!!
Generally, TT is an easy school for which to cheer. They beat aggy. They even beat OU last year. Their coach is an offbeat pirate football rebel who has a pass-only offense and makes it work. They are pretty cool in a number of ways. I was treated hospitably at tailgates and thanked by a fan next to me in the stadium for coming to the game. BUT...

The classless element is a strong, deep, undercurrent. I have had food (and spare change!) thrown at me. Fans around me offered the insightful "you suck!" every few minutes. The student section had a "Raider.... Power!" cheer going as soon as the LHB took the field. Almost every Tech fan with whom I spoke was convinced that the refs stole the game from them. They started a postgame fight at 9th and University (a block away from the stadium).

They are no couchburners. But they are certainly no Huskers. They will drum a Bell-less Bear team this week and forget all about hating us until the next time we meet.

And for those of you in denial about Texas whipping Tech fair and square in the second half to EARN the win-- too bad because we did. If you want to get treated with respect on a Horn board, don't childishly defend idoitic nonsense about anyone but Tech losing that game for Tech.
Throwing food and money is just stupid = waste of money.

The Raider Power chant while LHB took the field was stupid. But why does that band always play that song. I mean even after we scored they would play the song. That gets old quick.

There was a postgame fight at 9th and University? How big are we talking about?
I have to be a part of the beauty of this post. I was here on the infamous day Stan hit continue and checked "email all replies to my real email address," as many before him have done with less success.
I have a question. I'm considering submitting an application for minionship but I noticed no motion to Maintain Focusness. Is focusness maintenance adhered to by 12thstudstan and his minions?
Does the group allow public speaking before the meeting? If so, I'd like to speak in support of Bill in Sinton. Who do I sign up with?

Oh wait, I forgot I'm a Texas grad. I meant "Up with whom do I sign?"
Raider fan guy and I agree -- obnoxious fans with no real connection to the school are annoying.

THe majority of peop;le i've met from Tech care dick about the team most of the year but somehow get up for this game...that is annoying as well.
I saw my first Texas Tech Red Raiders football game in 1958 as a kid. Since that time--48 years ago--I've been a big fan.
Sorry I'm so late to the party...

Classic Allsome-ness Stan. Please submit my name to the Minion-aniacs waiting list. Ordered my orange pants, magic sneaks & all.

No real beef with TTU the school or all the hot raider chicks I banged back in the day. I will admit though after one of my buddies got jumped in Lubbock back in '91 I have sworn off ever attending another game up there. The fan base is NOT known for their open hospitality or gracious manners, and that is a widely known fact. Time to grow up fans of the 2nd lil' brother school.

Peace out!!!
its wednesday out here in Lu-buttock and the news channels, sport radio talk show hosts and Leach himself have finally stopped talking about the officials.