The obamacare trainwreck

From the ultra conservative Huffington Post:

"The uninsured are turning against Obamacare"

The Link

But apparently, they are all just liars according to Harry Reid.
The Link

I am really looking forward to the midterm elections.
Before the BO crickets take over here is an update on the reality of obamacare for small businesses

first remember what BO said to small biz back in Oct 09
/“What we will do is make the coverage that you’re currently providing more affordable…You’ll be able to get better deals than you could have ever received on your own. In fact, small businesses that choose one of the plans in this exchange could save 25 percent on their premiums by 2016.”

and today? From CMS

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which has spearheaded the implementation of the law, has acknowledged that new rules requiring insurers to offer guaranteed coverage and renewal options to small employers will likely drive up the price of insurance for some companies. So will rules banning insurance companies from varying their rates based on factors like a company’s industry or the age of its employees. …

What we didn’t know was how many small businesses would see their rates rise and how many would see them fall. Now, it’s becoming clear."The Link

IN the report the CMS says big biz shouldn't see big increases. any bets on that changing as well.

So BO screwed the nearly 6 million who lost coverage he promised they could keep and now he is screwing over 65% of employees of small businesses( small biz collectively employs more than big biz do)

and in the end the same number of uninsured will exist

who in their right mond could still this obamacare was a good idea?
who in their right mind doesn't understand ther were other ways of taking care of coverages for preexisting etc without this OBAMAnation?
So this explains it somewhat:
The Link

“If you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in ... and sick people get money, it would not have passed,” said Gruber.

Gruber has since gone on MSNBC and said he spoke “inappropriately,” but still kind of defended his original premise. Plus, more tapes have emerged of him calling taxpayers “stupid” in other appearances at about the same time – one at Washington University in St. Louis, and another in Rhode Island.

Calling HornPharmD. Calling HornPharmD. You are needed for comment prior to the end of HF.
Sorry, but from my post above:

"Unfortunately, this report will not be the death blow. The only potential death blow comes next election cycle as hopefully Americans realize where Obamacare is taking the country. If the republicans take over the senate and house, they still will not be able to kill it. However, they would be able to stop the constant changes Obama is making midstream. The only hope will be that the next president will lead the country to a smarter healthcare system."
Pelosi now claims she doesn't know Gruber even though she quoted him several times in her speeches. She also said he didn't have much, if any, part if drafting the bill. Don't these ******* ever quit lying?
ACA may survive, but it will be substantially changed. SCOTUS will take the first hit to it, then the democrats up for re-election will be forced to vote yes or no on changes to the law. Obama might veto, but it will definitely result in major changes sometime or another. Even democrats disguising themselves as libertarians will see the dream as well.
"The uninsured are turning against Obamacare"

You mean people who can't afford insurance don't like being fined without due process for the crime of not buying insurance for themselves? Who would have ever guessed?
I do not see the American people through Congress going for single payer

If Democrats take control of Congress, they'll go with the public option first, which was supposed to be the centerpiece of Obamacare in the first place. It'll take some time, but that'll force most of the private insurance business into bankruptcy. Essentially private health insurance will be something that wealthy people purchase to get better service, higher reimbursements (and therefore better doctors), and broader coverage than a government plan would offer. It's similar to what Germany has.

If Republicans keep control of Congress, they'll demand a full repeal of Obamacare and an industry-favorable wish list. There will be a big showdown with HRC, and they'll settle on some kind of compromise that gives the industry some but not all of the goodies it wants. In return, Congress will expand Medicaid or children's health insurance programs. In other words, billionaires in the insurance industry and dirt poor people will get help, and the middle class will get no meaningful relief.
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Who would have thought that eliminating the main incentive for young, healthy people to get health insurance would have resulted in fewer young, healthy people signing up for health insurance? That would have required Nostradamus-like foresight to predict.
t simply turns the current system into a government monopoly.

Sets up well for Obama to hand HRC single payer. That was the plan from the beginning.

But if Obama had said "single payer" at the beginning, it would never have passed- the outcry from the American people would have been deafening. Guess he realized you can't drop a frog into a pot of boiling water, but you can put him into a pot of cold water and slowly turn it up to a boil - same end result, it just takes a bit longer.
What happened to two of the BIG BHO pledges?

If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.
Insurance premiums for a typical family of 4 will go down by $2,500 per year.

Many, many people were not able to keep their Dr. with Obamacare or were forced to choose another Dr.

Hmmm, everywhere I have read, insurance premiums for EVERYONE regardless of the health insurance category has skyrocketed the last few years. I have not read of ONE single plan where insurance premiums went down.

Pig in a poke?
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