The Media Industry


As I've said before, we really don't have a news media anymore at the national level. We have political propaganda ministries. A guy like Brian Stelter has more in common with Joseph Goebbels than he has with Walter Cronkite. And the problem goes beyond political stories. It's any story that has potential political implications, such as Covid.
Substack goes over 1 million paid subscribers. Link. When gutless tools run mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and drive out real journalists like Bari Weiss to try to placate ideological nutcases inside the company, people will pay extra money to read the real journalists.
Yahoo is a left-wing front for the DNC.

They suspended comments for a long time and now only allow comments on select articles. I've been warned that my account would be suspended or deleted (Yahoo email) for comments I made that were definitely not that bad. But look what they allow to be posted on their front page (the day before Thanksgiving):


Kyle Rittenhouse Is Proof That White Women Birth White Supremacy While Black Mothers Birth Its Victims

You absolutely won't believe what they consider to be journalism while simultaneously running hard interference against even a hint of dissent.
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