SH and the other Libs on this board. Are you a shamed or embarrassed by your party yet? If you're not, that wouldn't surprise me. Pretty telling!!!
Something that just happened at my gym I own that is troubling. We have three big TV's in different parts of the gym that we leave the remote out so anybody that wants to change the channel can. In the past this has never been a problem until recently. Of course all of our cardio equipment has it's own TV and they just plug in the headphones to the channel they watch. We are open 24 hours so when I come in on mornings the TV is on a different channel daily. Sometimes sports center, sometimes CNN, sometimes Fox and even sometimes on the Longhorn Network


. Recently we've had three incidence when the TV was on Fox and a lady couldn't find the remote to change it and was not happy because it was on Fox News. Nobody was watching it so no big deal.
Well just this last Friday a lady came in and changed the channel off of Fox while a guy who had been watching it between reps. She then went to a cardio machine and plugged in her head phones and watched her preferred TV. The cardio equipment isn't even in the same area of the TV that Fox was on. So basically she is not watching it but trying to censor others from watching that certain channel. So the guy went to the bathroom and when he returned he seen the changed he had been watching was changed. So he changed it back to Fox News. Apparently she noticed it was changed back from across the room and confronted the guy that had it back on Fox News. She asked if it was him that changed it back to Fox News with an angry voice. He was caught by surprised and responded no out of reaction. She changed it back off of Fox News and said "I'm sick of Fox News and their antics" as she left the area and back over to her cardio machine to watch her TV again. The guy that was watching came to my office to tell me about it so when I came out on the floor I seen an elderly lady that just arrived and didn't have a clue what had happen change the channel to Fox News again. So I hung out on the gym floor to make sure that lady didn't confront the elderly lady about changing the channel back to Fox News. Fortunately the lady did the rest of her cardio and left.
The point of that story is why are so many liberals always trying to intimidate and have bullish behavior toward anybody that don't agree with how they think? Or more importantly why does that party attract those kind of people? I think that party and their Fake News Networks encourage them to engage, disrupt, humiliate, and even cause violence to push their agenda. I think it's going to be a long time before that party wins an election again.
God Bless America and the silent majority that will use their heads when voting. Also I'm very proud of President Trump in how he's turning things around. A new projection is now showing the GDP could be up to 4% when it comes out next. That projection is up from the previous projection that was showing it up at 3.7%. Good things are changing right before our eyes with policies. While that's going on the Libs are trying to distract with antifa pulling down statues and calling everyone racist. Meanwhile, while their leaders of that party continue to try to block progress for our great country.