The Media Industry

And now, Kaepernick is willing to do almost anything to sign with a team.
He will sign short-term, and with no discussion of money.
He will play anywhere

One rumor was the Ravens
But .... Balt fans dont want him either

Silver is an SI writer \/

He played better last year than he did the year before, so you'd think he'd be able to find a job somewhere. Looks like nobody wants the distraction and controversy.

Nevertheless, it's still kinda funny to me that a guy with a Muhammad Ali complex has an extremely German last name. The "ae" is an English substitute for "ä". If you have an umlaut in your name, that's pretty white. It's like a guy named Wang being Swedish. It just doesn't quite fit. Yes, I know he's adopted, but I still find it ironic not so much because of his race but because of his goofy politics. You'd think he'd convert to Islam and change his name to something Arabic by now.
He played better last year than he did the year before, so you'd think he'd be able to find a job somewhere. Looks like nobody wants the distraction and controversy.

Nevertheless, it's still kinda funny to me that a guy with a Muhammad Ali complex has an extremely German last name. The "ae" is an English substitute for "ä". If you have an umlaut in your name, that's pretty white. It's like a guy named Wang being Swedish. It just doesn't quite fit. Yes, I know he's adopted, but I still find it ironic not so much because of his race but because of his goofy politics. You'd think he'd convert to Islam and change his name to something Arabic by now.
Kaepernik is learning that he has the freedom to stage public protests, but does not have freedom from the consequences of his actions. He can do what he wants, but we don't have to like him for it.
saw something that JJ told Cowboys players that if they don't stand, they are off the team. Not a big JJ fan but I like this move, although my suspicion is that it wouldn't have happened if there weren't a loud public outcry against it....otherwise he would have taken this stance immediately last year. Better late than never.
Not a big JJ fan but I like this move, although my suspicion is that it wouldn't have happened if there weren't a loud public outcry against it

Not the case. Before the 2016 season JJ's Cowboys petitioned the league to wear an 'arm in arm' logo on their helmets. The players came up with the idea, both the team and owner approved it.

It was a tribute to show solidarity with police after the Dallas attack. JJ also flew in the Dallas police chief to training camp on his jet and honored him at practice.

The NFL turned down their logo request, but JJ and his players would've been opposed to a teammate kneeling in protest of police long before the issue heated up during the season.

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Life comes at you fast...articles posted within 9hrs of each other.

It needs to be pointed out that these articles were written by 2 different authors. One should never expect an entire media outlet to speak with a single perspective/voice.
Poor lefties. If they only had a vehicle to get their message out
(CNN, NYT, PBS, ABC, NPR, CBS, MTV, NBC/MSNBC, ESPN, LAT, Facebook, Colbert Show, Seth Meyers, the Rolling Stone, John Oliver holla)

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Leftists used to understand that they could win elections by hiding their agendas. The last few years they've started to believe that they can be more open about those things, and it's cost them big-time at the polls. I don't expect them to acknowledge that or change their tactics, which is good news in the short term.
Leftists used to understand that they could win elections by hiding their agendas. The last few years they've started to believe that they can be more open about those things, and it's cost them big-time at the polls. I don't expect them to acknowledge that or change their tactics, which is good news in the short term.

Hiding "Mexico will pay for the wall!"? Sorry, given today's transcript release of the first Trump - Pena-Nieto conversation the hiding agenda comment just reminds us all that Trump essentially stole much of the Democrat playbook in this election. Paper thin proposals so that you never have to give any details (see Obama '08) and a mass voter appeal message targeted at the work class. Biden was correct when he said that the Democrats lost their working class message.
I don't expect them to acknowledge that or change their tactics, which is good news in the short term.

I don't think they could ease back to the middle if they tried. They opened up Pandora's Box aligning stances with the most progressive (and vocal) elements of the base.

Too late to revert back to "All Lives Matter" after they opted for "Black Lives Matter" when openly asked to choose.

Too late to defend our borders and support laws against illegal immigration when they already ignored them and fight for sanctuary everything.

The list of radically progressive stances are endless and many involve a socialist component that greatly harms American workers and/or lessens public safety.
Leftists used to understand that they could win elections by hiding their agendas. The last few years they've started to believe that they can be more open about those things, and it's cost them big-time at the polls. I don't expect them to acknowledge that or change their tactics, which is good news in the short term.

They believed they had hit a critical mass, and unfortunately unless we do something soon, they will. They were feeling their oats because they were acquiring the Hispanic vote and because the illegal path to citizenship seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

The AA block isn't big enough, the LGBT block isn't big enough, the union block isn't big enough. The Hispanic block coupled with the big enough.

Somehow they've convinced many Hispanics that they need to vote Dem because their skin is brown. I grew up in a town that was about 80% Hispanic and in my experience these families valued almost everything that I did/do. They are culturally conservatives at heart.

These are mostly GOP voters if we can just get past the accusations of racism. I think Trumps focus on economic immigration standards is exactly the right approach to this. I do think we need to implement e-verify to bring it full circle and put some of the burden on employers as well. It will sell a lot better politically if this is not a one-way street.

Hiding "Mexico will pay for the wall!"? Sorry, given today's transcript release of the first Trump - Pena-Nieto conversation the hiding agenda comment just reminds us all that Trump essentially stole much of the Democrat playbook in this election. Paper thin proposals so that you never have to give any details (see Obama '08) and a mass voter appeal message targeted at the work class. Biden was correct when he said that the Democrats lost their working class message.
Sour grapes
So how do you feel that Trump lied to you about "Mexico paying for the wall"? Have a good quip about HRC ready?
Ha! I believed from the beginning that the original source of Trump hate from both sides is that people thought Trump jumped ahead of the line on various issues. Did Trump catch a wave? Yes. Was Trump more nimble as a campaigner? Yes.

Like I said, sour grapes. Finally, no one believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Go back and look at the posts.
Another dirty old man at Fox News. Link.

I don't understand what "inspires" a guy to do this sort of thing. You go to work. You do your job as well as you can. Then you go home. It's called being a professional. How does sending pictures of dicks to your female coworkers even get on the menu? And even if you're doing it to try to "score" with a female coworker (which ends up being a stupid decision 90 percent of the time), how often does this move actually work?
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Not saying this story is untrue or unlikely, but it'd be wise to wait until the facts arrive. There are two red flags that should prevent blindly believing these accusations.

One, the story broke from Huffington Post, the most activist, Liberal, dumpster fire site for news. Their animosity towards anything not radical left makes CNN look neutral.

Also, Soros and his weaponized organizations like Media Matters are openly engaging in an attempted take down of Trump-backing Fox personalities.

They just released a statement this week declaring coming actions to take down Hannity by pressuring his sponsors. Attached was a laundry list of controversial statements he's made on radio/tv over the last several years.

With recent sexually related issues at Fox, of course they'd use that in accusations knowing most would blindly believe it before waiting for facts.

It wouldn't be the first or 15,000th time someone sent an unsolicited d*ck pic to a flirty coworker. And that business is stocked with women trying to get ahead on their looks and purposely flirting with the power personalities. Not hard to see that going wrong.

But it's still worth holding off judgement for facts. Those making the accusations (Huff Po, Media Matters, etc) are openly trying to destroy Trump's backing at Fox. Especially the major DT fanboys who facilitate his message (MM said this) like Boling and Hannity.

Ironically, taking down Boling and Hannity would be awesome and worst thing possible for Libs. But as usual they never think two steps ahead past instant gratification.

It'd guarantee a new mainstream Conservative TV news network that doesn't pretend to be balanced. Not the fledgling ones out there, but a legit, heavily invested one.

Then all the big TV names and others like Mark Stein, Larry Elder, etc can join together under that umbrella without the balance charade.

With the slanted, Lib colluding nature of the other MSM networks, it's way past time for a Breitbart type news channel for the right. Fire Hannity and light the fuse...please. :smile1:
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Hey Deez, you might appreciate this reference...

I wonder if they'll have a Porky's style investigation over the c*ck shot? :smile1:

Even if it didn't come from a cell number attributed to him, accusers will claim that's his dong in the pic and Boling will have to whip it out for inspection. :lmao:
Not saying this story is untrue or unlikely, but it'd be wise to wait until the facts arrive. There are two red flags that should prevent blindly believing these accusations.

One, the story broke from Huffington Post, the most activist, Liberal, dumpster fire site for news. Their animosity towards anything not radical left makes CNN look neutral.

Also, Soros and his weaponized organizations like Media Matters are openly engaging in an attempted take down of Trump-backing Fox personalities.

They just released a statement this week declaring coming actions to take down Hannity by pressuring his sponsors. Attached was a laundry list of controversial statements he's made on radio/tv over the last several years.

With recent sexually related issues at Fox, of course they'd use that in accusations knowing most would blindly believe it before waiting for facts.

It wouldn't be the first or 15,000th time someone sent an unsolicited d*ck pic to a flirty coworker. And that business is stocked with women trying to get ahead on their looks and purposely flirting with the power personalities. Not hard to see that going wrong.

But it's still worth holding off judgement for facts. Those making the accusations (Huff Po, Media Matters, etc) are openly trying to destroy Trump's backing at Fox. Especially the major DT fanboys who facilitate his message (MM said this) like Boling and Hannity.

Ironically, taking down Boling and Hannity would be awesome and worst thing possible for Libs. But as usual they never think two steps ahead past instant gratification.

It'd guarantee a new mainstream Conservative TV news network that doesn't pretend to be balanced. Not the fledgling ones out there, but a legit, heavily invested one.

Then all the big TV names and others like Mark Stein, Larry Elder, etc can join together under that umbrella without the balance charade.

With the slanted, Lib colluding nature of the other MSM networks, it's way past time for a Breitbart type news channel for the right. Fire Hannity and light the fuse...please. :smile1:

Hey Deez, you might appreciate this reference...

I wonder if they'll have a Porky's style investigation over the c*ck shot? :smile1:

Even if it didn't come from a cell number attributed to him, accusers will claim that's his dong in the pic and Boling will have to whip it out for inspection. :lmao:

He could whip it out for inspection like Michael Jackson did, but I don't think it'll go that far. There's plenty of motive for people to lie in this situation, but I would think it would be pretty easy to prove whether or not he did it. If the dick-pics came from his phone, he almost surely did it. He could pull a Carlos Danger and claim someone stole his phone, but unless he reported it to the cops, nobody's going to buy it. If they didn't come from his phone, then the allegation is almost surely false.
He could pull a Carlos Danger and claim someone stole his phone, but unless he reported it to the cops, nobody's going to buy it. If they didn't come from his phone, then the allegation is almost surely false.

Funny story along these lines. I'm on a guy's trip to South Beach around 5 years back. We hit it hard all weekend so early Sunday we decided to recharge with IV's for round 3.

By afternoon we're pretty sauced up again watching NFL football on a patio. It was same weekend as Formula One in Austin.

I'm away from the table goofing off (left phone on table) when my born-again (very) Christian, happily married hairdresser sends a text raving about the race she's at.

Of course I never saw it, but my best friend thought "oh yeah that's great, so what are you wearing?" was the ideal response. :smh:

We met back in her wilder days so it took months and multiple awkward haircut sessions to convince her I wasn't trying to sext her up sitting next to her husband. :facepalm:

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