The Media Industry

That 89% of Republicans are likely the 36-38% of Americans that still approve of an incompetent POTUS simply because he has an 'R' next to his name. Yay team! It's all "fake news" except that most of it's turned out to be pretty accurate from the MSM which is why we need to catch the "leakers".

The only story that has stuck has been this WaPo story. The rest this week has been fake news using anonymous sources. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
The only story that has stuck has been this WaPo story. The rest this week has been fake news using anonymous sources. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

That's the only one? Since the election or inauguration? It's convenient that you want to consider only this week then Trump has many stories he's claimed were "fake news" only to end up in actions like the termination of Mike Flynn. It's as if there is a belief that simply by calling the news fake that you can change reality. The reality is that this administration is currently in a "downward spiral" per Sen. Bob Corker and they appear to be trying to pull their own wings off in hopes that will fix the problem.
The reality is that this administration is currently in a "downward spiral" per Sen. Bob Corker and they appear to be trying to pull their own wings

I'm talking about this week. Sorry if i didn't make that clear. There really isn't a "downward spiral". However, if you follow the mainstream media you will believe it is happening. Do you realize what's being done by the American press to Trump could be done to any American president in the past and he would like a incompetent fool?
That's the only one? Since the election or inauguration? It's convenient that you want to consider only this week then Trump has many stories he's claimed were "fake news" only to end up in actions like the termination of Mike Flynn. It's as if there is a belief that simply by calling the news fake that you can change reality. The reality is that this administration is currently in a "downward spiral" per Sen. Bob Corker and they appear to be trying to pull their own wings off in hopes that will fix the problem.

How about all of the Trump firing Comey fake news we heard this week? One example was that according to an anonymous source Comey was fired because he was asking for more money to investigate the Russia thing. Is that fake news or not?
I'm talking about this week. Sorry if i didn't make that clear. There really isn't a "downward spiral". However, if you follow the mainstream media you will believe it is happening. Do you realize what's being done by the American press to Trump could be done to any American president in the past and he would like a incompetent fool?

Do I think Trump is being treated fairly, like previous administrations? No. Do I think Trump is his own worst enemy? Absolutely. Could previous POTUS be made to look bad? Yes. Incompetent like Trump? No, he's unique in that regard. Of course, it was obvious from the beginning that he was an abhorrent candidate, incapable of managing the most powerful country on Earth.
How about all of the Trump firing Comey fake news we heard this week? One example was that according to an anonymous source Comey was fired because he was asking for more money to investigate the Russia thing. Is that fake news or not?

We don't know, yet. McCabe's testimony said "I'm not aware" of the request and admitted that wouldn't be the typical course of asking for more money. Rosenstien takes the stand on Thursday this week or next.
Do I think Trump is being treated fairly, like previous administrations? No. Do I think Trump is his own worst enemy? Absolutely. Could previous POTUS be made to look bad? Yes. Incompetent like Trump? No, he's unique in that regard. Of course, it was obvious from the beginning that he was an abhorrent candidate, incapable of managing the most powerful country on Earth.

Obama could have easily been done this way. Incompetent like Trump? I think you're letting your personal hate for the man cloud your judgment .
We don't know, yet. McCabe's testimony said "I'm not aware" of the request and admitted that wouldn't be the typical course of asking for more money. Rosenstien takes the stand on Thursday this week or next.

He also said:
  • if the FBI were to request more resources, it would ask Congress.
  • told senators he believes the FBI has sufficient resources for the probe.
Looks like fake news to me.
That 89% of Republicans are likely the 36-38% of Americans that still approve of an incompetent POTUS simply because he has an 'R' next to his name. Yay team! It's all "fake news" except that most of it's turned out to be pretty accurate from the MSM which is why we need to catch the "leakers".
That's great to hear. What did the MSM find that was true?

Trump colluded with the Russians? Nope.
Trump wasn't wiretapped? Nope. (despite the NY Times stating he was wiretapped before backtracking).
Trump tried to force Comey to stop Flynn investigation? Nope. McCabe said last week that nobody has interfered with investigation.
Obama could have easily been done this way. Incompetent like Trump? I think you're letting your personal hate for the man cloud your judgment .

The man is a real estate tycoon but his success is limited to that area. He's proven himself to be of abhorrent character, a political neophyte and enormously ignorant to history. All are qualities important to be a good POTUS.
He also said:
  • if the FBI were to request more resources, it would ask Congress.
  • told senators he believes the FBI has sufficient resources for the probe.
Looks like fake news to me.

You are correct but none of that means that Comey hadn't asked for more resources. It may turn out to be erroneous but I don't think we have enough information to make that determination yet.

Typical double standard crap, however. Some low life can say "kill all white people" without repercussion.
Yeah, and while I did not like Beckel, I seriously doubt he said something that would have been a fireable offense. Guessing they just wanted him gone because he did not contribute on a rational level.
As I think about it further, I would actually not be surprised that Beckel would be such a hypocrite that he would make a racist remark to a black IT employee.
That 89% of Republicans are likely the 36-38% of Americans that still approve of an incompetent POTUS simply because he has an 'R' next to his name. Yay team! It's all "fake news" except that most of it's turned out to be pretty accurate from the MSM which is why we need to catch the "leakers".

Wrong. I couldn't care less about Trump, but that doesn't mean the media hasn't sold its soul in the past few months, if it hadn't already. For you to argue that the media hasn't floated fake news is so ridiculous that it's not even worth addressing. Frankly you've been just as much of a "Yay team" guy these past few months as anyone on the right has been.

It's hilarious that 9 of 10 Democrats now think the media's doing its job as a watchdog, when that number was down in the 50's during W's last year. The reason: the media is now seriously talking about impeaching the president, and they didn't do it under W. The fact that journalistic standards are out the door, opposing viewpoints are shunned and rarely explored, and that the whole media is trying to turn itself into a giant safe space is why "your team" loves the job they're doing so much right now.

BTW, what's interesting is that question is not about "trusting the media" - it asks whether media criticism keeps political leaders from doing things they shouldn't do. A more consistent answer by the dems would be to say "no, it doesn't - because the media is hammering Trump and he keeps doing things we think should get him impeached. So clearly the criticism does NOT keep them from acting improperly.

And did you also notice that the line graphs basically flip whenever someone from the other party comes into office?
The MSM has become the biggest threat to our democracy in modern times.

First they insulated and shielded their preferred leaders (BO, HRC) from conducting their own investigations and even reporting facts on their scandals.

Now they've proven they'll wage a propaganda war and relentlessly manufacture scandals to overthrow the leader they oppose.

Until they're stopped and held accountable the duties of the President will never be executed at an optimum level to serve the best interest of the public. Both 'blind eye' protection and gross obstruction are highly damaging to the office.

For non-Lib, sensible people who aren't fond of DT, one thing remains scarier...a Lib replacement with unbridled access to corruption while protected by the MSM shield.
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The MSM COLLUDED with Democrats during the Presidential election. Why would they think anyone should believe their lies now?

A basic question should be asked of journalists, which is; "what do you know about anything?" Have they run a business, researched what makes a successful economic system, studied climate change, researched the results of social programs, etc? It seems that they have just joined the long line of Democrats and are either brainwashed by liberal professors, or just follow the pack without independently thinking about issues.

Even the Obama administration made fun of their ignorance.
It seems that they have just joined the long line of Democrats

Bingo! It's because 90+% of MSM journalists for major outlets are active Democrats. Their allegiance far outnumbers independents and republicans combined.

They spend their days covering political topics in an environment engulfed by it so they have developed personal skin in the game.

When most of the game is based in DC and NY of course they're gonna be invested Democrats. Same deal with Hollywood.

Their radicalized party gave marching orders to declare 'no rules' war during the election. The cult followed, which in turn weaponized the MSM and Hollywood.

Regardless who wins the WH, the MSM is now a dangerous weapon and enemy of the people. Either they'll hide scandal to protect their own or manufacture it to topple rivals.

Whichever posture they assume, body guard or assassin, it's an abandonment of journalistic integrity, failure to earnestly inform the public, and borders on treason.
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Regardless who wins the WH, the MSM is now a dangerous weapon and enemy of the people. Either they'll hide scandal to protect their own or manufacture it to topple rivals.
Less dangerous now that they have outed themselves. I remember back in the 90s, "media bias" was treated as a conspiracy theory that was conjured up by overly sensitive conservatives. To be fair, the MSM did try harder to appear impartial back then. They were far more influential when they had credibility in the eyes of independents and centrists. Now even liberals will grudgingly admit the MSM has a left wing bias. To compound matters further, voters have more non-traditional options for news than ever before. I cannot remember the last time I have watched CNN or any of the big 3 news shows (other than Face the Nation). I have said it before, Trump's election would simply not have been possible if the MSM had any credibility left.
Most of it is unimportant like the lauding over his hottie wife and daughter.

But when the cover of the Arab News has a huge headline saying "TRUMP MEANS BUSINESS" with a pic of him signing a deal with their King...pretty important.

At the very least it portrays our new prez to the Arab world as a strong leader to respect. A huge image reversal from the last prez they knew was weak and hollow.

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