The Media Industry

It's now okay to talk about Hunter's laptop. I remember being told this was a conspiracy theory.

**** like this is why I shrug when I hear the media call something "misinformation" or "disinformation." Those are real problems, but when things are characterized as such by the media, very little credence should be given. Their credibility is gone.
The Hunter Biden story is the reason why I only watch Fox News at this point. They are the only news channel that covered the Hunter Biden story. While I agree that they have too many Trump hacks such as Hannity and Jesse Watters, the actual news shows such as Bret Baier's are the best in the business by several orders of magnitude.
You may be right but I hope we don't just"move along ".
Wonder how Dems Really Feel

Has Bubba commented yet? Sometimes he is honest and doesn't automatically spout talking points.
How do you feel about the media etc having to admit the Hunter laptop story is true including what his emails on that puter revealed?

I guess I should feel honored you haven't put me in ignore

Is talking about who you haven't put on Ignore...yet, akin to mentioning who you do have on Ignore? I was told once I mentioned too many times about having husker on Ignore. Did I ever mention how great it was having that guy on Ignore?
How do you feel about the media etc having to admit the Hunter laptop story is true including what his emails on that puter revealed?

I guess I should feel honored you haven't put me in ignore

Here's where I'm at with the laptop story.

To summarize: The legally blind computer repair guy in NJ had a laptop brought to him by HB. He gave it to the FBI. He made copies of the information "to protect himself" and gave a copy to Giuliani's attorney. He also happens to be a Trump superfan. The story was in the NY Post and Giuliani and Bannon were involved in both securing and sharing this information. It smelled poorly and if you have any modicum of reasonableness you would agree to that. I was never under the impression that most of the information on that laptop were not valid. I thought then that a portion of information in there could be fake. Given Giuliani and Bannon are involved that's still not an unreasonable thought to hold. And, throw in the fact that they held the information for some time before trying to make it the October shocker. That also makes it smelly.

Now that the dust settled, nothing in that laptop is any worse than what we know about DJT and his legacy kleptocracy. So, that's where I'm at.
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Is talking about who you haven't put on Ignore...yet, akin to mentioning who you do have on Ignore? I was told once I mentioned too many times about having husker on Ignore. Did I ever mention how great it was having that guy on Ignore?
I removed a few off of the list so I could show my ***, although reasonably.
Explain," Trumps legacy kleptocracy" please.
Thanks btw for a thoughful answer. It has some dem talking points but some points too
@Mr. Deez Anything we can do to these lying intel guys?

Well, they're former Intel guys, so not much you can do to them but stop listening to them as they got this wrong, and in a sane world, getting things wrong hurts one's credibility.

Two things though. First, the media isn't in a sane world. It's in a massively politically-charged world in which the ends (ensuring Trump's defeat) justified the means (full-blown, prior restraint censorship like you'd see in China or North Korea but pushed corporately rather than by government). Accordingly, the media will keep going back to these intel guys so long as they give them information that confirms or reinforces their preferred political outcomes. Accuracy doesn't matter.

Second, though they were wrong, the intel guys aren't the worst actors here. They admitted that they had no evidence that this story was Russian disinformation. They said it looks like it is. Well, that's a lot less certain. It's not factual. It's just a few people's opinion and speculation. However, their statement got repeated a million times by the media as "Intel community says the story is Russian disinformation," which would be factual if true. These intel people had opinions that ended up being wrong, but the media lied about what they said to support radical and dangerous, freedom-killing action that their real statement would never justify. So though I'm no defender of the actual Intel people, I think the media and social media platforms are much bigger villains.

Like I've said before, most of our mainstream media should be given the same level of deference that Jim Bakker should get in religious circles. If anything, they should get less because Bakker eventually admitted his misconduct and dishonesty, which is at least part of the process of restoring one's credibility. These people maintain the lies.
Well, they're former Intel guys, so not much you can do to them but stop listening to them as they got this wrong, and in a sane world, getting things wrong hurts one's credibility.

Two things though. First, the media isn't in a sane world. It's in a massively politically-charged world in which the ends (ensuring Trump's defeat) justified the means (full-blown, prior restraint censorship like you'd see in China or North Korea but pushed corporately rather than by government). Accordingly, the media will keep going back to these intel guys so long as they give them information that confirms or reinforces their preferred political outcomes. Accuracy doesn't matter.

Second, though they were wrong, the intel guys aren't the worst actors here. They admitted that they had no evidence that this story was Russian disinformation. They said it looks like it is. Well, that's a lot less certain. It's not factual. It's just a few people's opinion and speculation. However, their statement got repeated a million times by the media as "Intel community says the story is Russian disinformation," which would be factual if true. These intel people had opinions that ended up being wrong, but the media lied about what they said to support radical and dangerous, freedom-killing action that their real statement would never justify. So though I'm no defender of the actual Intel people, I think the media and social media platforms are much bigger villains.

Like I've said before, most of our mainstream media should be given the same level of deference that Jim Bakker should get in religious circles. If anything, they should get less because Bakker eventually admitted his misconduct and dishonesty, which is at least part of the process of restoring one's credibility. These people maintain the lies.

I find it remarkable how libs still can't figure out how much of the media they watch lies to them. Libs here and elsewhere will proudly post an article, find out it's false, and just move on to the next lie coming from the media with absolutely no self-reflection.
I find it remarkable how libs still can't figure out how much of the media they watch lies to them. Libs here and elsewhere will proudly post an article, find out it's false, and just move on to the next lie coming from the media with absolutely no self-reflection.
That's why it works. Libtards so badly want the Democrats to be good and the Republicans to be evil that they will ignore all evidence to the contrary.
That's why it works. Libtards so badly want the Democrats to be good and the Republicans to be evil that they will ignore all evidence to the contrary.
To me, all evidence points to both being a mixture of evil and incompetence with an underlying base of patriotism

but some folks keep picking one side as being better. Whatever
To me, all evidence points to both being a mixture of evil and incompetence with an underlying base of patriotism

but some folks keep picking one side as being better. Whatever
I don't disagree. But does the media ever portray all the denizens of DC as such? And keep in mind this thread is (largely) about the drive-by media and their oversized influence on the political and social perceptions of the American public.
I don't disagree. But does the media ever portray all the denizens of DC as such? And keep in mind this thread is (largely) about the drive-by media and their oversized influence on the political and social perceptions of the American public.
Both dems and DNC deny collusion when it is clearly so.
Explain," Trumps legacy kleptocracy" please.
Thanks btw for a thoughful answer. It has some dem talking points but some points too
Nepotism and greasing the skids for those loyal to him ran rampant. There are a number of examples. The amount of money spent by the US government at trump properties would be a nice place to start. The price of of staying at Trump DC was part of the rape/pillage tour. Stop the steal is nothing more than a fundraising ploy. I could on but you would argue every point. Let’s just agree to disagree.

A journalist looked into the burisma thing. He said it was not great but normal these days. He said it was a 20 on a 100 point scale. But when compared to the 95/100 that the trump family was doing at the time it was not worth much ink. I couldn’t find the twitter thread. I’m sure you would disagree.

so why don’t we just agree to disagree and not get into a pissing contest.

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