Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
I'm still curious to how Trump was supposedly cooking the books in regards to the value of his properties. I'm not Trump but I do have a considerable amount of property and I have little say so in regards to their value. The county does that. How does New York do theirs?
If the accusations from the AG and the NYDA have merit, he was sharing different information to the city/county then he was to the banks. To the city/county he appealed his valuations building a case that their values were depressed. To the bank he shared a different set of data, over-valuing the properties to get better rates to diminish his debt/equity ratio. Mazars is protecting itself because they are the auditor that was standing behind Trump, helping him get the sweet valuations. If the "truth" was less than the rosy picture he portrayed to Deutsch Bank, then their credibility is at stake. That's the reason for their abandonment of him now.