The Media Industry

Anyone else notice is really pushing women's soccer and the WNBA hard lately. I just don't think there's much interest but they are really trying to promote it hard. All aspects of media these days are becoming activist organizations.

The "We Got Next" ad campaign fizzled...
if they can get the broadcast rights cheap (they can) and boost the numbers significantly in comparison then they can make good money selling ad time to the advertisers.

No feminist conspiracy here, just good business practice. It is also why you are going to get 17 game NFL seasons starting this year.

Eh. The ratings aren't good for a reason. All of a sudden suddenly they are pushing Chelsea and Man U's women's teams. I'm not sure anyone watches that. And WNBA ratings have been low for years. That's not changing. It's definitely a feminist conspiracy.
Where do you get the low class garbage identifiers? She seems like a perfectly boring political person.

She's a Press Secretary, spinning the narrative for the POTUS like all that came before her. These roles should not openly lie, that's a line that destroys their credibility (see: Sean Spencer). The last 2-3 Press Secretaries have done an admirable job for their POTUS, crossing administrations.
Institutionalized racism is what that is. But hey, it is also the very definition of social justice. She is literally increasing social justice (of the Ibram X Kendi variety) in IL.
Anyone know the context?

If the races were reversed, I can't imagine a context in which it wouldn't be treated as horrifically bad (and justifiably so). However, if you look at her explanation further, she's doing it because the City Hall press corps is disproportionately white when compared to the city's demographics.
If the races were reversed, I can't imagine a context in which it wouldn't be treated as horrifically bad (and justifiably so). However, if you look at her explanation further, she's doing it because the City Hall press corps is disproportionately white when compared to the city's demographics.

On the surface, this sounds absurd. Usually when things are absurd its because there is a rational explanation being relayed absurdly. If there isn't an absurd side of this I'll gladly join the pitchfork crowd.
On the surface, this sounds absurd. Usually when things are absurd its because there is a rational explanation being relayed absurdly. If there isn't an absurd side of this I'll gladly join the pitchfork crowd.

Usually there is a rational explanation, but there aren't many rational explanations for overt and intentional race discrimination. There are very few contexts in which that isn't considered terrible. I wouldn't say I'm going to join the pitchfork crowd over this. Mayor Lightfoot doesn't have to talk to anyone she doesn't want to talk to, and I think it's a bad thing to base that decision on race and certainly won't take her seriously if she ever lectures anybody about the evils of racism.

I also think she's full of ****. I think the real reason she's doing this is that she assumes that white reporters will be tougher on her. Maybe that's true, maybe it's not. However, I don't live in Chicago, so it's pretty inconsequential to me. If her voters like it, that's up to them.
Chicago mayor: Reporters of color get 2-year mark interviews

This is true. She is doing it. And if ANYONE thinks that a politician should be able to control who asks the questions then you are out of your freakin' mind. Over the years we have seen the overwhelming majority of the media are Liberals. Now we are being told that journalists of color are unbiased and will ask questions OF THE GOVERNMENT that represents all points of view and dissent. We are also being subjected to the usual defense:

I'm offended.

Just read on:

"But others, including The TRiiBE, a Chicago-based digital Black-oriented media platform that offered extensive coverage of civil unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s death, among other topics, found the anger over the mayor’s decision offensive.

“With this outrage, y’all are implying that Black and Brown journalists aren’t capable of asking the hard questions,” TRiiBE tweeted Wednesday, saying it got an interview the same day."

Liberals need to be crushed at the polls. I will keep banging that drum because it is OBVIOUS they are on a mission of power and they do not care about anything except what they want and they will do anything to get it.
"The press corps is the filter through which much of what we do in government is dissected and explained to the public,” Lightfoot wrote. “And yet despite the many talents and skills of our reporting corps, I fear this arm of our democratic system is on life support. The Chicago media leadership must evolve with the times in order to be a true reflection of the vibrant, vast diversity of our city.”

Evolve with the times; meaning I want an echo chamber and I want to hear only about my perception of the problem and my solution to the problem. I want support.

What am I missing here? A straight Democracy is a straight majority rules. She's talking Democracy yet doesn't like the numbers in the media core.

Chris Cuomo Advised Governor Brother On Response To Sexual Harassment Claims: Report

Article published in HuffPost so it must be egregiously true because they are as Liberal as it gets...

"CNN anchor Chris Cuomo gave advice to his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), on how to handle sexual harassment allegations made against him, according to a new report.

Chris Cuomo was involved in a series of conference calls with the Democratic governor’s team earlier this year where he urged his brother not to resign from his position even as multiple women had come out to accuse the governor of sexual harassment. The CNN anchor blamed “cancel culture” in one of the calls, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Nine women came forward earlier this year to accuse Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment and inappropriate comments. Three women said the governor kissed them without their consent. And one woman, who has remained anonymous, said the governor reached under her blouse and groped her last year at the governor’s mansion. Andrew Cuomo is now under investigation by the state attorney general.

In March, Chris Cuomo acknowledged the allegations against his brother to his CNN audience.

“Obviously, I am aware of what is going on with my brother,” Cuomo said. “And obviously, I cannot cover it because he is my brother.”

But behind the scenes, Chris Cuomo had his brother’s ear.

“The governor only trusts about five people,” an anonymous adviser to Andrew Cuomo told the Washington Post. “So that’s why Chris is on these calls.”

In a statement, CNN told The Washington Post that “it was inappropriate to engage in conversations that included members of the Governor’s staff, which Chris acknowledges.”

The network declined any disciplinary action."

If you can't see the blatant media bias then you have no credibility.

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