It is the responsibility of the United States House of Representatives, that power given to them in the US Constitution, to promote and impose any tax or taxes and who will vote and can change income tax, tax laws, tax breaks, tax loopholes, etc. The Senate also needs to ratify what ever taxes the House proposes.
If successful businessmen and congressman can use certain tax advantages to their benefit, why not? Congress has allowed it and if the IRS hasn't found anything illegal in the past decades on political captains like the Koch brothers, George Soros, Warren Buffet, the Bushes, or the Clinton's why is this such a matter??
If anyone is to blame on taking advantage of tax breaks, tax brackets, etc. it is the US House of Representatives, political lobbyists and corporate not blame those who can navigate the byzantine tax laws that the House and Senate have given us. If it's anybody's fault, it's the United States Congress who allow our tax culture and they even benefit from it.