The Liar-in-Chief strikes again

I read your link. It reads like a Kendall Briles or a Lane Kiffin resume.

Almost all of the economic positives are on the same trend line that 8 years of Obama provided.

Tariffs aren't working out so good.

The tax cuts are a joke. Nothing more than a transfer of wealth. Supply side economics work in a vacuum. Some reinvest. However, most put their savings into offshore accounts, buy larger vacation homes or bigger boats.

He's a con man. Just like Trump University and his "charity".

They are not on the same trend line so you're dead wrong. Obama's average GDP was 1.88%. What's Trump's again? Under Obama this economy was built on funny money. All of Obama's "growth" was built on smoke and mirrors. The tax cut has boomed this economy and it's worked quite well. The tariff situation will work itself out because China will have to give in.
They are not on the same trend line so you're dead wrong. Obama's average GDP was 1.88%. What's Trump's again? Under Obama this economy was built on funny money. All of Obama's "growth" was built on smoke and mirrors. The tax cut has boomed this economy and it's worked quite well. The tariff situation will work itself out because China will have to give in.

It is my opinion that all Obama did was kick the can down the road by use of zero interest money and QE. The doubling of the national debt should force Liberals to stop acting like his economic policies were smart. Anyone could have done it.
I have to admit it too; I've never seen one Liberal (now's your chance Seattle) care one bit about what Obama said concerning Obamacare.

"You can keep your doctor" meant those who had current insurance would not be impacted. That is exactly what he was selling. This is a huge lie.

"The individual mandate is not a tax" meant just what it said. He was trying to deceive us and ironically the Conservative Supreme Court Justice bailed him out by declaring it to be so.

It is my opinion that the Left doesn't care about it because they just don't. They think they are right and will do whatever it takes. It's just like that Oakland Mayor who is arrogantly standing by her decision to tip off illegal immigrants about impending ICE raids. She has elevated herself to Sainthood and doesn't care what anyone thinks. The law is irrelevant.

Yep. Most people don't seem to realize all of Obama's lies because the press ran interference for him. If Obama was a republican the press would have destroyed him.

"the economy added more jobs in every year of Obama’s second term than it did in Trump’s first year. "

The trend lines look trendy to me. The difference is that the tax cut is a short term GDP positive.

A solid conclusion:

The Pinocchio Test
Many of the eight factors we examined tell a common story — the start of Trump’s economy follows the trend set by the last years of Obama’s economy. We’ll keep an eye out as the president’s policy changes — from tariffs to taxes — settle into the U.S. and global markets, but as of now, Trump is still working off the base Obama built.

We’ve said before that anyone who gives sole credit to a president for economic gains receives an automatic Two Pinocchios — and Trump’s claim of a historic turnaround is worthy of more. The historical books are going to view the actions taken in 2008 and 2009 by George W. Bush and Obama — and the Federal Reserve — as pivotal to saving the U.S. economy.

Trump, however, has exceeded expectations on jobs and economic growth that were in place at the start of 2017. That’s due in part because of his tax cut, but also because of factors largely beyond his control, such as the increase in oil prices. The real test will be whether the current trajectory is sustainable.
It is my opinion that all Obama did was kick the can down the road by use of zero interest money and QE. The doubling of the national debt should force Liberals to stop acting like his economic policies were smart. Anyone could have done it.

Yep. 12 trillion of quantitative easing for 1.88% annual growth. It was a freaking disaster.
We’ve said before that anyone who gives sole credit to a president for economic gains receives an automatic Two Pinocchios — and Trump’s claim of a historic turnaround is worthy of more. The historical books are going to view the actions taken in 2008 and 2009 by George W. Bush and Obama — and the Federal Reserve — as pivotal to saving the U.S. economy.

I agree the President shouldn't get sole credit or blame. What can they really do? Veto a bill? The main thing to me is confidence and a President can greatly impact our sense of wealth and well-being. Jimmy Carter's famous "malaise" speech was seen as placing a damper upon our nation. Reagan was famous for being positive all the time. We spend for what we need and extend that further if we feel safe and confident.

I don't know who was in charge of the QE. Did Obama do that? The Fed? Did he strong-arm or beg them?

As for Trump, there is always a time lag between congressional action and its impact on the economy. It takes years to know. I think many on the right are/were gloating about the economic metrics under Trump due to the politically motivated doomsday projections by Liberals if Trump won the election.

"the economy added more jobs in every year of Obama’s second term than it did in Trump’s first year. "

The trend lines look trendy to me. The difference is that the tax cut is a short term GDP positive.

A solid conclusion:

The Pinocchio Test
Many of the eight factors we examined tell a common story — the start of Trump’s economy follows the trend set by the last years of Obama’s economy. We’ll keep an eye out as the president’s policy changes — from tariffs to taxes — settle into the U.S. and global markets, but as of now, Trump is still working off the base Obama built.

We’ve said before that anyone who gives sole credit to a president for economic gains receives an automatic Two Pinocchios — and Trump’s claim of a historic turnaround is worthy of more. The historical books are going to view the actions taken in 2008 and 2009 by George W. Bush and Obama — and the Federal Reserve — as pivotal to saving the U.S. economy.

Trump, however, has exceeded expectations on jobs and economic growth that were in place at the start of 2017. That’s due in part because of his tax cut, but also because of factors largely beyond his control, such as the increase in oil prices. The real test will be whether the current trajectory is sustainable.

Sorry, I can't read the article. This woman doesn't seem to understand that the economy was already beginning to straighten itself out. A little bit of quantitative easing wasn't bad but not for so many years. Sorry, she's an architecture major. She doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. Take that article to the New York Stock Exchange and show it to the investors there and get laughed at. Look at what the people who make money think. It's Trump's Booming Economy, Not Obama's | Investor's Business Daily
I agree the President shouldn't get sole credit or blame. What can they really do? Veto a bill? The main thing to me is confidence and a President can greatly impact our sense of wealth and well-being. Jimmy Carter's famous "malaise" speech was seen as placing a damper upon our nation. Reagan was famous for being positive all the time. We spend for what we need and extend that further if we feel safe and confident.

I don't know who was in charge of the QE. Did Obama do that? The Fed? Did he strong-arm or beg them?

As for Trump, there is always a time lag between congressional action and its impact on the economy. It takes years to know. I think many on the right are/were gloating about the economic metrics under Trump due to the politically motivated doomsday projections by Liberals if Trump won the election.

The fed is in charge but its members can be replaced by the president after a four year term. The feds technically have the power but they usually go by what the prez wants or they are out. This current fed chief would probably get it for his hikes when his term is up except he's safe until 2022.
I think the entire cast blame or give credit solely to the President game is a complete capitulation by everyone that Congress is untouchable. They have managed to construct an institution that is destructive, immutable and wholly blameless.
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What accomplishments? All I see is a trail of destruction. It's like he shorted the USA and he's going to profit off of it.
- defeat of ISIS
- record unemployment
- rising wages
- corporate tax reform
- deregulation
- conservative judges
- prison reform
- new NAFTA
- higher military spending
I have to admit it too; I've never seen one Liberal (now's your chance Seattle) care one bit about what Obama said concerning Obamacare.

"You can keep your doctor" meant those who had current insurance would not be impacted. That is exactly what he was selling. This is a huge lie.

I'm too lazy to sift through 5k posts but I've admitted Obama clearly wasn't being truthful when he made that statement, particularly since he had to have known that insurance plans would be dropped due to the new requirements ACA put in place for all plans. To be sure, I'm not making any excuses for Obama or any of their surrogates.

Now, are we saying that because 1 POTUS lied on a single important issue that gives license to lie about everything all the time, big or small? Trump really has changed the office of the POTUS and not for the better.
Good start
repatriation of billions in profits which will lead to increased tax revenue

increase of manufacturing jobs. ( ex 175,000 added in 2017 versus loss of 16,000 in 2016 Jobs in goods-producing industries — mining, construction and manufacturing — grew 3.3 percent in the year preceding July, the best rate since 1984, according to a Washington Post analysis.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which reduced the tax burden on small business among other favorable policies that undid the horrific burden Obama out on small business
December 2017, President Trump announced his first full Regulatory Plan and Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory actions, committing his Administration to issue at least three deregulatory actions for every one new regulation
The Opportunity and Revitalization Council , a $100 BILLION initiative to spur business and growth in urban areas.. The program will offer breaks on capital gains taxes to investors in distressed zones — obviously a huge boost to predominately black and minority neighborhoods, which are still lagging in indicators like wage growth.
I guess that shows how racist he is.:whiteflag:

These are just some of the policies that positively affect workers. I did not mention the number of companies who brought jobs back or who are increasing their USA companies and who credit Trump directly.

I hate that he tweets crap and that he does not hesitate to tweet whatever he feels whenever he feels it.
BUT I bet if you ask any black or Hispanic who now has a job or any who got raises if his bombastic stye bothers them they would laugh.
I think the entire cast blame or give credit solely to the President game is a complete capitulation by everyone that Congress is untouchable. They have managed to construct an institution that is destructive, immutable and wholly blameless.

If that was true, they wouldn't have a collective approval rating below the POTUS. Yes, they've greatly abdicated in areas like war but untouchable and blameless? It seems to me Congressman are getting voted out on a fairly regular occurrence now. Maybe not the ones you like but unless you are a vocal leader your job is at risk. Even vocal leaders (see: Cantor) are also at risk but less so than most.
IIRC I believe Trump said ISIS was defeated in Syria.
All the experts including leaders In Iran and Iraq
say ISIS now controls less than 2% of what they did control in Syria.
IIRC I believe Trump said ISIS was defeated in Syria.
All the experts say ISIS now controls less than 2% of what they did control in Syria.

Well, if they don't have any land I guess we no longer have to worry about them then. Thank you Mr. Trump. I sit corrected.

Oh wait...nearly every person in the Trump Admin, sans Trump, spent the 2 weeks preceding Trumps decision were quoted saying ISIS was on the run but not defeated and now was not the time to walk away. What do they know? Trust in the military genius that is Trump. He knows more than the generals. Believe him.
Now, are we saying that because 1 POTUS lied on a single important issue that gives license to lie about everything all the time, big or small? Trump really has changed the office of the POTUS and not for the better.

It's a lot more than one lie. Even the left leaning Polifact has a pretty long list of Obama's lies. All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact . I've seen conservative outlets have even more. My point is that Obama lied quite frequently himself. My favorite one was that he said it was easier to buy a gun than a book Yes, he said that. I bet you didn't know that, did you?
Well the Pentagon says ISIS only controls 1% of the territory in syria it once did.
So if that does not mean defeat to you SH what would?
Do you seriously think there is a way to kill them all?
Do you think ISIS will sign surrender docs?
If that was true, they wouldn't have a collective approval rating below the POTUS. Yes, they've greatly abdicated in areas like war but untouchable and blameless? It seems to me Congressman are getting voted out on a fairly regular occurrence now. Maybe not the ones you like but unless you are a vocal leader your job is at risk. Even vocal leaders (see: Cantor) are also at risk but less so than most.

I'm referring to the Obama vs Trump economy. The approval rating of Congress may be as you say (haven't looked at any polls recently) but most people are fighting hostile online wars over the two Presidents. Congress is never mentioned.

I think Congress is evolving a bit because of Trump and the long-time program of virtue signaling from the Left that is beginning more and more to gain traction in many Americans who are either intimidated or want to feel like they are "good" people. Beto was unable to unseat Cruz but his entire campaign was virtue signaling as far as I'm concerned. That and being able to ride a skateboard. I don't know that it was necessarily proof that Congress is not untouchable. I would have to look up the % of incumbents that make up the entire body.
Here's something I found about the % of incumbents in Congress:

Well the Pentagon says ISIS only controls 1% of the territory in syria it once did.
So if that does not mean defeat to you SH what would?
Do you seriously think there is a way to kill them all?
Do you think ISIS will sign surrender docs?

Deafeated typically means the threat is neutralized. If you want to redefine the term to support Trump's quote that's your right.
Because islamists and the jhadi philosphy are old world typical .
SH be honest. Do you think ISIS, AlQ etc etc etc can be defeated like the Germans and Japanese?
Because islamists and the jhadi philosphy are old world typical .
SH be honest. Do you think ISIS, AlQ etc etc etc can be defeated like the Germans and Japanese?
Do I? No, but I'm not the one defending the claim they are defeated. It sounds like you don't believe they can be defeated. Why are you defending the claim again?
- defeat of ISIS
- record unemployment
- rising wages
- corporate tax reform
- deregulation
- conservative judges
- prison reform
- new NAFTA
- higher military spending
ISIS not defeated.
His tax reform is a failure.
Conservative judges. Yay!
Prison reform was a nice bipartisan thing. They've been trying to do it for years. And, it's really a mini version of reform.
New NAFTA. GHWB's NAFTA. Too bad he couldn't get a new wall funded by Mexico.
Do we need more military spending?
We are now in company with Brazil, Argentina, Russia and Turkey in the authoritarian circles. Winning!
ISIS not defeated.
His tax reform is a failure.
Conservative judges. Yay!
Prison reform was a nice bipartisan thing. They've been trying to do it for years. And, it's really a mini version of reform.
New NAFTA. GHWB's NAFTA. Too bad he couldn't get a new wall funded by Mexico.
Do we need more military spending?
We are now in company with Brazil, Argentina, Russia and Turkey in the authoritarian circles. Winning!
You may not care for the items on my list, but for the half of America that actually produces something, these are highly important. I failed to add record oil and gas production to my list. Recall Obama wanted more regs on fracking. He also wasn’t competent enough to approve a pipeline. Dems: you can’t drill your way to lower oil prices. GOP: yes we can if you can let go of your redistribution policies.
ISIS not defeated.
His tax reform is a failure.
Conservative judges. Yay!
Prison reform was a nice bipartisan thing. They've been trying to do it for years. And, it's really a mini version of reform.
New NAFTA. GHWB's NAFTA. Too bad he couldn't get a new wall funded by Mexico.
Do we need more military spending?
We are now in company with Brazil, Argentina, Russia and Turkey in the authoritarian circles. Winning!
Your tax reform comment is ignorant. The lower corporate tax rate plus the re-expatriation of foreign profits has resulted in bringing stranded cash back to the US. You think Apple opening a 15k worker hub in Austin was going to happen otherwise?

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